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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. Agreed. Only way I see it is if they lose one of these two.

    If we can win one of the games, if not both, it would be a huge win - would get UND football major hype in the region for recruiting and general reputation.

    Wanna be the best you gotta beat the best they say...

    Well, Faison has gave Bubba that chance (looking at this from a positive perspective)

  2. Pass happy offense is never a championship recipe. Long term power running is better for a defense than passing all day which equals more wins.

    Defense wins championships

    Running game is a defense's best friend in terms of offense

    End of story and that's the best philosophy for UND

    Play defense and run the ball, sprinkle in PA to keep defenses honest and produce big plays...

  3. From what those who have attended practice have said about the energy and attitude of the team, I believe we will rise to the occasion and play them tough. Even in our down years we have seemed to play strong against good teams like Texas Tech, Fresno St, and San Diego st. These guys know that they have the chance to define an era of North Dakota football with just this one game with the programs first win against an FBS team. Bubba will get the team to believe in themselves and we should believe in them too. Muss is gone, no more expecting to lose.


    Absolutely, I agree. The team should expect to win every game they play in, and Mussman was no good at promoting that notion, so the team should be happy they now have a leader like Bubba.

  4. This is showing UND a 38 pt underdog to SJSU. I'd take those points.

    I'm also not too sure about this website. It has FU a 26 pt 'dog to Iowa State. I think that's way, way too much.


    NDSU - Iowa State will be a single digit margin of victory, just don't know who will win. Lets hope Iowa State...

    I won't speculate a score for UND - San Jose State because I always hope and cheer for a UND win; however, I will state it's obvious SJSU should be the favorite and if UND won it would be an upset.

  5. Per SFI and the depth chart, two true freshman will be handling the kicking and punting duties; Reid Taubenheim at kicker and Connor Bolduc at punter.


    That could end up being disastrous or it could be a good learning experience. Depends on how you look at it... 

  6. 7 days before the first game.  Excited.  Now we know the depth chart.  Interesting, Bubba is in charge and this group will play with heart.



    Very good point - the depth chart may have some surprises, but that's because the players that will play are the BEST for the TEAM.


    They may not be the most talented, but they have work ethic and a desire to win. In the long run, that's more necessary for winning football than just pure talent. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. Guys, I'm excited. Football is here!!!!!!!!! I believe that we can't say what are record will be. I won't say because I'm unfamiliar with the conference. As for the depth chart, that is for now. Trust me, after the first game, there will be changes, I think. We have to trust the coaches on their decisions (I'm biased). We will see on the 28th how it all pans out. But, as for me, I'M glad 94 has a chance to be a part of this program. It's been a long time coming. I've been told the defense is looking good and solid.


    GOOOO SIOOOUUUUXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    After this game, where can I stream or what package does Comcast have to the games?





    All conference games are streamed on http://www.americaonesports.com/bigsky.asp


    For nonconference home games, I suggest checking with http://undsports.com/ - they have subscription packages for live home game streaming. 

  8. Nobody should be surprised if transfers don't contribute as much as hoped.  Who knows they still might, but all fans want to focus on is upside when the reality is there are reasons why guys transfer and those warts aren't worn out in the open.


    Even if none of the transfers contribute on the field (unlikely), I believe it will end up being worth it anyway if for nothing else than it created competition for jobs and made everyone perform at a higher level just to get on the field.



    Well, 2 of the 3 FBS transfers are starting, and the other one will be starting eventually or at the very least have considerable playing time.


    As for the JUCOs, they are transferring because they have to if they want to continue playing football - JUCO schools are often only 2 year programs.

  9. Kyle Woodsmall as the backup NG? This depth chart is very surprising.

    Yeah, what about Marcus Cheatom and Shea Walker?

    Who knows how that position will work out...

    Also surprised with Henson being the starting RG...it will be interesting to see how he does there. On defense, I think the lineup has potential, although no JUCO CBs in the 2-deep and the NG situation is a bit startling.

    I want to be surprised this season with a solid 5 or 6 win campaign, but unfortunately I'm thinking another 3 win may be on the horizon. I have faith in the years to come, though, due to Bubba's first recruiting class.

  10. Given how much last year's secondary struggled, is anybody else a bit surprised that last year's fourth or fifth corner is starting this year?

    It is a bit surprising, but there's no question last year's coaches had issues either evaluating talent or simply playing the most talented players.

    For example, Shaugabay and Garman should've played more on offense and Javen Butler and Taj Rich never saw time on the defense like they possibly should've.

    So who knows, maybe Chris Brown is better at the CB spot than we think. Nevertheless, it's also surprising that Maverick Edmunds beat out the JUCO transfer CBs.

  11. What is the size of these 3 RB's? They aren't 160 are they?

    That's the point...both are over 200 lbs.


    that's the kind of RB UND needs in order to establish a physical ground attack...

  12. Now with that mystery out of the way, hopefully they (UND staff/players) can concentrate on making the offense better, and Mollberg can take this opportunity (as a starter) to better himself with new players/coaches and come out and show them they didn't make a mistake in making him a starter. I just hope we don't see the 2 QB thing that Muss was famous for.



    2 QB thing wont happen if Mollberg is productive and efficient; that is, this is Mollberg's job to lose. If he protects the ball (which he didn't do last year - had more interceptions than touchdowns) and is efficient passing, then he will be doing his job and he will keep his job. Offense can't afford to put the defense in bad situations. 

  13. Don't quote me but I am hearing rumblings of Jer Garman at starting tailback. Hmmm? We shall see.


    That would be surprising...and possibly not a good move.


    I say Simmons at #1 and Shaugabay at #2

  14. Mollberg named starter at QB  for UND, per Tom Miller of the Herald.

    As expected...


    Good chance there will be designed QB runs in Rudolph's offense; that fits Mollberg better than Bartels. 


    Hope we can establish the run this season - that will make Mollberg's job easier and the offense's production satisfactory. 

  15. Someone needs to provide some sort of insight on the Adidas deal or whatever UND is planning in terms of uniforms/apparel moving forward...

    Need new green home jerseys.

    • Upvote 1
  16. How about the running back position? With only four in camp, it's likely they will all see some action, but how have they looked. Has Simmons moved up the depth chart since he has returned to action. Has anyone else taken any big steps forward?

    Per SFI, it sounds like Simmons will start, with Shaugabay backing him up.

  17. Here's the full SFI update: http://siouxfb.areavoices.com


    So apparently now both Carter AND Harris are probably not going to red-shirt, plus Montague sounds like he may play some right away at safety. While I think it's great that they are playing well enough to have their shirts pulled, does this mean that none of the juco transfer db's are good enough to play? Right now only Tillman, Carter, Brown and Harris are being mentioned as the primary contributors at corner.



    The JUCOs will play some, but Tillman and Carter have looked the best, and Harris offers height at the CB position.


    After reading the update, and thinking about what I've seen at practice, I'm thinking the offense is going to be below average this season. No QB wants to step up (I find it hard to believe Studsrud will play this year, but it may happen I suppose), the receiver position is youthful and inexperienced, and the O-line has little to no depth and has new players in new positions. All in all, I don't think the offense will be very smooth, especially in the beginning of the season.


    With that said, I think the defense will be much improved over last year's defense. Both technique and talent of the defensive players has improved and the coaching emphasis is on that side of ball now. 


    So, even if the offense isn't prolific, it is possible the defense could play solid and create turnovers. If that happens, and only if that happens, then this year's team could win 5 or 6 games. The defense needs to be good though. 


    However, no need to panic; this team is on the right track. If Bubba and staff can continue to put together recruiting classes like the one they put together this year in very little time, UND will be a top Big Sky team in a year or two. 

  18. This^^^^^^ . Also what was the reason for Lennon leaving??



    $$$ & didn't want to go through with the transition


    Never did really get a straightforward answer from anyone. 

  19. Considering he had been the OC for 7 years and an assistant head coach for 4 on some pretty successful teams, I thought he was a good choice at the time. Not sure what kind of talent an outside search would have brought with the first year of transition coming up either.

    UND the final D2 years before transitioning were solid and NDSU was having success at that time in their transition; making an outside hire would've been the best move because someone worthy would've stepped up.

    However, with the athletic department in disarray with no AD and Lennon leaving, UND made the lazy move and just promoted.

  20. In 2011 he did a very good job. In 2012 he did an ok job. If he had coached every year like he did in 2011 he'd still be the coach. He wasn't a consistent leader though, that was his problem from day 1. At the beginning and end of his tenure the players ran the show. For two years he ran the show. He also wasn't great at projecting leadership to the media.

    In 2011, the team excelled despite Mussman. Remember the QB situation, Idaho, and SIOUX FALLS.

    In 2008, when Mussman was promoted, I was cautiously optimistic. Many buddies of mine were scared of the hire because of his personality and demeanor. In the end, they were right. His stature isn't that of a head coach/leader/disciplinarian.

  21. Its amazing how UND went from being a DII team in 2006 and 2007 beating FCS teams (even destroying Southern Utah), to losing to DII Sioux Falls, and having two 3 win seasons in 4 years. Nice hole Muss, now to climb out and get some respect back.



    Absolutely; from 2006/2007 to 2009, UND football nosedived in terms of the product on the field. Lennon could lead and recruit, Mussman could not. Now, lets hope Bubba gets UND back to the type of football they are more than capable of. At this point, it appears Bubba has UND back on the right track. 

  22. I think the whole attitude is different with Bubba than with Muss. I think Bubba will have everyone's head in the game and not goofing off on the sidelines.


    I would sure hope Bubba instills confidence, workman-like effort, and discipline, because Mussman sure didn't.


    In a game like San Jose State coming off a 3-8 season, Mussman would have the team "hoping" they don't get blown out. Well, I'm afraid that doesn't work in football. Look at NDSU and Eastern Washington's blue-print vs. FBS teams.


    Also, too many of Mussman's players quit on plays, committed stupid penalties, and goofed off on the sidelines.


    Those kind of things are unacceptable and characteristic of bad teams.


    Bubba will likely straighten those things out, giving UND a chance in most, if not all, games. UND may not win many this year, but they will likely be competitive in most/all. In a year or two, wins will replace those close games. 

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