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Everything posted by 108498

  1. Ok if you don't want to talk about the best game of the season how about the second best the away game on you know what day at which famous basketball court around the holidays.
  2. How many freshmen does ndsu have? Can we really compeate with them this year? I call a 18 point ndsu win on und.
  3. With one week to go until the game here, I was wondering if tailgating partys have been set up yet?
  4. Anyone know if suton will play?
  5. Your way ahead of yourself right now. For me a 7-4 season would look good after the past season with 3 wins. One thing is for sure, I have not seen them live for 8 years. I want to see a hard fought win on Oct 29 in col.
  6. 108498

    Fire Muss

    What does everyone thin now? Never ever count your team out. Mainly when cheering for fighting sioux
  7. will sioux have the band at all? pre game party in town?
  8. I just bought time against col. I only live 40 miles from the twon , so it will be a great chance to see the sioux play after 7 years. I hope to see a lot of sioux fans like we do at away hockey games. Anyone else going? How many coming? I am bringing 3 others.
  9. Oh yah watching this game on web for sure Few hours later sioux hockey comes alive.
  10. I live in Cheyenne wyoming so I will not be able to make it. I will be watching from my dorm room at a community college. I then will be heading to our gym where we have our first home volleyball game. I write the sports section on volleyball for the college, and this game is sure to pump me up for my community college game.
  11. I moved to Grand forks AFB when I was two in 1994. My parents took my family to all the home basketball and football games from 1996-2003. Let me tell you my three sisters and I were cheerleaders beond sight. We always were down on the track behind the visitor team cheering loud.The games outside were could rainy/snowy but worth a lifetime of memories.I grew in a few years to live through North Dakota. Even after being away from ND the last 8 years, I think about the sioux everyday. I watch and lesson to as many games as I can on sioux insider. Since I was little I have always dreamed of attending university of North dakota;however, I knew I would never have a way to afford the fee on my own. Now that I am in college. I have finnaly found the miracle that will help me reach the goal. It will be through the Daniels fund. They are a group that helps young leaders who have a low income family live their college life dreams.I have my college all but paid for.I love the sioux and can not wait to finish from the community college to get back home. My real home that is und.
  12. 108498


    I really don't care if we win by a lot or even loss. I am just happy to finally be back at the computer in Cheyenne wyoming watching fighting sioux football.
  13. Dear NCAA President Mark Emmert and Executive Vice President Bernard Franklin. I grow up in Grand Forks North Dakota for seven years before moving to Wyoming when I was 10. I grow up being picked on for having hearing problems and learning disabilitys; however, I always gained confidence when I heard about the sioux. You see it is not the sports teams that entrest me . It is the honor and corage that has helped me through the past 12 years. I just graduated from hogh school this past year. Although many said I would never make it to college. Here I am. I told myself growing up that I could never give up on my self or the leaders of the fighting sioux. Now that I am finally reaching for the stars I fined that the whole reason for trying is starting to fall. I love sports more than anyone, but I would do anything to be able to attend North Dakota the place that gave me the spirit to succed and still see the sioux living stronger then ever. I hear all the time that the name affends others ;however, I also hear five time as many people who can relate to my story. You see the college may be known for hockey, but it is even more known for the communication and honor of the group. PLEASE do not let young children who are barly hanging on fall. It was the sioux who saved me, it will save many others as well. Thankyou for taking the time to read this. I will always live as an example of what is possible for someone who havs just one person or thing to hang on to.
  14. Do not foget you are talking about the sioux who are known for their goal line stands. Including so against south dakota, and Cal . the last few years. The coaching staff knows how to get the defense back on its feet, and hopw to train the new. As for the QB . We have a few weeks lets just wait to see what the young QBS can learn.
  15. how can the sioux be ranked third in the nation, when the schudule has yet to come out.? Isn't the ranking based on how hard schudules look and who is on the teams?
  16. Love it. You really are thinking outside the box and keeping the idea of a new mascot close to the univ.
  17. I have grown up wachting all sioux sports from volleyball to football, to basketball, and hockey. I would like to get rid of the sioux all together before I would slit the name. The athletic teams are one. Put different naames on each and you kill not only the mascot, but the college and its people as well. I would like all teams to be the sioux and wear sioux jerseys when they play past rivals. It would make sure the sioux never die.
  18. Why don't you just go cheer for wyoming against csu. You do not know anything about a real rival. Wimp
  19. Have you seen the crowd rateings at the Aleris the past six years? I do not think the crowd is going to grow big enough to out grow the areana any time soon.
  20. I believe it is time to let go like in top gun, however we should never fully give in. We must ask to wear sioux jurseys against rinals south dakota ndsu and minassota.
  21. I think saveing the sports are more important than saveing the team name at this point only if we were able to agree to have a Dakota war every year for 25 years. We would have each school playi the others each year. ( UND, NDSU, SDU) I also would like to see the Sioux fall back to the true mascot of the North. The Flickertail.
  22. change the logo I don't care the fans can cheer for the sioux all they want. A name on the jersey does not make a team or a masoc. Its the fans that make the team who it is. If we are the flames.. GO Sioux. If we are the rough riders... Go Sioux
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