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Everything posted by nodak651

  1. Serious talk: what makes it flawed? Can't they just use the same on as the guys?
  2. You are so full of !@#$. All you want is to see us being negative and talking about UND doing poorly. If you're not a troll, name 5 positive things about UND athletics.
  3. well this is an important recruiting class so it might be best if he waits till next year, anyway. plus we wouldn't have to waste the money
  4. How bout you go back to bisonville and talk about how you guys don't care about us.
  5. In seriousness... get a life.
  6. Hey, assuming UND is the home team in both games, anybody know what end they would shoot on twice?
  7. jones needs to get some dressing tips from bohl
  8. That's a good place. I've been going to Fat Daddy's, which is great, but I was just wondering if I've been missing out on a more sioux friendly bar.
  9. Anybody have a suggestion for watching the game in Alexandria? Stopping there Friday before I can make it to Saturdays game.
  10. Recently received this email: Provost Provides Update on Chester Fritz Library Dear Campus Community: There has been a great deal of discussion recently related to the Chester Fritz Library. I want to take a moment to clarify some of the things you may have read or seen, and to share my thoughts. I want to make two things clear up front. The first is that both President Kelley and I believe that the library is the academic heart of a research university. As many of you know, President Kelley’s father was a university librarian. President Kelley has an emotional and an intellectual interest in doing what we can to build an even stronger library, and I join him in this goal. The second is that the Chester Fritz Library is not facing a budget cut. The library’s base budget remains intact. At the same time, the library is facing an important financial shortfall, which I’ll explain below. I'm committed to finding ways of addressing the shortfall and working on a sustainable and stabilizing funding model that will help us support the library we need for the future. Last semester, I appointed a committee with a broadly based constituency to work on both of these related tasks: identifying how we might approach the current financial needs of the library, and helping to conceptualize what the library of the future should look like: as a research university in the digital age, what are our library needs and how, from a financial standpoint, do we make sure we manage those needs? Let's look at the first task. For several years, the costs of purchasing and subscribing to online resources has climbed at rates above the consumer price index. On average, these costs have increased by five percent a year. Meanwhile, the budget for the Chester Fritz Library has remained fairly constant. These increased costs have primarily been covered using one-time funds that have been applied like a band-aid. In the past, these one-time funds came from a pool of equity dollars appropriated by the North Dakota Legislature. These funds were not allocated during the 2013 Legislative session. I want to be clear that this is not a criticism of the Legislature, which has been very supportive of UND. But it is important to understand that this particular source of funds is no longer available. Also not available this year, because of a reorganization of our institutional investment strategy, is approximately $200,000 in interest. Those funds will be available again in the future, but the lack of those interest dollars this year compounds the library’s financial shortfall. Even if the one-time funding were still available, applying short-term financial fixes is not the best way to manage recurring and increasing costs. These should be accounted for in the ongoing budget. Several dollar figures have been used in the media to describe this shortfall. All tend to focus on the worst-case scenario, which ranges in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Chester Fritz Library, however, won't face the worst-case scenario. With the help of the committee I spoke about earlier, we'll identify the areas where we can make adjustments that will have the least impact on the University. The committee is already hard at work on this. Meanwhile, I'm looking for alternative funding to help cover the shortfall. The second task is in many ways much more important, and is one that libraries all over the world are considering: what should the library of the future look like, and how do we account for the increased costs of providing the online resources that our faculty and students need? This is a topic that will involve many more individuals from across the campus. But it is an important conversation to begin on a University level, and I’ve asked this committee to start that process. The work of this committee and other individuals who will help us envision this future will be important as the University develops a new resource allocation model. As you know, that process is just getting under way and will involve two task forces: one to examine academic programs and another to examine support functions. The academic task force will consist of faculty and department chairs. The support task force will be staffed by academic and administrative managers, faculty, and staff. Ultimately, the two processes will be interconnected, and one of the areas of analysis will be the library. Through all the efforts I’ve discussed here, we believe we can develop an even stronger library designed to help position the University for its exceptional future. We’ll be talking again as efforts progress, and in the meantime, please contact me if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Thomas DiLorenzo Provost
  11. Thanks a bunch. Standing room tickets are only $20 for anybody still looking.
  12. The on the glass standing seats are amazing. I couldn't help myself on my last drive down to the cities; I made a pit stop to catch the second half of an SCSU/MIAMI game and stood there. Probably the best view in the house for watching a play develop on that end of the rink. The glass is super clear.
  13. So I just talked to a guy from Fargo who posted his tickets for this weekend on Craigslist as SCSU vs. NDSU. He obviously had no idea that this was a big series and said a guy offered 140 for a pair of tickets. Is that what it's gonna take to get in? Any idea what the market value is for these tickets so I don't get ripped off?
  14. Near the UND section would be preferable, but anything that gets me in would be great. Let me know! Edit: found some, no thanks to you guys
  15. Just turned the game on. See Faison is in attendance.
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