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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. no....he wasn't even the best player on his walleye chop team this past summer. Character guy though.
  2. haha I was going to write the same thing.
  3. Didn't quite look like trolling to me. The Sioux was playing an FBS team, more often than not, these games get ugly pretty quick. Plus we are in rebuilding mode. To be honest this wasn't a shocker. Let the boys figure it out and hopefully they progress enough during the season to be competitive.
  4. Zane's going to have a big year....I can feel it. I sure hope he come's back for his senior year. He seems like the type that might.
  5. Haha, that was a laugher. Not solely that the Wild were ranked 4 but that the Bruins were 2 while the Hawks were ranked behind the Wild at 5. Gave me a good chuckle.
  6. JToews...no doubt. His two-way play here was ridiculous, even at such a young age.
  7. I'm pretty sure UND has had 1st rounders and players that make a ton of money. CHL has more 1st rounders on average NCAA has more late rounders for reasons to complex for this thread. College hockey has more depth than the CHL and that isn't disputed. Either way...still confused why the Bison fans seem so mad about this decision. They sound like Gopher fans. This should be a good thing.
  8. Not quite. It's a long story....too long for this thread How many NFL players (that actually play)...suited up for the bison in the past 10 years? Obviously, we don't need to go into UND hockey players playing in the NHL or what their total salaries are. I am just more curious.
  9. What is this even supposed to mean?
  10. I'm not going to lose sleep over it. From what I have read here the arrogance is coming from the Bison fans. Like I said earlier, I cheered for the Bison to win those natty's. More out of pride for the state. I am more of a D-1A football fan. I simply think it's a good idea for these two teams to play. I just find it odd there could be such arrogance from a fanbase at this level of play. This decision seems obvious to me, however by no means am I an FCS expert. Done trolling
  11. ...I strongly doubt that. You guys had your run full of seniors but that can't continue. It was a nice run though.
  12. Haha, not really. Nice try. Don't get me wrong, I do like the small school rivalries and all and did cheer for the Bison to win those FCS natty's, however, Bison fans telling Sioux fans their teams are garbage is like the JV Mandan team telling the JV Langdon teams they are garbage. I just thought it was comical. There is only one top tier college sport in ND and that's at UND and it's hockey.
  13. This one made me chuckle. Hate to spoil your joke here....but nobody outside of small town schools even knows the FCS exists. Second tier football is tough to watch unless it's the only thing to watch I guess. When does hockey start up? Sorry to all the UND football fans...but this is an accurate statement. I just hate hearing Bison fans think they are some sort of top tier football team. Top tier football teams play in top tier leagues.
  14. Thornton was treated pretty bad. He is one of the best playmakers in my generation. I would love him on the Hawks ( if he was paid less )
  15. I pretty much agree with you. He was solid at the end of the year last year. I am excited to see him play this year.
  16. You may be right, but Thompson was a 3rd rounder, one has to believe Hak had to get him in there here and there on the sole fact that he needed to develop. You can't sit a third rounder the entire year unless he absoutely flops initially. Thomspson has all the skill in the world but is a little rough around the edges. I believe he will make a decent jump this year. I also think Hak should start him out with Schmaltz and see how it goes.
  17. Respectfully.....not a chance. He brings way too much offense and he's a senior. As long as he's partnered with Ladue (or Schmaltz I guess) he'll be fine. I also read he had a great development camp for the Hawks. I am actually expecting him to have a very productive year. High 20's point total is my prediction.
  18. I live hear too. I definitely know what you mean. However, the goofs are sitting in a recruiting gold mine where most kids grow up as goof fans. We have to work a tad harder.
  19. I know, it was very tough to write. He impressed me early but had a few defensive mental lapses late in the season. Who else sits though?
  20. I like a lot of what you post and we all like our Toews, Oshie's, etc. however, what do you have against older players who peak later? I think that's the great thing about college hockey. Also, Ladue was very, very solid last year as a freshman. A tad better than "alright". His mental mistake against CC was what it was, but his +/- was what it was as well.
  21. Exactly. Doesn't happen very often but when it does, GM's sure point out the flaw.
  22. What I meant was this kid obviously wants to develop very fast (probably too fast if you ask me) and he probably wouldn't have played much at UND until his junior year. He'll get PP time in the O, you think he would have ever sniffed our PP? Not a chance.
  23. This one was worse. Miller bolted right after the draft. This kid said he was 100% before the draft and last week, each time when the rumors surfaced.
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