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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. Odds are there will be plenty of OOC games within driving distance for many years to come.
  2. With any luck they will get blown out in all 3 games
  3. I respectfully disagree. We don't need St. Cloud at all, in fact the conference realignments is probably one of the best things to ever happen to them. They will continue to get games against minnesota and most likely North Dakota and others and have a higher probabilities to making the NCAA tournament each year. I could care less at this point if Notre Dame comes are not, true it would be good for the NCHC if they did but we will survive just fine without them. I like having six teams, it gives the NCHC room to expand with teams that add to the brand while opening up plenty of space for OOC games, the majority of which will most likely be home games for the Sioux. I wonder if Faison and others are reaching out to schools like Iowa State and Texas to see if they are ready to make the jump to D1, they have been heavily rumored to be interested in a possible move. I would much rather see one or both of those teams than St. Cloud.
  4. I agree, football has to come back to campus! Whoever designed the Alerus should be ashamed of themselves for creating a $100 million facility with a 20 year shelf life. Any architecht with half a brain would have designed something that could anticipate and accommodate the growth of the football program. Instead we are stuck with the limitations of a building that will not help us reach the expectations of a growing institution. We have to start thinking about renovating the Memorial Stadium and how we will generate the money to undertake such an endeavor. Also, I would like to see UND drop baseball and add lacrosse. Lacrosse seems to be getting quite a bit of exposure on ESPN and other sports network and might allow us the opportunity to be in a conference with schools like Notre Dame, Denver, Ohio State, Air Force, ect... I know there are a lot of people who would be opposed to cutting baseball but this might be a good move for the university in terms of exposure and affiliation.
  5. Not exactly excited about the game against Clarkson in Winnipeg. They should have at least tried to get the Canadian junior team or someone who would have generated more excitement than Clarkson.
  6. I think the quote was referring to a domino effect in terms of a state of the art practice facility will attract high end recruits, those recruits win games, ticket sells go through the roof, as a result UND becomes financially able to rebuild memorial stadium. This facility will be a huge advantage if we're able to get it off the ground.
  7. I think so, in some of the architectual renderings the practice facility has an entrance to memorial stadium.
  8. That is great news! I hope they can wrap up the details and make an announcement soon. A facility of this caliber will bring us some high end recruits, I wonder if there is going to be a drive to build a new stadium after this thing is constructed?
  9. I also notice that some schools reserve different team nicknames for certain sports. For example Cal. State at Long Beach are the 49ers but their baseball team is called the Dirtbags (seriously). I wish there was a way for UND's men's hockey team to remain the Fighting Sioux and all other UND athletic teams be referred to as something else. I think the majority of nickname supporters could easily live with that.
  10. Actually there are several teams that use the names Oilers and Cavs. We have enjoyed having something unique and deserve no less than to at least keep our originality.
  11. I'm not crazy about the name Spirit. I kinda like the Aviators or Aves for short. The Cavs isn't bad and either is the Oilers. Nothing will ever beat the Fighting Sioux though
  12. "The University of Louisiana-Monroe (ULM) experienced similar financial gain when it switched from "Indians" to "Warhawks". Plus, the new nickname has to be one of the best in all of sports, collegiate or otherwise. The merchandising opportunities alone made the switch worthwhile." Hmmm... Don't know about that. The only good thing that will come out of us retiring the nickname will be not having to listen to a bunch of over sensitive, liberal cry babies who will fight tooth and nail to make sure the Sioux's name isn't used by a university athletic team but will do little to address the real problem the people on the reservations face. It just goes to show that nickname opponents are only PC when it's convenient and easy.
  13. Ouch, that's definitely a low blow.
  14. He posted the exact same thing on the ESPN article about the logo.
  15. Maybe on the East Coast, I can't help but feel like the Sioux might get a big piece of this action!
  16. I wonder if UND will be in the line up this fall? No better place than the Ralph to televise a real college hockey atmosphere!
  17. Not unless some of there programs were reorganized of funding forced cutbacks of faculty lines. I'm sure some of these people have skeletons in their closets just begging to be discovered.
  18. I would love to know how much he's willing to drop on this to make it happen. I think it's great and it's definitely a good thing for the CCHA if it goes down. Not sure about Canisius being a sleeping giant though.
  19. The only miracle that can save us now is one out of Standing Rock. I hate to see the nickname go as much as anyone but we have to face facts and soldier on. I honestly don't know how we get from point A to point B in terms of a new identity (logo). I think that's the scariest thing about this transition, we take way more pride in our native american identity than other schools that had to retire them and even more than some that got to keep it. I would like to see UND take the time to choose something that a new, long lasting tradition can be built on, and not something that was rushed by a committee of people who don't truly care about athletics or our school's culture. I also wouldn't mind seeing all the faculty members who threw UND under the bus over the nickname issue replaced by new faculty, they are not good shepherds and have no place in our institution.
  20. Didn't Carey go to Northern Illinois?
  21. Sorry, I just noticed that it said he plans to talk to UMD's coach. But the story did mainly focus on St. Cloud, Bemidji, and Mankato more than UMD. I think it's great how Minnesota gets to act like the hero by orchestrating a tournament for the leftovers while pretending they did everything they could to prevent the BTHC from happening. I wonder if UM is willing to forfeit their profits from the tournament to St. Cloud, Bemidji, and Mankato?
  22. Interesting how UMD doesn't seem to be on the Gophers invite list.
  23. And yet I got a bunch of negative ratings when I posted the same thing, go figure.
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