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Everything posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. Calceterra is not impressive at all...
  2. Yeah this "non-starter starting lineup" is strange...
  3. Same as Barry Alvarez at Wisconsin. Linemen and linebackers from Wisconsin and skill positions from Florida. Oh, and quarterbacks from North Dakota...
  4. Also agree. Less than 2 years of NCAA coaching. That's unacceptable.
  5. Very interesting. Minimum salary will be $150,000, which is already more than Mussman made. Plus it emphasizes NFL experience. Really looks like Tibesar and/or Bollinger are in play here.
  6. Curt Cignetti looks like he'd be a very good candidate.
  7. Any successful DI recruiting coordinator will understand you need to recruit the regional states. With that being said they can also expand into other areas where talent lies, such as western states where the Big Sky Conference is localized.
  8. http://www.gohuskies.com/ViewArticle.dbml?ATCLID=208063611 http://www.uclabruins.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=30500&ATCLID=207919471 Here's a couple FBS position coaches/ recruiting coordinators that are familiar with Big Sky country. Plus, they aren't overly unrealistic.
  9. Obviously I would prefer the win, but just keeping this thing competitive and within single digits would be an honorable consolation. If this team can compete with the Badgers in Madison, then the bizon better watch out.
  10. When you first look at the surface of the attendance problems in 2011 - 13, it may seem that winning isn't the issue, but when you dig a little deeper, it becomes more obvious that in fact winning is the issue. In 2011, the team played several non-D1 opponents, but they still had an opportunity to sweep FCS opponents. The biggest game of the year was a game against Cal Poly. The crowd was into it and somewhere around that 10,000 showed. Bradley played horrible, UND lost, and then the season's attendance was never the same after. In 2012, Cal Poly also put a dagger into attendance. Big crowd for a 3-1 UND team taking on a 3-0 Poly team during an evening contest. UND lost that game and then got blown out against Eastern Washington the next week in Cheney. Once again - attendance never recovered. This season, the attendance was great for early games against SDSU and Montana, and had UND won one of those games, particularly the Montana game, the crowd probably would have grew. Instead, UND got embarrassed at home and the attendance dropped like a rock. If UND wins big home games when given the opportunity, Grand Forks WILL produce 10,000 + crowds.
  11. After listening to Faison speak on the radio about the upcoming search for a head coach and his expectations for this team, I couldn't be happier. Faison is a smart guy and he knows what he's doing; UND football will be back to winning games in the playoffs within the next 2-3 years.
  12. Just listened to Dom Izzo's interview of Brian Faison. Faison said all the right things and echoed the concerns that have been mentioned on this forum. I am proud and happy to say I am 100 percent confident that Faison will bring in a great coach. I feel we're gonna get someone with significant FBS experience that we haven't mentioned.
  13. I'm fine with Bollinger as offensive coordinator, but not head coach. Not enough coaching experience, no way around that. Just because you've been around good coaching doesn't mean you'll be a good head coach. That's like saying because Mussman was around Lennon and he played in the Big 12, then he should be a good head coach. How'd that go? Get someone who has experience. He doesn't need to be a longtime head coach, but just has quality experience. Bollinger is way too raw to make that gamble. Nielson, Caruso, Schweigart, Lennon, and Wristen, among other experienced coaches, all are better head coaching candidates than Bollinger in my opinion.
  14. Top two, in no particular order: John Wristen - CSU-Pueblo Glenn Caruso - St. Thomas (MN)
  15. Get someone with head coaching experience or significant D1 experience. That eliminates Brooks Bollinger due to his lack of coaching experience. We have no idea what kind of coach/leader Bollinger can be, so it would be a shot in the dark. I'd much rather have a guy that has experience and demands respect. Glenn Caruso is a good fit, among others. Bubba Schweigart is another one to look at.
  16. The head coach gets to choose his staff in most cases. I believe the only way any of the current assistants remain is if the new head coach wants to retain them. Exception to this would be if Faison establishes the staff as inheritance for the new coach. Will be an interesting question asked this afternoon during Faison's press conference.
  17. I interpret that quote as meaning don't be upset he got fired, but be happy that he had the opportunity to be head coach and make memories through his tenure.
  18. Is it possible both UND and the Ag school will have new head coaches for the 2014 season?
  19. UND is a class-act university and I believe this will be handled appropriately. Wish Mussman and staff the best moving forward. Excited about the future.
  20. It's happened. Relief..... UND football will be back
  21. Patience until this evening. If there's no press conference, official announcement, or information leak by tonight, then everyone has reason to be worried. Given the necessary buyout situation regrading Mussman's contract, this thing could take most of today. Faison needs to get this thing done though if he truly wants UND football to be competitive.
  22. Bollinger has potential, but I feel his lack of coaching experience is worth noting. Playing is different than coaching - no way around that. I feel Bollinger isn't the BEST candidate, although he is a good one.
  23. I know his background and I believe he's a great coach, I just think one should be cautious when considering a 34 year old coach who has no experience as a college head coach. He would be one of the youngest head coaches in the country if he was hired. I think the youngest FBS coach is 32 and he coaches at Western Michigan.
  24. There are a lot of people in North Dakota and Western Minnesota that did not attend either university but they like football. If you were not loyal to a particular university, would you enjoy watching UND's current football product over NDSU's team? The answer is definitely no. The relationship between winning and attendance is relevant in all sports. You win, you draw crowds. You lose, and you lose attendance. That's just the way it is. And the crowd I "roll with" is not different, they just enjoy quality football - something Mussman has not been able to produce.
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