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Everything posted by PSB

  1. I am up at 5am EVERYDAY!!! The early bird catches the WORM! The Traxis DBS 3500 was BUILT to Blind Scan, and motor. Unlike all those Hack receivers where Blind scanning and motoring a Dish are a distant after thought! As many people find out the hard way! And a reminder the Traxis DBS CANT be hacked into, and thats the main reason I ONLY use Traxis receivers! GO SIOUX!
  2. "Any word on new coordinates for this year? do we need to get repointed?" None yet I am sure as soon as we have any new it will be posted here or on the VisionPlus.US satellite forum! I use a TRAXIS Motorized satellite System, to scan every satellite in the sky, your right we get seem to get a handful of away games every year not to mention MANY other hockey games and indeed other sports! To record the games I use a small USB satellite receiver (Match Box Pro USB) , hooked up to the Traxis receiver as a slave (Real easy to do) That way I can record DIRECTLY to Hard Drive. Then I can do what I want with the files, playback on the PC or even watch on a Big Screen TV It really is just like a mini Tivo, with a timer and all! You can see an example of the stunning qaulity here......... http://vimeo.com/user514212/videos (Sorry Sprig we posted at the same time
  3. Sorry Jim
  4. I see you omitted any reply about you deleting my posts? Pants burning a wee bit right now? The post that you are talking about was a review of a Fortec receiver, someone blogged right on top of it. I could not move it, so I removed it. As Fortec were a PAYING sponsor there I of course removed the blog!! FACT! And the blogger in now a member of the VisionPlus.US forum! he understands it was a simple mix up. DrDish is also a member, along with MANY MANY Sioux fans. Remember there are areas of the VisionPlus.US forum you cant see as a non-member! Maybe just as well! I like the visionPlus.US forum JUST the way it is, no hackers! NONE! Not a one! Sorry to hear about your keyboard! I have a spare one here if you want it? In fact you can be the first guest on the PSB FTA Satellite TV show! How about it Iceberg, if you want to discuss this issue and your recent boycott on myself and DMSi products (I am a Licensed Proffesional) I am sure the members would love to know what you are really ALL about! It will give you a chance to get it all off your chest in public LIVE! Anyway the invites there! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/psb-fta-satellite-show Sorry I missed the part where I insulted you? And for the record I PAY CASH for all my satellite products and as a LICENSED professional I have the paperwork to prove it. Hey I can show you that when you come over for your keyboard. Then that will be one less non truth for you to spread!
  5. The checks in the mail, do you want it in $ or Scottish Pounds?
  6. Thats strange because when I was at that forum I got payments from all the advertisers I brought in? I guess your "Boss" is keeping them for you In fact I still have a copy of the document with all the rates for comission Not to mention all the freebies you get from them And the fact that you moderate their forums for them, for free? I think all the members here are well educated enough to see what you are up to I don't know why you don't like the Hot Dish 75cm I LOVE mine GO SIOUX!
  7. He He, you hit the nail RIGHT on the head there Sprig Hey Iceberg, if I remember correctly you had your Hot Dish 75cm dish arm replaced at NO COST. NOW THATS WHAT I CALL SERVICE And for your information the MIGHTY Hot Dish 75cm has been compleatly reworked. If you want have a look at the VisionPlus.US satellite forum where there is a FULL review of the product........ http://visionplus.us/smf/index.php?topic=4838.0 Here is a picture of the ALL NEW Hot Dish, I know you like to keep upto date with ALL satellite products
  8. I still fear that they will be forced to use another satellite, but I really HOPE I am wrong
  9. Ok maybe two Hot Dish would be required there I talk to folks now and then who claim to be in Alaska and are getting DirecTV on an 18" dish!
  10. Sioux Fans should beware where they buy their satellite systems / dish from! After seeing last seasons "recommendation" here for one of the above dish one fan went ahead and bought one, hired an installer who had a Birdog satellite meter and was familiar with Linear Ku Band satellite installation. Seemingly he had a real hard time with this install. For the life of him he could not find a signal and left the job defeated. The Sioux fan contacted me and I agreed to come over and finish the job. I get there and it's a three story house with the Dish right up on the apex of the roof! (I always install dish as low as I can) After chatting with the fan for a while he goes inside and I proceed onto the roof. My 24' ladder was fully extended, I zipped up the ladder and JUST when I was about to step on the roof the whole ladder collapsed and I fell the full 24' onto concrete, I was also wearing a 40 pound tool belt. I could have died that day. I was shaken and bleeding but not as shaken as the fan who had heard the ladder and me crash to the ground and had rushed outside. The neighbors all ran to my aid, one of whom was a doctor. After we all calmed down and the slight bleeding stopped I returned to the roof to finish the job, after all there was Sioux hockey that night, it had to be done When I got to the roof I found the problem/s. The LNB from one of the stores recommended above was DOA, dead. I replaced it, of course this could have been the first installer who damaged the LNB with the hours of searching for the satellite. But I doubt it as I had an identical LNB of the same brand DOA that same day on another service call! The main problem and the reason the first installer could not find the satellite was because the elevation scale on the side of the above recommended dish was mis-marked by over 7
  11. NICE picture of the Hot Dish 90cm Sprig
  12. Thanks Sprig, with everyday that passes I am getting the feeling there WILL be a satellite switch this year. The satellite used last year has had a power failure and a lot of sevices have been moved off to other satellites. I hope I am wrong, but if they do switch satellites I plan on making a video showing folks how to switch satellites themself. Of course folks with motorized systems like us will be able to switch to any satellite in seconds! Can't wait for the season to start again, best time of the year!
  13. Not only will the Match Box Pro USB receiver do HD it also does 4:2:2 and AC3 audio. There are more and more HD sports showing up in HD and 4:2:2 FTA but I have not seen any Sioux Home games in HD yet. But just this week I watched all the Twins games in HD (On C-Band) And remember with a USB device like the Match Box Pro you have to watch on a PC screen.
  14. Good news indeed. Thanks for bringing us the good news Sprig! One way to snag a few extra away games is with a motorized FTA satellite system. We always seem to be able to pick up a few extra games simply motoring to other satellites! (Then blind scanning, or even just visiting the visionplus forum where members post as soon as they find away games) Lets all hope that the games will be on the same satellite as last year, this satellite @ 93
  15. I understand completly Bob. We have collected around $50 already and every cent will be donated to the above charity. I am sure you know Sprig has a heart of gold and the idea was a knee jerk reaction! Guys please don't send any more $ but rather donate directly to the charity! All the BEST Bob!
  16. Sorry to hear this Bob and family. We are so glad to hear the prognosis is good and you guys will be in our thoughts and prayers. I will also be keeping up to date on the CaringBridge site. I hope a FTA satellite system will cheer Will up and help a wee bit to a full and swift recovery. All the best!
  17. PSB

    NCAA TV?

    Thanks, I just realised that when I posted I have the same (ABOVE) feed as last night up and running! Tonight's game will be on FTA satellite I am getting the game FTA @ 74
  18. PSB

    NCAA TV?

    I thought the game starts at 6pm tonight
  19. PSB

    NCAA TV?

    Here is an after match interview from todays win, not sure if it was actually shown or not. Since it's from FTA satellite it's warts and all (That's the fun of FTA (IMO) ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Pfj7ni18Ug
  20. PSB

    NCAA TV?

    I am getting the game FTA @ 74
  21. Signal is back up for tonight! 12014 /4880 /V 74% signal Quality!
  22. Taylor Chorney seems to get stronger and better every game. He can really hit that puck from the outside, and often does, I think tonight we will see a lot more of him! GO SIOUX!
  23. I lost all picture for a while, black screen. Signal was jumping from 0 -70 % quality. All is well now
  24. So much for my theory, (That it was just because it was daytime the last few weeks) 76% signal quality here!
  25. I really only know one goalie (Apart from the goalie's over the last 5 or so years that I have been watching Sioux Hockey) and have been LUCKY enough to meet him twice now. What an absolute gentleman and pleasure to spend time with. Lefty Curran I am not worthy
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