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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. I wouldnt compare the latest guy to the others. The others shot pretty well indiscriminately. This guy shot one, in what may end up being determined to be self-defense. The second and third "victims" put themselves in a situation where the guy really had no alternative.
  2. You absolutely can govern from a minority position provided you win the Presidency lol
  3. If she thinks that's bad, she should see what Dems said about her old man when he was running for President lol
  4. So you don't see an issue with following people around and berating them? Lol particularly Rand Paul... the dude who wrote the Breonna Taylor bill. The more these idiots do this stuff the more i am convinced they don't actually want change. They just want to complain. I'm inclined to think their absurd demands were chosen for the very reason. EDIT: that's painting with a broad brush and yes I'm very aware plenty of them probably do want attainable changes.
  5. Thats not what he said. Did you misread what he wrote or are you lying? Take your pick.
  6. Comparing a dumb overzealous kid getting in over his head to a school shooter makes me question your intelligence. If the info in the criminal complaint is legit..the witness they got the description of the events from, kid is going to get the self-defense jury instruction.
  7. There were black men there in the militia. Earlier you were complaining about how well they were getting along with the police, weren't you?
  8. As my legal writing teacher (and a million other lawyers will say) "if you feel the need to say its clear it probably isn't!"
  9. This area of criminal law was a bit confusing in school. If I recall, it generally came down to reasonable escape, having an objectively safe way out of the situation. 95% of my classmates are bleeding hearts who seemed to think escape is ALWAYS possible so our discussions were generally unproductive. So I suppose if a guy charges you, are you under an obligation to run? I dont know. In my mind (never been in that situation or practicing law or anything) I would think you aren't obligated to run, particularly if the guy is close because you don't know if you'll outrun him. Whole thing is a mess lol.
  10. It'll be equally interesting to see if they keep doing it after a re-election of the current President. On the bright side, Wisconsin support for BLM has went down by 20+ points in less than two months. I wonder if they will catch on that they should probably tone it down.
  11. "Hey one of the dozens of guys here with a gun shot a guy!" There were at least three guns visible in the clip of him running away from the group alone, including a gun being fired that was not his.. There is an awful lot of chaos going on in the video. Seems reasonably likely that Dispatch could have been talking to someone else. Perhaps dispatch was collecting information on him after police drove by. I think you have a very naive and unrealistic expectation of how fast police are going to get information, a description of who did it, and take action accordingly in a situation like that.
  12. How is dispatch going to tell the police he shot people when dispatch likely had no little if any idea of what had happened to begin with.
  13. This guy was not the sex offender. This guy was the normal violent felon I believe.
  14. Some journos on twitter have it broken down alright. Looks like he isnt the one shooting but tough to say for sure. There is a person on a sidewalk nearby who shoots at least once. I have a suspicion the kid is going to end up in the clear here for any of the shooting. There is a bit of video of the first altercation. You can see a guy charging him (allegedly after throwing a molotov or some sort of flaming object at the kid but I only saw a pic of that, not a video) and the kid shoots him. He then gets chased away. I dont see any of the shots UNDlaw says occurred, but maybe I'm missing something. Then he falls and they are on him, and he shoots.
  15. Jacob Black was given plenty of opportunities to not get shot. He's an idiot, it's too bad he's paralyzed now though.
  16. Define immediate. How far is the right distance? As an aside, sounds like the first guy he shot was a sex offender, so potential silver lining there.
  17. So... the knife was in the place he appeared to be going to? More will come out there as to what happened as well. Judging from the video, there is not much of a chance the police knew who had been shooting. Looked like the whole area was a bit chaotic. Plus it's night time. Tough to say he murdered two people when we don't know much about what happened with the first guy who got shot. Again, I expect more will come out there that clarifies what happened. If that was a self-defense killing, I would think the second one certainly was as well. You are not under an obligation to let a mob of people beat you to death. The third guy had a gun. At that point there was no way the kid wasn't gonna shoot him too. Seems like a reasonable fear under the circumstances. I'm not aware of Illinois having any requirements to owning an AR-15, the little research I did do says cities might have rules, idk where the kid is from though. If there is a permit required, I'd guess his dad would be the one to have it? Not familiar with gun permits, I lost all my guns in a fishing accident.... or I dont have any. Depends who is asking.
  18. The convention has been pretty good. Polls are tightening up in the battlegrounds....
  19. We'll see. More stuff tends to come out. They do have the guy on video using racial slurs towards black militia to shoot him. Some time later, he gets shot. Reminds me of this classic. I have very limited sympathy for any of the rioters. The further they get from cities the more likely it is that people will be armed and bad things will happen, legal or illegal.
  20. Being charged with murder won't go anywhere if he has a valid claim for self-defense. I don't know enough about the specifics of what happened to have much to say about that. We will see what happens there. In most of America, people are smart enough to not break into private communities. Protesting is fine and dandy (i generally find it stupid regardless of who does it) but stay in your lane and you probably won't have guns drawn on you. These protesters care an awful lot about their rights without recognizing anyone else's.
  21. I dont know if they saved the community from being looted or burned down. But they almost certainly had a reasonable fear that might occur.
  22. Have you read up on the prosecutor? She knew she wasn't going to get a conviction here. This was 100% to get her name out there and cause a stir. Maybe appease the mob by showing them "well we tried to get them but we live in a backwoods redneck state!" No jury of their peers was going to convict them of anything. Regardless, it likely doesn't matter that they pay private security. Without looking into it, it sounds like they own that private area along with the other residents. You don't forfeit your right to defend yourself or your property because you take other precautions to guard the area as well. Bison06 is probably right that you are likely conflating what you would do or even what the "right" thing to do might be with what the law of Missouri probably is.
  23. so...it may be safe to say there is a substantial likelihood that these folks, as owners of the gated community, have a right to prevent trespass?
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