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Emerald joker

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Posts posted by Emerald joker

  1. We just have no luck. We hit crossbars and miss open nets. We have the puck sitting their right in front of the net and can't quite get our stick on it. We also don't seem to have any luck with officiating. Our goaltender had a bad night. If it is not one thing it is another. In spite of everything there is one thing I hate about hockey. Why can't officials call the game fairly all the way to the end of the game. The fact that Patton got a penalty on that play is an absolute joke and the official that called it should be suspended. The replay showed that he had clear vision on the whole play. In spite of everything else that call alone probably resulted in the game not being tied. College hockey should be embarrassed for not cleaning up stuff that happens with officiating at the end of games. It really is very sad.



  2. I'll heading to BWW tonight. There have been packets of Sioux ever increasing there.

    Last year, I would go there for games, and I would be known as the Sioux guy, and they would turn the TV in front of me to the Sioux game. Two weekends ago, about 80% of the TV's were showing the boys vanquish the huskies while Notre Dame's attempted upset over Kentucky was relegated to a couple oddball screens. It's getting to be a kinda cool atmosphere.

    PM me if you show up there tonight!

    I asked a friend if he wanted to go there tonight. Say hi if you see me, ill be the guy in the white Sioux jersey lol

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  3. Who got us into this mess I dont think Sioux Hockey was ever that hostile & abusive with the name - even our biggest rival never really overly abused our name (in Hockey) but football & the rivalry with NDSU took it to the extreme that got the name taken away

    It is not hostile and abusive, it's the PC A**HOLES that make it that way. I have personally never once heard anyone say it was. All I've ever heard is the pride people have in the FIGHTING SIOUX name. But you know there's always someone who has to make trouble somewhere.

    Excuse me, the Fighting Irish nick name offends me, I want it changed now!!!!!

  4. Any evidence to back that claim? What about the countless people on this board who have sworn off of "North Dakota" merchandise. I don't suspect they're going to race to the store with their wallets out absent change.

    Besides, is anyone really moved by any of the generic "North Dakota" stuff?

    Not me!!!!

  5. Just do what Canada did to Eichel during the World Juniors.

    This..........he looked like every other player out there. If the announcers hadnt been talking him up i didnt think he was anything special but i havnt seen him play in college yet either

  6. As many of us head to Boston, some are to be introduced to the Boston area dialect. Here is an article that might help to understand that dialect:

    Researchers for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority found over 200 dead crows near greater Boston recently, and there was concern that they may have died from Avian Flu.

    A Bird Pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and, to everyone's relief, confirmed the problem was definitely NOT Avian Flu. The cause of death appeared to be vehicular impacts.

    However, during the detailed analysis it was noted that varying colors of paints appeared on the bird's beaks and claws. By analyzing these paint residues it was determined that 98% of the crows had been killed by impact with trucks, while only 2% were killed by an impact with a car.

    MTA then hired an Ornithological Behaviorist to determine if there was a cause for the disproportionate percentages of truck kills versus car kills.

    He very quickly concluded the cause: When crows eat road kill, they always have a look-out crow in a nearby tree to warn of impending danger. They discovered that while all the lookout crows could shout "Cah", not a single one could shout "Truck."

    Just a little humor to break the stress before Thursday. :)

    That was funny

  7. Cant remember if anyone has thought of this, cool name for the meaning but i dont think a logo would look to tough. Hows The Green Berets sound. Only the elite make it! Dont think id use it but the meaning seems cool

  8. It's putting the responsibility for executing a legal hit on the player initiating the hit, as it should be.

    I'm sorry but this whole "keep your head up" thing is a thing of the past and I think it's a good thing.

    By all means, keep your head up so you can make a play, but you can't just break a rule because a guy's head is in a certain spot or because he's looking down.

    Not saying break the rules, they're just making everything now where people dont have to be responsible for themselves anymore. My opinion

  9. Couldn't agree more. That's something you teach kids, keep your head up. Skating with your head down puts the skater in danger and with the new rules is unfair to the defense.

    Thats kinda what i think, im not saying destroy the guy but they're making harder to hit players now a days. It wont be long before checking is not allowed cuz someone might get hurt, cuz were raising a world of wuses and whimps

  10. Not sure where to put this comment. Watching the Denver Providence game late, Leleggia just hit a Providence player but got him in the head cuz his head was down, got a 5 min major. Now how are gou spose to hit a guy with his head down without getting a major, thats gonna show players to skate with your head down and act hurt if your hit. Its frustrating cuz its putting the resposibilty of the guy with his head down in the other players hands

  11. So your 1st round draft pick Fr. center, who won't shot the puck, is on a line with a wing w zero collegiate goals and another wing that is not offensively gifted either......in a loser go home game.

    Yup......this makes sense.

    Havnt you noticed, thats the kind of sense Hak likes to make

  12. Not that it matters to much but Brown University is actually hosting the Providence regional, it is Notre Dame that got the on campus regional. I believe that the short travel had to do with the Friars being placed there. I mean, how short is short. BU and BC are within 60 miles of thier game sites. Don't get me going on this home cooking issue.

    Im just gonna keep thinking that the NC$$ doesnt like UND

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