Personally I don't like Holmstrom he is a thug/pest and basically the old saying what comes around goes around. Or you could say live by the sword you die by the sword. I will predict that Chris Neil and his cheap head hunting hits will some day come back to haunt him. Basically he is going to get what he has coming to him. It may not happen this year but it will happen eventually.
Also its my personal opinion the refs have not called the game consitantly, during the regular season the called the game one way only to slowly revert back to letting guys hook, hold and obstruct. I am not sure why everyone thinks the Wild are a trap team. They aren't half as bad as the devils used to be.
On this one Redwing I think your bias against Lemaire and the Wild is causing you not to see this objectively I don't mean anything personal, but its just the way I see it. The Wild played a more up tempo and skating game than they did when they first came into the league.