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Everything posted by Goon

  1. Personally I don't like Holmstrom he is a thug/pest and basically the old saying what comes around goes around. Or you could say live by the sword you die by the sword. I will predict that Chris Neil and his cheap head hunting hits will some day come back to haunt him. Basically he is going to get what he has coming to him. It may not happen this year but it will happen eventually. Also its my personal opinion the refs have not called the game consitantly, during the regular season the called the game one way only to slowly revert back to letting guys hook, hold and obstruct. I am not sure why everyone thinks the Wild are a trap team. They aren't half as bad as the devils used to be. On this one Redwing I think your bias against Lemaire and the Wild is causing you not to see this objectively I don't mean anything personal, but its just the way I see it. The Wild played a more up tempo and skating game than they did when they first came into the league.
  2. Goon

    A Sad Time

    If I am not mistaken aren't we supposed to get the new takers?
  3. Lets not forget that all season long we had up and down the ice play only to revert back to the trap and slow down obstruction days. I think Lindy and Lemaire had a point earlier in the post season when they complained about the obstruction coming back. I think hockey fans should write letter to buttamen and let him know what we think of the old NHL coming back in the playoffs.
  4. Goon


    actually I want a gps number...
  5. Goon


    Come one guys they aren't going to tell us then we will all be fishing there.
  6. Goon

    Trivia ?

    Night shifts rule where I work.
  7. That was a great post. I think both coaches need to stop whinning.
  8. Neil is just as cheap as anything the ducks have.
  9. Goon

    Gas Prices

    Oh my I am such an airhead, your right ask for one and they will give it too you for free unless your a Gopher fan!!
  10. Goon

    Inline Skating

    I actually started in line skating again. I couldn't believe how much I had forgot and how long it had been since I skated. It had been over 10 years. I got a really nice pair at Play it Again for 60.00 I have skated a few times but the rainy weather has put a damper on things.
  11. I didn't know we had such a person in our radar scope.
  12. Goon

    Gas Prices

    I can tell you why it's like this in town. COLLUSION, if one station rasies the price the others are expected to do so too. I recommend buying the discount card at Jug and Loaf. The Holiday stations in town seem to be cheaper than the other stations in town as well.
  13. Goon

    Gas Prices

    Ironically gas dropped 10 cents this week.
  14. Goon

    Trivia ?

    Man Work gets in the way, basically it sucks My advice stay in college as long as you can. Best 8 years of my life.
  15. Sounds like we are splitting hairs here.
  16. Goon

    Lee Watch

    Yeah there is a log jam at defense this season. Marto could red shirt this season.
  17. I am betting he stays and I am 95% certain.
  18. Does UND have a good chance of that happening?
  19. anyone want to bet a beer on him staying or going?
  20. I don't see any settlement unless it allows UND to remain the Fighting Sioux.
  21. Goon

    Gas Prices

    Gas is 3.24 at M&H in Grand Forks according to ND Gas Prices
  22. Dirk Diggler Isn't this the link we are looking for?
  23. Just to add to that thought, Of course there are hundreds of stories out there on this subject and some of us have posted numerous post and links there are always going to be clowns that post stupid commments like the one we are both responding too. This story even made it to the Dan Barrerio interview wtih Lou Nannie interview that I downloaded on my Ipod from Dan Barrero's show and a caller asked if KO and Goli were going to sign professional contracts. Apparently, the Islanders are talking to KO right now so will probably sign and Alex Goligoskis would be persuaded to sign with the Pens since he is probably a piece to the puzzle and if they don't sign him by next July the Pens would lose. Of course there is all kinds of stories and indications of these kids signing professional contracts. No wishfull thinking on my part just fact.
  24. Again, another stupid point where out of 50 posts you pick mine. Fine someone else to stock. If you actually did a searchg you would see that it's pretty much been a given that he is going to sign a professional contract.
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