Am I missing something here? IF the Seminole Indians from Fla don't mind the name and signed a statement saying that they like what FSU is doing with the nick name what is the heck is the big deal? Secondly, so who decides if the Fighting Sioux name is wrong for UND, surely not the NCAA? I say not to the the liberal White hand wringing College professors from the arts and sciences departments (that has nothing better to do than bad mouth their very school they recieve a good pay check from mind you, because they aren't producing any coherant research that anyone wants to read, if you don't approve of UND use of the name leave, why should we keep paying your worthless @$$) or Native American from our state. Hum...
And really this can't be the most pressing issue facing our Native American today or all Americans. If we change the names what the He!! are we going to moan about next? Enough is enough, I am sick and tired of having this leftist drivel shoved down our throats.