I always though that was funny because LOC is from Fosston and is now in Grand Forks for about two years. Those towns always seem to be cheaper than in Grand Forks, I think that only strenghtens our price gouging in Grand Forks Theory.
Ok lets look at it this way. If there has to be an indian person on the board, whats to stop the next what group from demanding or asking that they include them? Everyone is going to want their voice heard. Hiring the next president is an important task but I thought there was a reason the hiring board. Where do they draw the line. Who's opinion is going to be heard more? What is this person expecting? What is the agenda?
I agree we are being gouged up here, I have been saying it for years. I guess I have come to the point that it doesn't do any good to complain about it because the gas cartel in town is still going to sell the gas and they aren't going to change their pricing practices until more people speak up and complain about it. The other day a bunch of us were talking about how its cheaper to buy gas east of town on the way to the lake.