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Emerald joker

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Posts posted by Emerald joker

  1. I'll make this easy on them. Any name other then Fighting Sioux offends me, they dont want to offend anyone so i guess we'll just have to stay with North Dakota! Problem solved!!

    • Upvote 3
  2. The initial mystery is part of the allure, am I right? You're intrigued, you're curious, you're thinking, "What is this thing called an ermine?" And then you look it up and see a furry and adorable ball of terror that is pound for pound one of the most terrifying creatures on this big blue ball that we call earth.


    Nope, not thinking any of that. Im thinking i dont really want a little ball of fur for a nickname or logo!

  3. Okay, the suggestion period is closed, and they've published the scoring criteria. Here's how I would rate the Ermines nickname. I think it should win in a fair fight.

    The way I see the scoring for Ermines is:

    1. Be unique, recognizable, inspiring and distinctly UND’s

    Clearly a +1 and I don't see how it's not the top option.

    2. Promote a sense of pride, strength, fierceness, and passion

    Clearly a +1

    3. Be representative of the state and region in a way that honors the traditions and heritage of the past but also looks to the future.

    Certainly meets the first part. Looking forward is tough, but in an age of conservation and ecological awareness, Ermines works.

    I think it's a +1, but a skeptic might give it a 0.

    4. Be a unifying and rallying symbol

    I'm not sure how you decide this without research, but I think its uniqueness works for this. I'd give it a +1.

    5. Ease of Depicting/Personifying Physical Mascot:

    1 - Easy; mascot and fans can easily dress as nickname, e.g. Vikings, Lumberjacks

    0 - Moderate; easy to depict graphically and create physical mascot, however fan participation more difficult, e.g. Eagles, Bears

    -1 - Difficult; challenging to depict graphically and physically, e.g. Vandals, Tarheels

    Clearly a +1 and it's hard to imagine it not being the top choice based on other suggestions I've heard.

    6. Cheer/Battle Cry Considerations:

    1 - “Built-in” cheer, battle cry, e.g. Spartans, Wildcats

    0 - More difficult, e.g. Cornhuskers, Lumberjacks

    -1 - Difficult, e.g. Vandals, Tarheels

    I have no idea how to judge this for any mascot. Why is a Vandal difficult while a Spartan isn't? If they're just looking for recognizable nouns, Ermines is clearly a +1.

    7. Meaning of Nickname:

    1 - Obvious, e.g. Eagles, Grizzlies

    0 - Moderate, e.g. Vandals, Cornhuskers

    -1 - Requires explanation, e.g. Sooners, Hoosiers

    Should be a +1. Maybe some uneducated people would give it a 0, but come on. It's a mammal. We learn mammals in 5th grade.

    8. Linguistic Considerations – Pronunciation:

    1 - Easy, e.g. Lumberjacks, Thunderbirds

    0 - Moderate, e.g. Hoyas, Zias

    -1 - Difficult, e.g. Chanticleers, Gaels

    Again, we learn mammals in 5th grade. This should be easy. But based on the examples I could see it being a 0 and a critical person might give it a -1.

    9. Linguistic Considerations – Likelihood of name being abridged resulting in different name or name similar to existing name:

    1 - Not likely or not possible, e.g. Bears, Eagles

    0 - Possible, e.g. Thunderbirds to ‘Birds,” Bobcats to “Cats”

    -1 - Likely, e.g. Catamounts to “Cats,” Chanticleers to “Chants”

    It can't really be shortened, but I could see some heathen opponents using the "vermin" rhyme. This is probably the only weakness of the name, so this might be a -1. But any name is going to be co-opted by opponents. chef.gif, Faiders, Donkey, Dolts ... it's going to happen to any name. Every name will be a -1 if we're scoring based on those criteria.

    NO ERMINES!!!!!!!!

    • Upvote 1
  4. Not a potential recruit by any means, but what a playoff series (future Edmonton Oiler Connor McDavid) is having: 13 points in 4 games.

    Do the Oilers have the 2nd or 3rd pick, i cant remember. I think Buffalo has the 1st. I think which ever team drafts Eickel, im rooting against

    • Upvote 1
  5. As April is coming to an end, I really think Austin Matthews is going to go the Major Junior route. With him scoring a goal in the Worlds (even though it was an exhibition game) I think he is headed MJ.

    If he does decide to go the college hockey route, I don't see UND landing him. I foresee some Boston school getting him for some odd reason. He will be better than Eichel as he is more of a power forward and really is a special player.

    If Hak could land him, UND's team next year would be something special. N. Schmaltz, Bossers, Gerish, Drake + Matthews? That would be incredible. However, wishing on limb...

    If it seems to good to be true it probly is

  6. Maybe, but college provides much more practice time whereas MJ gives them games. The top tier talent guys figure they need less drill and more games. Pretty simplistic view, and I'm talking out of my arse, so we'll see if anyone calls me on it.

    Would probly depend how important an education is to him and his family too. I just hope if Matthews goes the college route he doesnt go to BU, then we'll never hear the end of Eichel either if he stays

  7. I watched Matthews this morning, unreal how good he actually is. I think he may end up being better than eichel. Has the same hands but plays at a higher speed. I'm shocked at how agile he is already given his size. He was a man amongst boys again Canada today. Tearing up the u18s.

    Sounds like he's a 1 year player then off to the NHL, seems like straight to MJ imo

  8. My favorite moments, in no particular order:

    -2007 West Regional OT winner over Goofs

    -Kyle Radke beating the snot out of a DU player between periods

    -Dasher Dance

    -2010 playoff series vs. Gophers (Frattin's demolition derby & throttling them twice)

    -2008 West Regional comeback and OT win over Wisconsin

    -Trupp's OT winner batted out of the air vs. the Gophers

    -Last year's shorty OT winner vs. Air Force

    -Doug Woog vs. Dean Blais Bubble Hockey

    So which ones are "Sioux" memories and "UND" memeories? I'd like that clarrified please :)

  9. Trupp picking the puck up on his stick against UMD made the Xcel Center electric(no pun intended)

    Even though he didn't score, just the confidence to do it was something I'll never forget

    I was at that game and when he picked the puck up i thought to myself, can he do that, is that legal? Lol, i had never seen it done before. To this day every time i watch that video all i can do is laugh, it was a very special moment for my first trip to the Final 5
  10. Trupp certainly gave us some memories. I'd have to include that brilliant diving back-check against Manitoba his freshman year. I knew we had something special in him when I saw that.

    I remember that and thinking the same thing. Thinking to myself, a freshman doing this without tripping up the guy. Stecher reminds me of a defensive Trupp. We were definetly spoiled with Trupp. Thats what i like about some of these smaller guys not getting drafted, they work their asses off and might stay all 4 years

  11. I'll make my case here.

    They need a mascot that is native to North Dakota - the ermine is native to North Dakota

    They need a mascot that is (at least somewhat) unique to North Dakota - the ermine's range is very limited in the U.S.

    They need a mascot that is fierce but marketable - the ermine is a fierce predator while also being highly charming visually

    They need a mascot that works with green and white - ermine are white, at least in winter

    They need a mascot that is unique and recognizable - as far as I can tell, there's no other team called the ermines

    There's probly a good reason for that

  12. Seminoles not hostile and abusive, Sioux hostile and abusive, WOW? Enough said.

    Not arguing with you. So does that mean Wisconsin would play the Seminoles because the NC***HOLES says that name isnt hostile or abusive? The Sioux nickname wouldntv been hostile or abusive if the standing rock council wouldv let their people vote. I just love the thinking sense of some people

  13. One think that I think every team needs is a go to goal scorer. If Matthews comes here, he may be the best pure, top end goal scorer we have had probably since Parise!! God I hope he deicides to come here!!

    He's sure taking his time deciding. I think I'm just going to assume he's taking the chl route

  14. I don't see this being an issue with Stecher. The chances of him putting far superior numbers next are significantly higher. With people like Boeser, Wilkie, Gersich and improvement from others, I would bet our powerplay will be much improved and I am sure Stecher could be a huge part of that. With continued development Stecher should easily raise his 3 goals and 10 assists from this year and possibly substantially, plus continue improving defensively.

    Drake, Boeser, N.Schmaltz, Stecher and Poolman as a defensman on the PP, theres goosbumps!!!!

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