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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. But they are saying that right now we have the one seed. Obviously wrong.
  2. Replays going in our favor tonight!! Redemption!!!
  3. Not enough room for Championship banners......#siouxhockeyproblems
  4. Pretty good storylines in the A Final. EGF going for their first title ever against Hermantown who has been runner up the last 4 years. Should be a pretty good game!
  5. You do realize that when he took out NAsh and Huff we were down like 15. When the other guys came in they got it to within 2? Huff and Nash were playing awful. Aren't people always critical of coaches that don't make in game adjustments? Jones adjust ment to change up the lineup nearly worked!! I get it that it was a bad team. But if Nash and Huff aren't going to playeven close to their potential, why have them in there? If anything I give credit to Jones for sitting those guys. Tells them and the rest of the team that no one is above this team. Even if you have been a 4 year starter. If you aren't playing well, you are coming out.
  6. Bingo!!!! This conference is so wide open. Anyone can beat anyone (as we all know from last night).
  7. You are not even making sense. SO by you saying the women could beat the men, then saying "well mybe not" proves the men are bad? Crack the 6 pack a little early this morning? I get the point you are trying to make about the men not playing well yesterday. But don't make stupid statements like our womens team could beat our mens team and that they would be out rebouded by a high school team. I get it. You think the team is playing bad. But saying stupid things like that will cause you to lose all credibility for any future things ou say. But hey, its a free country. You can say all the rediculous, propesterous things wou want to say!! YOu're pretty good at it!!
  8. Proving my point. Not that bright.
  9. Did you read what you said? And what I commented on? I even bolded it and made it bigger so you would notice it. You said "The women could beat the men right now." That is the statment I was referring to as proposterous. I agree that the mens team is awful at rebounding. But to say that they would lose to to the womens team? Absolutely rediculous. Not only are you propsterous with your statements, but you can add not that bright when it comes to reading either!!
  10. That might be the most propsterous thing I have ever heard. How is anyone going to take you seriously after a statement like that? Wow!!!
  11. To say this was a dissapointing loss is an understatement. Yes this team will most likely finish 3rd in the conference which is about where they were picked to finish. But with the ammount of experience this team has with many players playing together for 5 years, It is just absurd to think a team with this much talent could be outplayed by the worst team in division 1 basketball. This team can play good at times and look so awful at times. Inconsistency has plagued this team and these group of seniors for 4 years now. Jones is a great guy, but a good coach doesn not go on the road against a pitifull team and lose. This is a game that a team as good as UND (2nd in the conference) should win by 20 points. Not sure if the guys were looking past them and were looking ahead to the Big SKy tournament, but this type of loss is unexcusable.
  12. First hald was one of the best basketball I have seen this team play all year. IF we can play near that type of basketball in the Big Sky Tourney we are going to be tough to beat. Even against Weber. Great to see this team play well again at the end of the season. Taking a cue from our hockey team I guess!!
  13. I have yet to hear about the Frozen Faceoff Championship Trophy. Haven't heard the name or seen what it looks like. Are they going to announce that soon? Seems strange that we have not seen or heard about it and the tournament is 2 weeks away!!
  14. For all the Bisonville spies that like to visit this site so they can report all the happenings on their site, I would just like to clarify that the number of people that are really making a big deal about this issue represent the extreme minority of UND fans. As we all know threre are wackos on every message board, whether its sports, politics, whatever. Those wackos tend to be the people who make the most noise. So go ahead and rip on the people individually on this site making this a bigger issue than it is. But don't go labeling all UND sports fans as sharing the viewpoints of these select nut jobs. I doubt that you would like us to stereotype all Bison fans to share the viewpoints as LakesBison!! Thank you for making sure we are all OK over here.
  15. Once again a thread gets turned into a UND/NDSU pissing match. This thread was already a disaster. Now it is officially a lost cause. Mods, do the right thing.
  16. Ok, everyone needs to seriously calm down. It was a Blackhawks/Pens game. It wasn't UND or even the Wild. Of course they are going to show a local team. Plus this was probably set up months ago. Last game at the old BSA, and had a potential to be a conference championship clinching game. Don't get me wrong, I would rather watch anything other than NDSU basketball. I wanted to watch the hockey game at Soldier Field. But am I gonna get all pissed off and rant and rave on a message board and send emails and call KVLY to complain? No. Some of you on here are way too sensitive when you don't get it your way. And it goes beyond tv schedules. Calm down relax and focus on things in your life that are more important instead of the broadcast schedule of a television station.
  17. Let's put things in perspective. We were pretty much dominated by St. Cloud at home. We went in to their house, dominated them in the first game and pkayed a close game and lost a close game. This is the team that is tied with us in for the lead in the league and is ranked in the top 10 of the PWR. We got a split on the road with a very good team.
  18. Not gonna be anyone left but Sioux fans at the end of this one!
  19. Looking great boys!! Keep the pedal down!
  20. I am sure they are all laughing up a storm over a Bisonville about this thread. But wasn't it them who was ripping on the neh sayers on thss site and other UND fans about how rediculous it was for NDSU to go D1 and playing FCS football? A little hypocritical. Not surprised. My response is why not dream big. Do you think anyone 20 years ago thought that our hockey team would ever be playing in a 125+ Million dollar arena in front of 11,000+ fans consistently? No way. The IPF was a rediculous pipe dream to some, but guess what, the shovels are already in thr ground and that thing is currently being built. Does an 18000 seat stadium at Memorial and the opportunity to play in the FBS seem a little crazy and out there? Sure it does. But as you can see history showing, UND athletics has made huge steps in the last 20 years. Anything is possible. Looking forward to what the next 20 years holds.
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