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Emerald joker

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Posts posted by Emerald joker

  1. I think if Mac can't go Simonson will get the opportunity on Friday night. With Simonson being able to play center you could just put him in Mac's spot and not have to change anything else and I wouldn't be surprised if that is what Hak does. If Mac is out and Simonson gets the call I would like to see Poolman-Caggiula-Parks, Chyzk-Schmaltz-Johnson, Pattyn-Simonson-St.Clair, OD-Gaarder-Poganski as the lines for Friday night.

    This kinda works but put Simonson for LJ and Olson with Pattyn and St.Clair! Lookd good, now let tell Hak what we want lol

  2. If Mac can't go....Gaarder line as is. Poolman Pattyn Olson. LJ NS Colton. Parks Caggs Chyzyk.

    I dont like LJ NS and Colton togther, doesnt look right for some reason. I like what someone said in the saturday SC thread, move NS to center Parks and Poolman then Pattyn can center St.Clair and Olson and Simnson and take LJs place.

  3. I think the Sioux do a good job of blocking shots but i really wish they would challenge the other teams more, i think they give the other team way to mich time to shoot sometimes.

    I liked how St.Clown set up their PP and i like how the goofs set theirs up to, they get the other team in such a tight circle.

  4. Senior weekend

    Sioux 6-3 pattyn,parks,OD,Mac,Gordini,mattson

    TV - CBSsports only

    Brads Friday AM reading


    Senior edition of through these doors


    I watched it last night, awesome episode. I loved how Pattyn talked about getting goose bumps hearing the "home of the Sioux" after the Star Spangled Banner.

    I try to yell it even louder tonight General!!!!!

    • Upvote 2
  5. NCHC is taking a look at the scrum during this game. Not sure if there will be any additional punishment but I could see Gaarder getting a game for throwing a punch.

    Getting a game and didnt even drop his gloves.

    If he got a game for that how many players shouldv got a game already then. And what about the guy that gave him a shot as they were going to the box?

  6. I'd say Kristo did just fine in his 4 years as a Sioux: 68 goals, 93 assists, 161 pts.

    I love watching Caggiula play as much as the next guy but Kristo's production at UND was pretty ridiculous. Not sure how he didn't live up to the hype with those type of numbers.

    Maybe I didnt pay enough attention to him when he was here but seems it seems like i notice Caggiula more then I noticed Kristo

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