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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. You've got to be joking right? Look at the roster? I've been down that road before. No thanks.

    How about we wait and see how they look when they've played some meaningful downs first.

    Let's chat about it on Oct 5th.

    Its called class makeup

    Edit: if you are a UND alumnus/fan/supporter, your pessimism is part of the problem. UND football needs a passionate support system with optimism and a vision - not people who bash everything that goes on and then stay home on game day.

    Get out there and support the team on Saturdays, especially now that UND has a competent leader in Bubba who is leading the program down the right path.

  2. Why? Because NDSU is doing UND a favor. Helping them get their program back on its feet and getting the city back interested in college football not just hockey. Be happy NDSU agreed.

    That's bull$%!# and you know it.

    UND football is getting better every single week with Bubba at the helm, making winning the Big Sky and making the playoffs possible, which would certainly interest Grand Forks big time.

    How can you say it wouldn't when UND hasn't been in the playoffs since 2007 and hasn't had a winning season in the Big Sky? You know better - UND football would be right with UND hockey if they could win the Big Sky.

  3. I've seen predictions here from 3 wins this year to the optimistic 5 or 6 wins. Are you revising that to 6-8 wins this year? Not sure how a 3 win team could be looked at as having a solid chance down there next year, but who knows.


    If this year's team goes 5-7 or 6-6 this season, then 2015 will be a playoff year for UND.

    Mark it down...

    Now, if UND goes 3-9 or 4-8 this season, they still will improve in 2015 to around .500 or so. Just look at the makeup of the roster...

  4. Let the good ole boys decide whose on the hot seat. Trust us.



    If Mr. Brian Jones don't get after it this season, you good ole boys best have a meeting. 

  5. Per Dom Izzo, Johannesson has committed to Minnesota.



    Not necessarily a surprise. Figured it would come down to Minnesota or Nebraska; tough to turn down legitimate Big 10 offers. 

  6. Just purely playing the game with NDSU is the most important thing for the UND football program as a whole, this has the possibility of legitimizing the program in the eyes of casual fans around the state with a good showing, for UND it don't get bigger than this game, also if your a casual fan of UND football you don't need a ticket to see the game, you can actually watch this one on TV anywhere in NoDak!!

    Playing the game is only a part of it.

    As I said before, the goal should be to win the Big Sky conference and BEAT NDSU all in the same season. Then on to the postseason for bigger and better things.

    If don't have significant expectations, you can't accomplish significance.

  7. If Faison thinks it can stay in GF, he is fooling himself. It is owned 50% by Blue Key at NDSU. It needs to go to Bismarck.

    Not. In terms of the years that the Nickel was being competed for, UND has the better head-to-head record and won the final game.

    UND will keep possession.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Too bad a minority of UND fans seem unable to get by the fascination/obsession with the AC. Win against the premier teams in the Big Sky and UND will have established its credibility without accepting a one-sided deal that is an insult to the institution, its fanbase and its players.

    UND-NDSU will create 10x the hype of any Big Sky game UND ever plays, even if it's for the Big Sky championship. Also, UND-NDSU affects recruiting in North Dakota and Minnesota more than the Big Sky Conference does.

    How about win the Big Sky Conference and beat NDSU all in the same season? That should be the goal.

    Obviously some have not witnessed a UND-NDSU football game in person...

  9. And in this particular rivalry, we just became Delaware St. to their Delaware.

    Support UND in the game and let's go for the win. Don't buy into the idea that we can't defeat NDSU.

    Would Michigan be scared to play two games in a row in Columbus if "The Game" hadnt been played for 11 years? They'd jump at that opportunity.

  10. I wish all the "stakeholders" and everyone involved with the University would put this much passion, energy, and focus into beating the likes of Montana St. and EWU. Then this program could really go somewhere again.

    Who says we're not moving that direction now?

    Hiring of Bubba, increasing of coaching salary pool, and improved recruiting all point to improvement.

  11. Those are teams we would go to when we need a "buy game".

    UND just announced that when NDSU needs a "buy game" that we are for sale.

    Yeah, well it really stings when a "buy" team comes into your place and beats you....

    That's our opportunity now!

    UND proud!

  12. A couple of points:

    I am glad the games are returning

    It will be interesting how SU's administration handle the racist jerks who chant "Sioux Suck"

    I wonder how many su fans will sell their souls (tickets) to UND fans

    I wonder how many su season ticket holders will switch shirts for a day and wear UNDs

    I am guessing UND will have more than 2000 fans and hopefully closer to 3500

    How many disgruntled su fans will truly boycott this game

    su fans are scared shitless of this game

    Wow - we can win this game

    Absolutely we can win this game. NDSU will lose all contributors from their championship teams after this season whereas UND won't be losing almost anyone from this season.

    Time to get it done!

  13. I am a little disappointed that this is the final deal agreed to by both sides. However, in the end, what I think really matters is scheduling the game.

    There are two very different perspectives on what this means with regard to how UND football conducts business. The first is that we don't care about the program and that this will somehow set a precedent for every future OOC game scheduled. I do not believe this is the case, but a one time exception. The second viewpoint is that we are willing to be the adults in the room. The rivalry is good for both schools and the entire state of North Dakota. Childish tactics have created a situation and terms that boggles the mind, but UND is sucking it up and going down to Fargo to hunt some Bison! If there is a perception difference that the two Universities are playing on two different levels, I think that perception is about to be shattered.

    There's no question the game needed to be played. Now, it's being played.

    Yes, it would've been favorable to have a home and home, but just purely playing the game and beating NDSU is the most important thing here.

  14. The ac did something with the Ferris St offer and negotiation that is lacking here: respect

    Just because they want to treat you like a piece of s**t doesn't mean you have to agree and reply "thank you sir may I have another?".

    You're no different than NDSU fans if you're comparing us to Ferris State.

    Ferris State is not a DI institution in the state of North Dakota with a long time history and tradition playing NDSU!

    If everyone had your mindset, we wouldn't play the game for another 11 years. That's unacceptable.

    Let's go in and beat NDSU. Now we can do that, thank God.

  15. What does that even mean? That BF somehow feels bad that the AD that left in 2005 was standoffish, so now you owe them something?

    If BF is making decisions based on that, then I would change my opinion that he should keep his job.

    Game needs to be played. If being the bigger instution and stepping up to the plate is necessary, then so be it.

    Like Bubba said in the press release, rivalry games are apart of college football. It's gone on being absent too long.

    Now we can finally focus on kicking the Ag school's a*s head to head.

  16. This is very disappointing. I am fine with playing FU again. But to agree to two consecutive games in Fargo is ridiculous. What's next? A splash page at UND's website proclaiming NDSU as the top university in North Dakota? Might as well play all the other sports in Fargo too I guess. What a slap in the face to the Grand Forks community and UND Alumni.

    I believe anyone with this mindset implicitly believes UND will not win either game. However, if you view the games as an opportunity to truthfully go into Fargo and beat the Ag school in front of their insane fan base, you've now done something huge for the state of UND football.

    That's what Bubba wants and I agree with him. Just too bad it won't be a home and home...

    IMO, just playing the game is more important than the setting details of the first 2-game contract signed.

  17. 1) I didn't predict embarrassment. I said I hope they don't...and when do you ever not go for the win? If BF cared about perception he wouldn't have signed this stinking piece of crap.

    2) BF was offered and signed (reportedly) a 2 game road deal with no return. You are hoping for a unicorn.

    As the football coaches and alumni realize, this game needs to be played. If that means playing it in Fargo, then so be it I guess.

    Bottom line is UND now gets a chance to beat NDSU head-to-head, something a ton of b*tching and bickering back and forth would never accomplish.

    In order to turn the tables and ease regional recruiting, UND needs to beat NDSU and change the region's perception of UND and NDSU; Bubba knows this and that's why he wants the game played.

    Sitting and arguing for years is only hurting UND more than anything else. It's time to be proactive and be the better and bigger institution...

    • Upvote 4
  18. This is a joke. Faison should resign immediately. I guess we can plan for a future of zero non-conference home games with other FCS schools and below market guarantee games. We pretty much have zero leverage to schedule games against meaningful opponents now. I know Bubba wanted this to happen but sometimes it's your job as the AD to see the bigger picture.

    Do we even know for sure it's 2 in Fargo yet?

    I was originally on board with everyone else in wanting a home and home or nothing with the Ag school, but just getting the game done has some level of importance too....

    Still hoping for 2015 in Fargo and 2019 in GF

  19. This is a terrible deal.

    BF has officially legitimized the insecurity and low self esteem image of the football program. He would laugh at an offer like this in ANY other sport, but he is now whoring out the football program. It is a slap in the face to every player that has worn the helmet at UND.

    To the ac, to our conference mates in the BSC, and to any observer of FCS football nationally, in doing this the UND football program looks only marginally more valuable than the d2 patsy you bring in for a W, as they are about the only other program to whom you would consider offering such awful terms.

    Essentially what BF has done here is dumped his product on the market at below cost in an effort to get rid of it in the hopes that someday he can make it up on volume. The problem with that is it shows how little value you really see in the product and they've given you no assurances of future business. I believe this product (football program) has value and is gaining in value every day. Every year the value increases the team gets harder to ignore. This game was gonna happen in time anyway. There was no need to do this.

    I really hope the team doesn't get embarrassed down there next season because that will make the prospect of that second game, WITH NO GUARANTEE OF A RETURN GAME, all the more disgusting.

    Two things:

    1) why get embarrassed? NDSU will be further inexperienced next season while UND will have every single contributor from this season returning. Let's go for the win and change the state's perception.

    2) I'm still holding out hope for a home and home; 2015 in Fargo and 2019 in Grand Forks...

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