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Everything posted by 108498

  1. Maybe you can be like him. If you just believe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt4PrslkIGc&feature=related
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig038xvPTfw Maybe one day even you can be like Daniels
  3. sioux fans. Iknow Ispell like a baby, but at least I talk and stay a sioux fan not a knights, airplane, or any other fan.
  4. all three if you ask me the siou fans on this site suck the sports team is sioux and the state is north dakota
  5. I am starting to see why NDSU FANS say Sioux suck.They are refering to the fans not the players.
  6. Do me a favor fightingsioux4life look up Bill Daniels. His leadership and kindness is paying for my college even after he has died. We should all try to be more like him.
  7. Want this name stuff to end. I do have scholar leaders and uplift workers that check my spelling for important things thank you. By the way I am going into Media so just wait. Way to be supporting.
  8. Ok now I have to say this. Fightingsioux4life I said yesterday that I agreed with you about the name change; however, when you put videos like this up against fellow Sioux fans. You really are making the program look bad. By the way you told me that we had a few years until the name idea will begin. Why do we not lock the name blog down until then. I get so angree seeing it. Let the younger fans like myself have time to adjust without the nasty videos.
  9. If this is about sports; then why not get ride of the community make the college only for athletes and make the school a pre-pro sprots school. The school/sports program would not exist without the fans, and the college it self would not stand without the sports or students. Both are very very important. By the way thanks for noticing. Since everyone knows about me being slow. Is there any IEP offices at UND or scholarships for the dumb and unprepared students.(I do have a 3.6 in college right now)
  10. For those of you who want to chew me up. I am 19 and a adult so bring the negative comments and death threats. I was living in Grand Forks when the Issue came up in early 2000s so yes I know what went on and how we got bought out at that time. I do want to remind you that we are all Sioux fans. We must fight to make sure the native get thier voice heard after that we must move on like it or not. By the way for those asking if I am slow the anwser is yes, and I still try to live a dream. Say and call me what you want, but when I can speak my mind and still work at going to college; I would say I am doing pretty good.
  11. I will always be a fan no mater what happions with the name change. I do; however, what this name change stuff to be quite. I was chewed out by many of you that the name change must happon. Then many of you said that we will be North Dakota for a few years to sort out things and let Sioux fans ajust. So please again let us adjust and stopp this name game for at least a year or so.
  12. ENOUGH WITH THE NAME CHANGE TALK!! I admit the change will be needed; however, we are going to be North Dakota for a few years. Do not make the transition any harder then what it is. WE ARE SIOUX! We are NORTH DAKOTA.
  13. By the way I talked to Jeff on the game chat site last year in a privite chat and he himself shows that Fans can and do stay true for ever. I onty hope that I to can move past the changes and stay a fan like Jeff. Either way. I am so excited to say I am ayear away from coming back to Grand Forks to fullfill my life dream to be able to call myself UND STUDENT.
  14. 82SiouxGuy, love you commites. Now that is the North Dakota way. I am wondering though, Why is eveyone saying only alum. have they true voice in the name change if the decision had not been made yet. The commit only drives fans my age to fight harder for what we believe in. Commits like your last one and ones like the ones made by DAVE make me feel like the North Dakota tradition CAN LIVE ON PAST THE NAME.
  15. I will continue to commit to the the spirit of North Dakota. We are all fans. It is shown in the things being said. I agree it is time to move forward; however, for a different reason then sports. Are we all more concerned about sports then the feelings of the native tribes. When it was just their feelings everyone said no. Now everyone says yes because of the sports issue. Come on I know North Dakota people are Smarter then that. I say change the name if we need, but dio it for the right reasons. WE ARE NORTH DAKOTA. Just wondering where did all the signings on the pats. come from? Everyone seems to think the time is now. Why all the agreement for change now. Don't say sports. Give me something better then that.
  16. Again There are loyal fans who have been around many years. I am sick and tired or hearing older fans say they are the only ones who know anything. We are in college and have grown with the name issue our whole lives. Don't forget. Letting the sioux go would be hard for everyone and we may need to do it; however, is it not only fair to let everyone have a say. Not only about letting the name go, but also in what the new traditions will be?
  17. I am not questioning your loyalty at all. You are giving you opion so you must be loyal; however, speak with facts not with dirty comments. The fact is many of us just want to see traditions continue and do not want to see our teams go dead. I agree with these ideas. I do feel as though people are giving in to much when they want to call us the knights. (HIGH SCHOOL IN TOWN) We do have a few years to decide right. I say we take that time to move on and move as a community not as villons. (spelling I know) Why can't the community vote for the new name. Why let the alum. who may or may not be in Grand Forks or those who watch games vote and not the true loyal fans like you and I
  18. We recruited as a Dll. school if you do not remeber. I believe fans will jump aboard whenthey find out that the university stands up for its tradition. Not just for sports.
  19. Fighingsioux4life. You may want to replace your name. Some one might mistake you as a Sioux fan.
  20. Great video. I can see why the native would want to change the name because of fans like you who can not act respectful towards fellow North Dakota fans at heart. Say what you want; nothing effected King Jr. and nothing will affect me. Again thank you for showing the real reason why the name must go not just because of sports.
  21. Once a Sioux always A Sioux. Take the Name; I still will call out the sioux at every event involving the university or not. I still will wear sioux clothing to sport events not containing the university. Nothing not even a death threat could stop my spirit.
  22. Get Jeff Panzer and Dean to come back and speak to me on the sioux chat during games and I will think harder about the idea. I love those to and they have proven by their actions how loyal they are. By the way what ever happon to the " Home of the Sioux" I pretty sure most of you if not all have seen the sioux at the Ralph. What made you all call Sioux for if it is races. By the way did you all know that race only makes up 6% of our genes. We are alot closer then yopu may thing to the natives.
  23. If all you can do is say I typed names wrong so my ideas are wrong then you have no reason to speak. This is about the college not a player or cooaches name.
  24. Ok so you keep talking about how names are wrong and how leaders have said things are already changing. Just wondering how many of you would cheer for a new team because a playermoves on or because a coach switches teams.? I for one stay with the sioux. Funny thing is all I do is speak about the Sioux. People like Gene Roebuck are who I want to hear the ideas from. None not even alum. should have a say unless they have been following not only the sprots teams for many yeARS, BUT THE COLLEGE IT SELF AS WELL. In reality it should be the Native who get the choice and they have not gotton to speak if you remeber.
  25. I wonder how many Sioux fans would care or even know who the school is after the Sioux are no morwe. You think the attendence at football games are low now; just wait until fans stop showing for hockey games. Don't think it will happon. Lets wait and see for future playoffs and national tornaments who shows up.
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