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Emerald joker

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Posts posted by Emerald joker

  1. I knew about Keane via an interview I read this summer. Makes sense for Peski too. Several recruits listed as 2016-17 will be playing a couple years of junior hockey before hitting campus. Will Keane come in next year? I suppose it all depends on whether Schmaltz/Boeser stay. Four seniors this year to likely be replaced by Jost, Bowen, Yon, and Mattson (guessing). How many d-men will be leaving after this year? No seniors on the blue line.

    I say possibly all the d-men except the freshman and maybe Ausmus leave. Im hoping at least Ausmus, Stecher and Poolman will stay!

  2. If "Roughriders" wins in the voting process I wonder how much UND is willing to pay Mr. Sdao to use the logo or name, whichever applies to the situation.  The colors are similar and I would graphic artists would come up with similar designs for logos, so it is likely that somewhere down the line they will have to contend with all of this.  I would guess that the same thing would happen with "Northstars."

    Does anyone else see the double-standard of being fine with having to pay these entities, however, there was to my knowledge never a discussion of paying the tribes for use of the Fighting Sioux name?  I am sure a little money could have went a long way to grease the skids to get a vote at Standing Rock.

    I'm really not a Fighting Sioux forever guy, but all these names are lame and the process blows. 

    They should have to pay nothing. So when is this guy going to start paying the Saskatchewan Roughriders and Red River High School?

    • Upvote 1
  3. This worries me about what CAN happen if we use RR as a nickname! This proves the potential is there for lawsuits. If you truly care for UND like I do, you will not vote for RR's. You guys that are passionate about RR as the nickname need to quit whining and learn to just let go! 

    We must join together and do what's right for the U of ND. Vote no for RR...


    Karma sure is a bitch!


    You can find something wrong with EVERY NAME, people need to get over that. 

    Why would a UND alumni go after UND for a nickname, something isn't right there. Why doesnt he go after Red River and the Saskatchewan Roughriders to then?

    Everything that is going on sounds like a ploy to get us to take sun dogs

    • Upvote 1
  4. It already changed, there is less and less Fighting Sioux gear wearing fans in the seats along with the disappearance of Let's Go Sioux and Home of the Sioux and it's been 3 years since we haven't had a nickname.  Prepare for more Sioux-less fans when we get a nickname. I use GFC as reference because it's in UND's backyard and UND is going through exactly what happened to the Redskin name. 

    Less "home of the Sioux" and "lets go Sioux" chants? Have you just been to high school hockey games then? I have season tickets to the hockey games, the chants are as loud as ever in my opinion depending on whether a younger or older person is sitting next to you, older people tend to not be as vocal

    • Upvote 1
  5. Until there is an official announcement that the NCAA will not approve of it without threat of sanctions, no name is the best choice.

    hawks-  sure

    north stars- fine

    nodaks- whatevs

    sundogs-HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    roughriders-  serenity now!

    Fixed your post :)

    • Upvote 1
  6. Only if your a special interest minority group. 

    HAAAAAA, i like that one!!!


    I could live with Roughriders but not sure ill ever buy a jersey and i will keep chanting LETS GO SIOUX because I cant stand the pc crowd and dont like when someone tells me i cant say something when this is supposed to be a free country, if people want to let themselves feel hurt by it then so be it. 

    How about a bunch of us get together and go cry about the fighting Irish and how much the logo (that looks like its ready to fight) offends us! 

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  7. An helmet pics of the goalies or pads yet? I know tomeks was posted once few months ago and was very cool looking. Any major or minor jersey/uniform changes for those in the know this year or all the same ol dull jerseys? 

    i think it would be cool if they put the round logo that sais University of North Dakota Hockey on the front of the jersey

  8. More than half? Are you sure lol?

    4 Seniors....  Drake, Chyz, Saint, Sanderson

    I could only come up with 7 POTENTIAL players that would leave. Some may stay.... Schmaltz, LaDue, LJ (I think he stays), Pooly (I think he stays), Boeser (stays), Keaton and Stecher....

    We have 26 players. This is at most 10 players gone. Not a chance we lose that many.

    That being said, we will lose some and they will be significant losses.

    I wouldnt be surprised if Stecher, Pooly, Keaton and LaDue, maybe even Ausmus leave after this next season. Not sure about Ausmus but I thought all the others got contract offers

  9. Alright-

    Top 6:  LJ, Jewels, Schmaltz, Boesser, Wilkie, Gersich

    For sure in lineup bottom 6:  St Clair, Chyzyk, Pogo (love this as a third line btw- dominant 3rd line- (even hockey against a first line, plus against all others)

    Rest of bottom 6:  up for grabs- Olson and Simo have a track record.  Rhett and the Fin have good cred/potential


    D corps is legit:

    For sure every day:  LaDue, Stecher, Ausmus, Poolman, Thompson




    LJ needs to stop taking stupid penalties and put a couple more pucks in the net, otherwise i'd say you could switch him and Chyzyk in top 6. I love when Chyzyk rushes the net, good things happen when he does it! 

    GO SIOUX!!!

  10. I know this is early but im assuming there's going to be a bus for the Duluth and St.Cloud series. Just wondering how much tickets and hotel usualy are for those games if you know yet. I want to try and start saving for those games because I've never been to an away game. Thanks

  11. http://undhockey.areavoices.com/?p=100716

    Having a hard time not being overly giddy and trying to temper expectations when I see a clap-bomb, one-T Boeser brings for his third goal. I can't recall a better potential finisher as a freshman coming into our program. Anyone?

    we usually have one guy thats coming in that seems to be highly talked about but then leaves early or never really reaches that potential, meaning a game changer. I think Rocco couldv been that guy had he stayed. hopefully Boeser changes that

  12. @JulieRobenhymer: Auston Matthews said he will announce his decision on where he is playing in the coming season soon after this #NJEC #2016Draft

    Why does anyone care anymore? Wasnt he going to decide like 3 or 4 months ago.

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