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Everything posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. Although Bubba would be a solid hire, he definitely wouldn't be a sure thing or exceptional hire. He would have to prove he can lead a team as a head coach. When at UM-Duluth, he only had a .500 record. Saying his recruits went on to have success is just extreme sugarcoating. I'm not convinced because he has a mediocre head coaching record and a passive personality. He would need to prove himself in my opinion, and I'm not comfortable with taking that chance in terms of this hire.
  2. Looking like everyone should expect Bubba to be named head coach sometime around Christmas. The fact it took a month to get this thing done is absolutely ridiculous. Formal on-campus interviews starting Monday with a hire happening about a week after.
  3. Head coach salary will be improved by approximately 70k...that's significant. Not sure how much the assistant salaries will be improved, but anything is better than where it was at.
  4. Just win. If Pflugrad comes in here and installs his spread schemes, and we are competing for a Big Sky title every season, nobody will be upset.
  5. We don't NEED a "smashmouth" offense. An offense only needs to be able to consistently put up points and not turn the ball over. Pflugrad's system will do that. His offensive experiences at Arizona State, Washington State, Oregon, Montana, and Weber State make him more than qualified; he knows how to put up points. Auburn runs a little bit more inside veer because they have a more physical quarterback in Marshall (and back in 2010 with Newton), who also isn't very great at throwing the ball. Oregon runs the same concepts but they have smaller running backs this season and a very capable passer in Mariota; therefore, they throw the ball alot more than Auburn does. The spread option offense has the capability of being all kinds of "smashmouth" if you want it to be. Pflugrad ran inside zone with Moore at Montana and he got all kinds of short-yardage. Ohio State and Urban Meyer and their spread option system have smashed people all year with Braxton Miller and 230-lb running back Hyde. If Pflugrad comes in, the one thing you will notice immediately is his DI experience, both FBS and Big Sky. He will start doing things to get this program on track to be a competitive Big Sky football program. He knows the type of players to recruit, the type of systems to run, and most importantly, how to operate/facilitate a division I football team.
  6. Absolutely. Short, formal emails are certainly positive. Nothing too long or sloppy, and please do not send imperative statements.
  7. That's nonsense. Auburn runs something similar and look where there at. National Championship in 2010 and playing for another in January. Sam Houston State runs something similar, also, and they have been in the past two FCS national championships. Only apart of the equation is the scheme you run; most of it is the talent of the players and execution/discipline. In case people haven't been to a game in over a decade, we now play in the climate-controlled Alerus Center...not in Memorial anymore people.
  8. How many of the applicants have been a head coach and won their conference (not to mention the same conference we're in), plus have FBS recruiting coordinator experience? That narrows it down real quick. Pflugrad is the best applicant. Pflugrad doesn't have baggage. He will not be a distraction and he is not likely to cause problems in the future. Therefore, he has no baggage. Just because he was sanctioned by the NCAA and scapegoated doesn't mean he has baggage.
  9. http://www.cornnation.com/2013/1/10/3861426/husker-assistant-football-coaches-get-raises-becks-pay-doubles Looks like Barney Cotton makes $255,000 a year and Ross Els makes $230,000 a year, so these two are very unlikely. I expect the base salary for the next coach to be somewhere around $180,000, depending on experience.
  10. There certainly are a lot of local connections along with Faison knowing him from his NMSU days. He deserves a look. Obviously he didn't apply but Faison is reaching out to people so perhaps he will give Els a call. Plus he has a 32-9 record as a head coach (Hastings College)
  11. Any of the initially mentioned candidates that haven't applied or someone in Faison's vast network.
  12. As a coach and recruiter, I absolutely love Pflugrad. He needs to get the job. His FBS and Big Sky experience are critical. I don't agree with people saying he brings along baggage. Baggage is something that someone brings in as a distraction, or they possess something that could get them in trouble again. Pflugrad was wrongfully sanctioned by the NCAA, but he doesn't have baggage. That is nonsense. I can see him not getting hired because he was associated with his previous AD losing his job (which is Faison's position!), and there are rumors that the coach is not on the applicant list. From the list of applicants, though, Pflugrad needs to be the guy! He'll build our program into a competitive program and a top Big Sky program.
  13. After this whole McComas deal, UND football is gonna be better known nationally as the program some video game player applied to rather than a nationally competitive FCS program. I guess we've never been competitive in the FCS, so just as well be the butt of a big joke.
  14. Well Cal Poly and Pacific certainly aren't any better than Notre Dame and look what they did to us…
  15. The same NCAA that found the nickname Fighting Sioux to be hostile and abusive? Yeah, I've always agreed with that "organization" …
  16. Bohl is an idle in Fargo after the 2 NCs. No one has crap to say about him there, except maybe recently since he is departing after their season concludes.
  17. I don't deny what happened in Missoula with Pflugrad won't factor into Faison's decision, but Weber hired him. Even compared to Andrus (who was abruptly fired from Toronto in 2009 and has been on the downslope ever since) and Cummings, Pflugrad has more college football experience and potential. In your opinion, what kind of disaster could possibly happen if Pflugrad is hired? Nothing would happen but UND having a quality Big Sky program in a couple years. Not every coach is going to have a clean record. And the fact that UND wouldn't be the first school to hire Pflugrad since "the incident" should ease the decision for Faison.
  18. Pflugrad is hands down the best choice. Success in the Big Sky, extensive FBS experience, outstanding recruiter, runs a quality football system, etc. etc. etc.... For second choice, I would go with Bubba. The defenses down at SIU were consistently better than the offenses, plus Bubba is familiar with North Dakota and the region. With how Pflugrad is running away with it in the poll, I hope the same thing is going on in Faison's head...
  19. UND drops their fifth in a row while NDSU beats Notre Dame of the ACC?? That win back on the 24th of November means nothing now. There's no reason this team should be this bad. I'm sure they'll compete well in conference play, but if they can't beat out of conference opponents, what does it matter. They'll likely finish 3rd or 2nd in the conference standings and it will be over. If they do win the conference tournament, they'll likely be a 15 seed and get blown out by a top 10 school. So much for the optimism at this point. Hopefully the team improves. I hate the fact they've declined since the NDSU game while NDSU has only improved improved since then.
  20. Although it is upsetting that the process will take longer than I had hoped, Faison should definitely find the right candidate after going through this tedious interview process. Hope he lands Pflugrad!
  21. Michael Furrey is currently the WR coach at Marshall
  22. http://www.bruinsnation.com/2006/2/16/16569/6348 This is concerning about Wristen. If no one is who them seem to be, it's a wash. Just hire Pflugrad so we can start winning again.
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