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Everything posted by Goon

  1. That sounds like a shake down to me. So we are requiring someone to drop a nick name and give classes on racial sensitivity and pick the nick name. I say if we drop the name they have no say in what we are called.
  2. Goon

    Score Predictions

    55-10 UND winning.
  3. Remember hockey is played in the winter and I am still enjoying the summer. Can't golf in the snow.
  4. Goon


    How come Kessel isn't on the list?
  5. Any time someone comes out and says that they made mutal agreement, the management gave them the opportunity to resign before being fired/terminated. Its a nice play on word but it is what it is.
  6. They can't, not logically.
  7. My opinion of him changed too. I didn't think he had it in him.
  8. Its like pee or get off the pot already.
  9. In talking to the President a few weeks back, Dr. K told me he enjoyed writting that letter to the NCAA and that he was going to enjoy writing another letter fi the appeal didn't work. Actually I was surprised how charged up he is on this issue. I think he is ready to tell the NCAA to stuff it and we will see you in court.
  10. Pat, you will never get a response back because he won't have an answer that is even close to being intellegent. Great piece. I wounder if GK can refute it or come up with an answer? Probably not... I also think that Leigh Jeanotte is a poser and is trying to make a name for himself and further his agenda, Jeanotte and his vocal minority have been trying to pick a fight with the pro-name change crowd and this is his best chance to stuff his views down our throat. I say UND stand its ground and sue the NCAA if we lose the appeal. UND can't just give in because of a vocal minority wants something. This is a shake down in my opinion. Its almost like Jessie Jackson himself is pulling the strings on this one.
  11. Goon


    Remember don't shoot the decoys.
  12. Goon

    Sioux vs Winona

    I think UND is a very physical team that can beat the opposition up and hand it to them in the second half. The did this against West Chester, I think they will do it against the Western Washington also. There is definately a difference between NSIC teams and NCC teams.
  13. Goon


  14. Goon


    This is a yearly ritual where you go out duck hunting in North Dakota and blast holes in the sky. My wife thinks I depleted the ozone layer last seasonl. For some guys getting out of the house is key before Nagzilla decides that you need to stay home and mow the lawn... Seriously the up date on the Ducks, this should be an unbelieveable season for duck hunting. There are many ducks to be had this season. The reason I know this because I went out Honker hunting by Lakota on Saturday morning and the only thing that landed in our deks was Green Head Mallards and Teal.
  15. Go down to the court house in the county you live in and do a search on the person your looking for the information is public information. In Grand Forks County they have a computer at the court house and you can find out all kinds of stuff on people.
  16. Goon

    Pandora's Box

    That can be changed to read North Dakota if they have to.
  17. Goon

    Pandora's Box

    Ok, I was under the impression that the coach of Cornell was whinning about his team having to go to Minnesota and lose, and he was trying to imply his team would have been there if they had played at a neutral location. Having followed that I was under the impression that teams were unhappy at playing at campus locations and that is why the NCAA changed this rule. That being said Minnesota went into a pro Boston area and came out on top.
  18. Goon

    REA Changes

    Isn't Diggler applying for this position? I mean really, it could be a dream position for former UND person/Alumni.
  19. Goon

    Sioux vs Winona

  20. Goon

    Pandora's Box

    So Cornell's whinning got this NCAA rule changed. That is unbelieveable. I guess the Gophers aren't going to get anymore home games at the regionals stacked in their favor. I thknk someone needed to remind Schaffer that it wouldn't have matter if they would have played the game in Cornells barn the fact remains that the EZAC is a weak league. So I guess Minority rules, are the rules in the NCAA.
  21. I have been saying this for years, while some try to stick their heads in the sand and say your crazy. Ira
  22. Goon

    Pandora's Box

    When I was at the Football stadium last week there wasn't one Indian Head logo affixed to the building and even the banners just had the ND as the logo. Won't be hard to get Jerseys without the Indian head in the collar.
  23. Goon

    Pandora's Box

  24. Its not legit because it wasn't done with a slant against the name. Only result those people like GK and Know the facts want is one that is against the name. What a joke. Notice how they did one of their own polls and found different results. If that isn't dishonestly give me a break. Talk about jamming your biases down someone's throat.
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