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Emerald joker

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Posts posted by Emerald joker

  1. I called the 3-1 game last night so here's to the "Stonestradmous" sweep!!!


    Chyz, Parks (had a tough game last night. Needs a bounce back), N. Schmaltz and Pogo

    Think Parks shouldv slowed it down a little on that break away last night, think he mightv scored then.

    4-1 Parks, Mac, Caggiula, Poolman or Schmaltz, i feel a goal coming from him. Zane cant handle a shutout so puts the puck in the net himself lol, sorry cant help the smartassness

  2. He can get that toe drag wrist shot off really quick, like Kristo-esque in his senior year. I saw him do it a few times in World Juniors.

    The toe drag he made around the DU player that lead to the 3rd goal Friday night was unreal, I had to watch the replay at least 10 times to believe it.

    I thought the same thing. I think thats the longest or widest toe drag iv ever seen if that how you want to put it, how he keep the puck on his stick was unreal. He did it so fast and natural looking that i dont think the DU kid knew what happened. I was wondering to myself where has this been all year lol

  3. Schmaltz-Mark Mac-Parks




    I have no idea why Olson has been a healthy scratch and i know Simonson won't play over Johnson but these lines look good to me. Or you could switch Olson and Simonson around.




    Thought id put Poolman back at D to get Olson back in the line-up. So my lines for W. Michigan

  4. Unfortunately the status quo has been they don't like to offend league officials, from the top down. Maybe they figure they won't get a good interview in the future. It's sad, but they (local media, TV, radio, and newspaper) have a hard time asking any controversial questions to league officials and even university coaching staff. It's been this way since I can remember (early 80's) so I guess it has been passed on from media personnel to their replacements. That said, we do have quality media personnel that cover the game, they just don't like to get out of their comfort zone by asking tough questions and doing controversial pieces. Goon does a good job with this, but he doesn't get the coverage that the mainstream media get!

    So another words refs can screw teams over and get away with it, that will solve alot

  5. I really wish Schlossman, or someone else at the Herald would do a piece that takes the NCHC officials to task over this weekends series. I attended both games and couldn't believe the very, very poor level of officiating. Most of the issues I had have already been addressed in this thread, but I would like someone from the mainstream media go after Adams and co. to have some accountability. No offense to Goon, but maybe there would be a better chance to get a reaction from the league if something came from the printed media. I hope the Herald is listening. Denver plays CC this weekend so it would be beneficial to all teams in the hunt for the Penrose if Moore was suspended for at least one game.

    ^^^^^^^^THIS, call these a**holes out in the media!!!!!

    • Upvote 2
  6. And NOT ONE F@#%ING THING WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT!!!! All we would get at most is "duuuuuhhhhh the wefs cowed it as dey sow it duhhhhhhh" Its a digrace to the game of hockey. DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS SH*T NCHC. As don adams sits in his recliner while smoke his cigar saying its a good day. FU don!!!!! UGJ, im so pissed right now. Ok i think im done,

  7. Really thought we were pretty sloppy for most of the game but still should have came away with the win if the refs had any clue at all. One of the tougher games Zane has had in a while hopefully he can bounce back next weekend. Don't get the decision to go with LJ in the shootout especially after he had a good chance to win it in OT and couldn't get the puck on his stick. So many horrible calls by the refs including 2 easy missed Siouc goals this weekend but the most obvious decision they missed was to not kick out Moore for the dirty hit. It was an easy call with the puck nowhere no Caggiula and they let him stay in the game and he ends up with 2 goals and a shootout goal as well. The NCHC needs to wake up and fine or suspend these refs that cost us 2 points this weekend. At least come NCAA tourney time we will finally get away from this years horrible NCHC officials.

    Yea, nothing will ever happen to the refs, the NC$$, and the NCHC head of officials don adams obviously doesnt give a sh@t

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