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Emerald joker

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Posts posted by Emerald joker

  1. I think the crowd noise has more to do with the fact that games have become more of a social status is Grand Forks than really for fans. I know a lot of people that go just to hang out, almost like a night at the club. They couldn't care less about the game itself.

    And to many old people that would rather sit down and do the golf clap when the Sioux score. I on the other hand tend to loose my voice after the games sometimes, half of that is usually yelling at the refs, espscially when you have a shepard and/or pointy face(anderson) reffing

    • Upvote 1
  2. Sure, if that's what you want to believe. The source I've heard it from is someone in the business community. I won't go as far as to say they are in the GOBC though. I also won't go as far as saying I believe them as they really don't have proof. Just posted what I heard because it is a rumor that is going around town.

    I think thats the only way we'd be voting on either North Stars or Sundogs, other wise I'd say it would be between no nickname and RoughRiders which i could live with

  3. I've been hearing these rumors also. Not from inside Twamley but from people who claim to know people. The only way I see North Stars win a public vote is if it goes against Sun Dogs in the finals.

    So to make that happen, they'll give us North Stars against Sundogs to vote on, then we'll know this was a setup

  4. Not sure I'll get over this, reason being,we have these damn pc whiners telling us we have to get rid of OUR AWESOME nickname that most everyone has so much pride and honor in, then win there little argument then tell us to get over it. I for one dont really like to be told what to do when it comes to things like this.

    If you dont like the name, you dont have to attend this school or watch the sports, simple as that!!!!

    Seems like the more freedom of speech this country has the more freedom of speech we dont have because people have the right to be offended by anything and everything and its gotten so out of hand and so @#&!@$# sickening. Why dont these people tell life that its offending them and see how far they get!

    Ok, i think im done for a while



  5. That was awesome and so true. Everything is going to offend someone cuz most everyone has gotten so sensitive and cant take the pain of reading something. I hope this offened everyone because i really dont care and neither does the real world!!!


  6. Doesn't it seem odd that he would be so close to GF but not make at least a brief stop? I don't get it.

    I've heard it has something to do with his brother not getting much playing time here, not sure though, just rumors

  7. Is it really fair to assume he'd be on the bench all year? Because you really never know...

    That said, I think we should keep him in juniors, go with what we have and worst case scenario we have Poolman...

    I wouldnt think we need Poolman at forward because dont we have enough forwards?

  8. i know we're "supossed" to be going away from the Sioux name but I was watching a clip of Dances with Wolves, i never really knew what that movie was about but found out Kevin Costner befiends and becomes a memeber of the Sioux tribe. Anyways the few minutes that I watched Kevin says he's never know a people so devoted to family and so dedicated to each other and the only word that came to mind is harmony. I know its just a movie but that sounds like "UND" sports, espcially hockey and its just really sad and a shame that the pc @&$holes have made us take away the Fighting Sioux name!!! At least we'll always be Fighting Sioux in our hearts!!!

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