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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Minnesota was beating Texas Tech by 31 in the 2nd half before the most epic collapse in bowl history and an overtime loss.. So "Sioux83," I feel as though it'd be fair to compare the football programs on Texas Tech and Minnesota. Maybe you should do your homework sometime. The Texas Tech '06 team was a lot lot better than the 9-4 Insight team. Remember, just cause UND got rocked by a D1 team doesn't mean that D1 team was good.
  2. Nope, you have to spell the state that the University is in. Idiot. You should really start referring to the team as UND, just so next year you'll still recognize the team who is playing in the Alerus.
  3. What CM means is actually don't read anyone's opinion that he doesn't like.
  4. Prove it that results would be replicated. They elected a group of people. If the Sioux name was even remotely important to them, they would have elected pro-nickname people, oh wait!!!! They voted for anti-nickname people...hmm...........not following your logic bro. Just playing Devil's advocate, I can give two craps if UND keeps the name or not, just throwing up 2 pennys in there with all of you guys.
  5. Montana St. has a legit stadium. It is not huge, in fact, even with the add-ons this summer I believe it holds less than the Fargodome but still, beautiful setting, a good atmosphere, nicer than the Alerus as long as the fans are willing to show up.
  6. D2 is different than when NDSU and even UND were in it. A lot of quality teams (sans GV St.) have been moving up. D2 includes Minot and Mary, hence it is irrelevant. UND has some work to do, whether thats fire Mussman or keep him, without a doubt, something needs to be done, I wouldn't make a big deal out of squandering a14-3 lead, I'd make a big deal out of the serious lack of talent and what not on UND's roster. UND( while I hate them) is too decent of a school to have a football team that is that bad, unaccepable. Makes you guys having the Nickel feel that much worse for us Bison fans
  7. fellow Whioux fans? I am unaware as to this name you speak of?
  8. 8>1 While I would love to have the Nickel, I am more than happy to polish off National Championship trophies, keeping one clean can be tough, but keeping 8 looking good is just a nuisance, I suppose UND doesn't know what 8 championships feels like......unless you combine sports I'm dicking around, as a hardcore Bison fan and a student with friends at both schools, NDSU has taken losing the rivalry a bit more hard cause UND had a chance to stay with us, go D1, and have a great time in what is a top 3 FCS conference ( better than Big Sky, USD beat EWU tonight), but UND chose not to, if it was the other way around, I'm guessing it would be a similar situation. I really loved the rivalry, even though during my lifetime UND won more, they were generally really good games if you go back and watch them. I wish they were in the same conference so both sides would HAVE to play one another. Obviously right now there is some bad blood between the Athletic Departments and I don't want an annual game( 6 home games is really nice), but even every 2-4 years would be nice. MVFC is the place to be right now, can only wish UND had been able to see the hindsight that they can now and would have joined when NDSU and SDSU moved up.
  9. Ann Arbor is a football town. Ever heard of the Big House? Madison is a football town. Camp Randall is wild. Minneapolis is a football town. VIkings or the Wild? Who is bigger. Boston is a sports town. Boston loves all of their teams. Having very good hockey attendence is worth being proud about, considering it is a small sport in comparison to the major college sports. I don't think most Americans would say they have a favorite college hockey team, but you can bet most people got a favorite football or basketball team. The fact though that UND has good hockey attendence kind of goes against what this Attendence comparison should be doing. It should not be adding sports for some schools that other schools do not have. Like I said,
  10. 3-8 in the Valley vs. 3-8 in the Great West are two different animals. UND fans make themselves come off as elitist everytime they claim to be the "flagship." Both teams were bad, the '09 Bison and the '10 UND squad were both awful like WYO said.
  11. This obviously does favor UND, very few FCS teams have hockey as a sport. I feel like if you are going to compare attendence it should include mainstream (no niche sports), Football, Basketball, Volleyball. Those are 3 sports that I would assume nearly all FCS programs have, and would make for the most fair comparison.
  12. (cricket cricket) Probably some down south, outdoor ball. But I can't name any.
  13. :\ you sure about that? Pat Paschall, nation's leading rusher. UND may have been able to beat NDSU, maybe. But you think they'd KILL the Bison? Don't you got a few pizza's to deliver Dave?
  14. JohnboyND7


    SO what you are trying to say is that the University of Idaho has a Law School which UND also has. More differences than similarities.
  15. That sounds like a waste of money especially with the name change coming up.
  16. Last I saw Standing Rock said screw you guys so.....where do we go from here?
  17. It might not be in Fargo, but the road to it has led through Fargo many times and homefully many more. SDSU shut UND out last season? Yes. USD beat UND, Yes. NDSU beat each of those teams by multiple touchdowns. So as of last year, UND would have been easily considered the worst team in the Dakotas. Is it normally that way? No. Normally UND is pretty solid along with NDSU and SDSU and USD usually lags behind but right now, UND is the worst currently. It happens, I'm sure there has been years when NDSU has been the worst of the four too. Nothing to be TOO ashamed about...
  18. RIght now its a Dakota 3. UND is CURRENTLY the worst of the bunch but in time that can easily change. As for the gentleman who said that NDSU won't win a title because we schedule OOC at home, I'm not following your logic whatsoever.
  19. I'd say $1,000 is pretty damn solid for a student to be giving.
  20. I hope you are not insinuating that the Sioux teams of the 90's could have beat the Bison of 82-90. Not trying to knock the Sioux teams of the 90's but the 80's Bison all the way up til the move into the Dome were all excellent teams. I am still not sure the Bison of today could beat those teams and obviously now we are D1.
  21. My school spirit is here in North Fargo. NDSU guy here. I think its great to dream big and everything, but lets be relatively reasonable here. North Dakota just isn't a bigtime FBS state. Is there anything wrong with that? Absolutely not. Not everyone can be FBS or at the very least be relevant in FBS. Do I think NDSU/UND could be good enough for the MAC? Absolutely. But do you want the highlight of your season to be the Meineke.com bowl after an 8-4 season against a 7-5 team from the Sun Belt? UND, nor NDSU for that matter, have ever given any reason to think that they can be a top 25 team in the FBS. Can either of our schools beat the worst SEC teams? No. Can they beat a mediocre Big 10 or 12 team? Perhaps. NDSU nearly beat a so-so Minnesota team and beat a terrible one. Beat a pretty bad Kansas team as well. I love the FargoDome. I love when it gets to 18,000 fans. It gets loud in there and it really makes for a good time. The Alerus, while a good bit smaller, offers something at least relatively similar. Maybe a bit more fairweather fans than NDSU just because hockey is king up North but you get the picture. If UND is good, the Alerus is a solid football venue. Plus it has beer. Which is awesome for you guys, we are very envious of that. I can see why you might want a bigger stadium because you want a bigger, better atmosphere. But I have followed what you said on this thread for awhile. You want an extremely expensive retractable roof stadium holding if I remember right, in the neighborhood of 25-35,000 people. That just isn't going to happen. I am sorry. Down the road, could UND potentially move back to Memorial and get it to hold 20,000? Yes, but once the cold hits not as many people are going to go watch. I'm not trying to be a hater here bro but c'mon. We can probably both agree, that regardless of which team is better, generally speaking, NDSU has more football fan interest, I think attendence figures have shown that. I have heard pretty well no one claim that NDSU needs a new football stadium. Would it be awesome if we had the fan interest to hold 30,000 people outdoors? Hell yeah, I'd love that. But that simply isn't going to happen. Tell you what, if UND starts selling out every game, for multiple years, and is winning Big Sky titles left and right, maybe even a championship, and the fans are demanding that the Alerus be replaced, I say go for it in that case. I don't anticipate that happening, but it wouldn't be the first time or the last time that I was wrong. I hope you can at least see where I am coming from. Overall, UND has very good facilities. The REA is a beautiful building. The Betty is nice too. The Alerus, while it isn't a flawless building, is a fine place to play football. A new building can only increase fan attendence for a year or two, if the product on the field doesn't improve, fans again quit coming. If UND became an average hockey team (they have had those years before), the Ralph isn't going to sell-out. If the football team had a 30,000 seat OUTDOOR stadium, and the team isn't good, you will go right back to 8-10,000 attendence. Not trying to knock you bro, I think people need to aim high, but sometimes, people aim a tad too high.
  22. One tribe. One of very many. As I read somewhere else, that is like saying that Delaware speaks for the entire Eastern Seaboard. Does Delaware share the same view as most of the East Coast on some issues? Probably, but do they get to say that they are the American nation as a result? While I am sure some of UND's fans appreciate the support, if this drags out, this could just add more issues that honestly, UND probably doesn't need right now.
  23. See, for those guys complaining (IrishSiouxFan) that the Alerus is not an acceptable venue, you probably never saw it at its best. It is essentially a smaller FargoDome but with beer! I don't see where you can really complain about it that much. I understand that you want this huge stadium at Memorial, but why would the school/city invest into that? Why do you think UND is going FBS? Have they given you any indication whatsoever that they Alerus is not a fairly long-term solution for UND football?
  24. WYOBISONMAN sets a really good example for how Bison fans should behave on here. Hambone does a great job of it for UND fans over on Bisonville.
  25. At the start of the playoffs I was totally on your side, I was devastated watching NDSU piss the Missouri St. game down their leg, but I think once they got in the playoffs they showed that they were entirely worthy of their inclusion into the playoffs. They beat the NEC champ, which is nothing spectacular by any means, but they absolutely owned Montana St., and took the soon-to-be National Champion to the 1 yard line in overtime on the road. And we all can probably admit, UND or Bison fans alike, that the referee definitely screwed up. If he had made the correct call, most would assume NDSU would have scored, and either went for two(I would think so), or would have went to a 2nd overtime. The mid-late 90's the Bison were not up to their usual stuff. 2000 with Gordon was magical. Had two quarterbacks not torn their ACL's in Nebraska and had Fargo gotten the playoff game as they should have, we could very well be talking about the state of North Dakota having back-to-back championships not unlike Alabama and Auburn recently. I understand you do not like the Bison and that is well within your right Dave. I don't like UND, never have, never will. But I might mention even when UND was beating NDSU in the 90's and 2000's, they were good games for the most part. Something that UND can't really hold their head up about in the 80's. Back to should they resume the football series, I'd rather they just do a single home-and-home and be done with it. I really dig this whole "6 home games" thing. It is fun. Now if UND is willing to give us a 2 for 1 deal for the rest of the rivalry, well maybe I can give up that home game once every three years. If both schools decide that they still want to be close to one another and that both want the rivalry to continue, I will be fine with it I suppose. But for all the idiots (not just SS.com members) who think the state should step in and force the two schools to play, I will say that they are stupid. Schools can make up their minds on their own. -JohnboyND7 "On Bison!"
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