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Everything posted by SWSiouxMN

  1. So am I, and a short drive to go and watch when UND comes down (or in your case, NDSU).
  2. So does this mean that Midco will expand into the Cities?
  3. This seems silly. I hope this is wrong.
  4. Buy There will be a blowout where all 3 get in on the action.
  5. It just would have been nice that they could have said yes right now and still develop that process. Still, I love hearing that it should happen... lets hope very soon.
  6. https://tommiesports.com/general/2019-20/releases/20200617u216oc I guess the only good thing is that they didn't say: No.
  7. So... another kicking of the can down the road.
  8. https://www.ncaa.org/about/resources/media-center/news/division-i-council-proposes-pathway-diii-schools-become-di-members Key Paragraph: While this legislation is under consideration, the Council indicated it would be receptive to a formal waiver request from Division III St. Thomas (Minnesota) and the Summit League that would allow the school to begin the reclassification process.
  9. https://www.startribune.com/ncaa-decision-on-st-thomas-proposed-move-to-division-i-expected-wednesday/571302672/ Going down tomorrow. Once again: Make the correct call NCAA.
  10. I'd rather see that then nothing at all. MLB is about to fall behind soccer and hockey in the US major sports hierarchy.
  11. Could this be the first real gamechanger in the COVID-19 fight? Some in the UK think so. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/06/16/coronavirus-drug-steroid-dexamethasone-reduce-covid-deaths/3197420001/
  12. Congrats Gary Bettman. You are no longer the worst commissioner in the major sports scene.
  13. What was your favorite moment of the 2020 MLB season..........
  14. I don't have a feel on that yet, but my belief is that if the kids come back in-school in any form, fall sports should be a go. If I had the power, I would have said the minute the MN State Fair was a no go was to ask districts... want to start 2 week early and moved everything up by two weeks.
  15. I'm going to be interested to see if the Setter position will be settled. I hope they can get some decent play there to help out with the hitters.
  16. MDE has set a date of the week of July 27th to decide on schooling in MN. 3 options on the table: Return to in-school learning, Hybrid of in-school and distance, or distance only. If I were a betting man right now.... I think they will recommend Option 2* What I DON'T want to see.... option 3 *What happens in 6 weeks could change my opinion on what they do. **In addition to Option 2, I would like MDE to give districts the freedom to go for option 1 if they want to. I think RTR, TMB, Win-E-Mac, etc shouldn't have to follow the same thing as Minneapolis, St. Paul, A-H, etc.
  17. https://www.startribune.com/st-thomas-proposal-to-move-to-division-i-being-considered-by-ncaa-this-week/571252902/ Come on NCAA.... make the right choice here.
  18. So somehow this slipped through the cracks https://fightinghawks.com/news/2020/6/8/womens-volleyball-volleyballs-2020-schedule-announced.aspx What will Year 2 bring? I hope a step towards the top of the Summit.
  19. The thing with me is this: If the athletic department was aware of this investigation and given that word gets around with the other teams (because lets be real, it would have) why would they put themselves in this position to get called out to begin with? How dumb do you have to be? Jaxson was 100% correct to call out the athletic department on this. Blame should be fully placed on the marketing department within UND athletics. However, there is a bigger issues here and they need to be addressed. if the head coach told her to "let this blow over" instead of having a conversation with Jaxson.... I have a problem with that. Let her reach out and see if they can have a discussion and understanding. Even if he said, i'm not interested, it would still be an attempt to try and gain and understanding. If other UND athletes have been targeted due to fake snapchats, why hasn't UND done more to figure out who is behind it?
  20. Baseball is BACK! Well, the American Association is. Restarting their season on July 3rd using Hub Cities.
  21. https://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/6533386-UND-volleyball-player-explains-usage-of-racist-word-in-video-and-says-she-voluntarily-left-the-program
  22. Not a bad move for the Horizon.
  23. I just want one of these QB to take the job and run with it.
  24. Um...... should we be worried?
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