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Everything posted by SiouxMeNow

  1. crap - need to turn up the speed now - this is a KEY power play!
  2. OOOHH Trupp...so close! geez it would be great to see him get one here!
  3. OOOH -- just misses a FRAZEE hop there! - DAMN!
  4. hmmm...dug up this little tidbit from Wikipedia... Admiralty Island is home to the highest density of brown bears in North America. An estimated 1,600 brown bears inhabit the island, outnumbering Admiralty's human residents nearly three to one. Look, I don't know who's booking your gigs honey but you need a new agent...SERIOUSLY! Glad you're still on the boards though....c'mon Sioux - let's WIN this one for SiouxCIA!!! SHE HAS NO FREAKIN' BOXWINE!!!!
  5. HUGE HUGE stop by Eids! NICE!
  6. 4 people with annoying cowbells does NOT a ralph crowd make!
  7. Eids is extremely solid tonight!
  8. Admiralty Island, AK? SERIOUSLY??? WOW you really get around...why didn't you make a sealskin boat and go see the game in person? Do they have boxwine there?
  9. Nice to hear you weigh in Teeder! You ARE an expert on local media so can you explain why this story appeared in the online version of the Herald BRIEFLY on Friday - literally for a few hours on Friday afternoon - appearing to be the "big story" in the Saturday Herald then was MYSTERIOUSLY PULLED from the website? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? Seems like it was "out there" long enough for another media outlet (owned by the SAME CORPORATION) to decide to go ahead with the story - then get thrown UNDER THE BUS for "putting it out there first" in a pre-written editorial by Saint Mike conveniently printed the DAY they posted the story a DAY AFTER it "appeared"...I never thought I'd see the day Chuck Haga became a tool but I did - wow! Once the actual facts were discovered and no criminal intent was discovered - the entire story was entirely DEVOID of real NEWS value (at least beyond the National Enquirer) and the fact it showed up at all in the "local media" is just gossipy tabloid BS. (R.I.P. B.H. You were my favorite professor at UND, worked me like hell and taught me a ton...made me love this business and also taught me to do more than just be "holden" a camera! Thanks Bill!)
  10. Another item of note about UAH is their arena is named for a former REAL NAZI who helped the US develop the atomic bomb to defeat Japan in WWII!! How great would that be to bring them into the WCHA? Think about it! It would take the heat off UND for having a benefactor who was a "collector" of Nazi memorabilia with a staff who had a poor sense of humor BY inviting a college that actually HONORED A REAL NAZI!! THIS IS PERFECT!!! This is directly from the UAH website.... Probably not as "MOVED" as the incinerated residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki who felt the brunt of that nazi's "work" but HEY!! We won....and now we can all forget it to take in a hick hockey team from ALABAMA into the wcha!! USA!! USA!! USA!!
  11. oh WHO CARES!! the man WALKED both (short) lengths of a rink in LOAFERS...let me define those for you knuckle dragging idiots! They're smooth bottomed SHOES - we call them "FANCY SHOES" up here - usually you only wear them to weddings, funerals or for BOWLING... You don't wear them to a hockey game but he did because he has too....and didn't falter once walking the ice! YOU TRY IT !@#!$!! We can only conclude... the GWOZ ROCKS!!
  12. AGREE he should have gotten a Delay penalty but you nailed it in 2 WORDS why I now love the Gwoz....LOAFER SKATE YES! He already did the dasher dance...now he to top himself...AND HE DID! Climbing over the boards and doing a FACE to the official...priceless! The fact he did it...with a good stride...in shoes that had NO TRACTION and managaged NOT TO FALL ON HIS OWN ASS? AND make his way BACK to the bench without getting bombed by plastic beer bottles says 2 things to me.... #1 - Sioux fans are becoming more "civilized" (Just saw Gran Torino so I'm not embarrassed to say..."YOU PUSSIES!!!") #2 - He has an amazing sense of balance - maybe he should have been a ballet dancer. This is why we should all salute the coach of the Pioneers!!! He didn't shuffle or slide (despite his smooth shoes!) He WALKED LIKE A MAN and that's why I respect the GWOZ! Stupid lithuanian? SURE!! Coordinated and dignified? I also have to say yes....GWOZ rocks and screw you DU dicks who think he embarassed you! He's a stand-up guy - that's something you WANT in a coach!
  13. remember when the "dish" systems started out and the big outcry was..."WE CAN'T GET THE LOCAL CHANNELS?" The local satellite services eventually were able to ADD the local channels due to DEMAND by their subscibers - (and didn't mind payng for it then...because their SUBSCRIBERS DEMANDED IT!) - fast forward to 2009! Local Network TV has spent MILLIONS of dollars to beat the federal mandate to UPGRADE to DIGITAL TV! No one is compensating US for this...so guess who has to pay... the CUSTOMER!! SORRY! Last time I checked...it's how FEDEAL MANDATE via CAPITALISM works....we provide a better DIGITAL signal - you pay....sorry but that's how it goes...and for you Satellite customers blaming local TV? CANCEL SATELLITE and I guarentee they'll ask you back within a month...
  14. true - I guess the previous owner got BURNED OUT! ...sorry...couldn't resist
  15. How about we play in Fargo every year a WHITE bison is born in North Dakota? People in the state don't care how many can watch it live...just how many can see it statewide on TV! (dick!)
  16. I think we ALL know where this is going and honestly, if dumping it helps us get into a decent DI conference? DO IT!! I'm just tired of it all. BUT I would like to add this PS to the future... PS:I can't wait 15 years when RICK "His dad's horse was Thunder but mine broke his leg and became Alpo " has to research a paper on his own people and does a google search for "fighting sioux" and ALL he gets are old YOUTUBE Sioux Hockey videos...what goes around comes around!
  17. I WOULD have driven 10 miles for a Rancher w/Jalapenos but glad you started and stayed in the Northend and are having success in the Southend too;)
  18. agree! Charley is the General Manager of a local station OWNED BY A LARGER Texas-based CORPORATION!! ...you do the math Darrell! (You can bring in your brothers Darell and Darell if you need help_) Don't blame the messanger! and BTW - local TV has spent MILLIONS preparing for the digital upgrade - which they DID! Why wouldn't they expect to be compensated for providing a better, upgraded signal? Just asking...
  19. I don't personally blame Gene Taylor because he seems like a nice guy but he was under UNBELIEVABLE pressure when the ag college moved up. Mummy CHAPMAN said..."DO IT!" and it was up to GENE to make it happen. The fact that he CRIED the day ndsu got conference membership EXPLAINS it all! It was a long, tough road HE navigated - while CRAPPY/CHAPPY was only worried about his next perk he could screw the NDUS out of for his own benefit (a revamped house - NO! TEAR THAT DOWN! I need a NEW HOUSE!! and MORE MONEY!! AND MORE PRESIGE!!! (and a new colostomy bag which SHALL NOT BE DISCUSSED! )
  20. OHH! The plot thickens...maybe Douple isn't being a pc dick but actually elbowing UND WINK/WINK "make a decision" because things are moving pretty fast on the national level... SDSU (former Forum writer) blog... Not a bad idea IMO - UND needs to move on this now! The nickname is going away anyway, like it or not, it IS going away...better to embrace the future now because we have a LOT more at stake than just a stupid name!
  21. It wasn't a press conference to ANNOUNCE UND wouldn't play the Bison because they went DI - it was the one and ONLY UND press conference that announced next falls football schedule - which included some good teams just unfortunately not the Bison. Of course the PRO-UND media asked about ndsu's absence on the schedule and that's what it turned into...but not what it was intended to be.
  22. when the PC crowd has done everything HUMANLY possible? WHERE else will they turn? Where will they go...(already writing an angry letter to PETA about the near extinction of the sacred buffalo by the WHITE MAN and how they must be protected...AT ANY COST and not relegated to a common sports MASCOT lest they be forever lost and forgotten from this sacred earth....ehhh...i'm exhausted ) The only good thing is I signed the letter LAKESBISON!!!!!+++++ (that old douche!) No one could have LESS CREDIBILITY...MAKE LESS SENSE...OR DEFEND MORE PATHETIC A (self-rightous) CAUSE! Oh just wait boys...they ARE coming for you...one way or the other and we'll just laugh...LAUGH...LAUGH!!!! ...and STILL be waiting for the first ever ndsu fb playoff game in the - what? 20 year old fargo-barn?!
  23. Absolutely! And he also learned "family connections" have influence...hopefully he'll use that power for good instead of evil in the future but it's up to him - seriously! Otherwise it WILL catch up to him one way or the other...Bobby has a real opportunity now. A chance to redeem himself! Best of luck to him...
  24. an EMPTY seat would be prettier than Diggler
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