He called a masterful 1.5 quarters then went into a shell after the fumble and never regained any rhythm. 0 points in the second half is unacceptable and that goes on him.
That blocked punt demonstrated that our punter is an athlete. He snatched that ball off the turf with one hand and tried to advance it. Great awareness and coordination moments after disaster.
ISU has some big DL. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re able to force us to pass to soften them up. I hope that’s the case too, it would provide a good test.
I don’t like to do predictions. I don’t know our team this year yet and I certainly don’t know Idaho St well enough either based on two games against opponents from other levels.
I’m of the opinion that guys with gamechanging potential should prove in a game that they can’t get it done. The lights come on for some guys on game days in a way they can’t replicate in practice.