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Everything posted by Goon

  1. I predict that Stafford will play all four years at UND!!!
  2. I think we may actually get to see some shoot outs now. I think our defense will be a lot like Minnesotas from last season only more talented. Just opinion.
  3. I would like to see Mike P. as the C and Sparky and Porter as the A's.
  4. If I am not mistaken I believe Chad Skarperud also golfed on the Dakota tour one season too.
  5. I think that is perfect example of how I feel about this....
  6. Goon


    He had to red-shirt because he transfered to another Divsion one college program..
  7. Basically this clown is saying the same damn thing, that Churchill
  8. I hope we see him on the practice roster. He probably has a good chance of making it.
  9. Denver's Skinner signed with Vancover today. Bad for DU, good for everyone else. http://www.uscho.com/news/2005/08/25_010697.php
  10. Dana, Johnny, Troll from UND Arts and Science department. (who ever) What difference does it make if you vote? What now you have to be a poltically active to have an opinion about the UND fighting Sioux name. Or are you going to give us a civics lession on voting rights and issues. Next you added your veterans status into the equation. Then If I am not mistake saw somewhere you said you weren't even Native American or American Indian. Your all over the place dude. Lets actually debate the issue and stop pontificating all over the place. Start answering the questions or find somewhere else to be on the parade ground. The krux of the argument is and always will be is a small number of rebel rousers (that being the leftist P.C. hand wringers from the NCAA) are trying to stuff their opinions down the throats of others. Most times these rebel rousers are white liberal college professors. Of course truth and facts don't matter one bit in this issue. I still think that this stupid ruling by the NCAA was a chicken crap shot over the bow by the NCAA to see how it would be recieved by the affected colleges. They let the news out on a Friday and let it fester all weekend, hoping they would get national support for their ill fated issue... By putting this out on a Fridayt they didn't have to answer any questions all weekend and can regroup on Monday based on the reception this act recieved. Mac on Mac talk adressed this subject the other day with Phil Harmeson. He basically said that the NCAA produced this rediculous memo on the ruling against Native logos on a Friday, then when the affected schools call the NCAA they have no one available to answer the question the affected schools have. I am sorry but if you do something like this you better have the guts to stand by your ruling. Now that the shot across the bow has fizzled and not been recieved very well. Basically the heat is now on the NCAA and these hand wringing do gooders are starting to retreat from this red herring. The NCAA is on the run so I say as alumni let them in full retreat, this is worth the fight. I say UND should go aggressively and not pussy foot around. UND should sue the pants off of the NCAA.
  11. I can just imagine how that conversation went. I hope UND is working on this kid.
  12. http://www.nj.com/search/index.ssf?/base/s...dger?spd&coll=1
  13. Nothing final on the Canucks web page as of yet (2030 hours today) but, I expect that the Brandon Sun must have had a solid source to go ahead and print this article.
  14. I am sure the returning players will have this burned into their memory and I think they will extract some revenge. My old football coach once said you win with class and you lose with class.
  15. Goon

    Robbie Bina

    First off it would appear that all will get some playing time this season.
  16. I totally forgot about the one, I remember some wanted them to be called the blaze and that was nixed because of negative sterotypes and it having something to do with blazing up as in smoking dope. However, I should have said the majority of the name change folks against the use of Native American names/logos are lefties.
  17. I don't care who does it, I am just ready to watch some hockey this fall. I hope they do pick up Barry Melrose. The guy is awesome. I suppose the ESPN guys will be looking for jobs because I can't panger and the boys doing NBA basketball.
  18. That would actually be good news. I suppose UND would want to go easy in prosuing a resolution on this issue.
  19. I am aware of this, however, Leftists have hi-jacked the logo issue and are using questionable people to forward their agenda. I can't think of one single conservative republican that is pro-UND changing the name.
  20. PCM I hate to disagree with you but nationally this is a Right vs Left Issue. It may not be here in the community but it is being fought on the national issue as this. Notice our three amigos haven't come out and made a strong statement against changing the name. I have yet to see them as guest writers denouncing the NCAA's decision. Also, most of the people in favor of changing the name are leftists wether they be from the Editorial boards or from non reveune producing social science departments at UND Sociology, English, Anthropology etc. Left wing extremists are the ones that are all over this this issue and they are in your face and rude..
  21. Maybe we should inform Izenberg who bad of a college SCCC is? They are a second rate WCHA program and if I am not mistaken they aren't rated real well when it comes to academics. Nor are they a very good college athletically either. I remember when my buddy was an RA at SCCC back in the early 1990's at one of the residence hall and their campus was ripe with racial problems. I can't imagine it has changed that much.
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