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Johnny Five

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Everything posted by Johnny Five

  1. I actually do not believe GT is chicken. Just arrogant, smug, etc.
  2. Can we change the thread title to Who Has the Biggest Wiener?
  3. Johnnyboy, sorry but you make our fanbase look like shortbussers. One would only have to look back to Ojuri asking to fill the September opening with UND or Marcus Williams saying "Sioux *&$^" at the FargoDome ceremony last year to realize it would matter something to today's players. Play the freaking game already.
  4. Would there be anything better for their jobs than this game? A hundred articles in a week...piece of cake.
  5. Johs tweeted himself that he was offered as RB. it would be a shame if he quit football.
  6. Had these comments bookmarked for awhile now. Budish was one of the more complete players on the ice this weekend. I hope you understand how completely wrong your take was.
  7. Burnell was a beast. I was in HS when he was at UND. Spent a lot of Saturday afternoons at Memorial Stadium watching that era of UND football.
  8. No. Absolutely not even on the radar. Grow up.
  9. Good grief. A win tomorrow night and you guys are likely tied for first in the league right? ENJOY THE SEASON. Haven't watched your boys much this year but the past 3 games, just to many breakdowns in the D zone. For the life of me I cannot figure out what Schmaltz (correct?) was doing allowing Condon so much space to cut to the middle with less than 10 seconds in the period. Game changing play right there. When have you ever been taught to "force" a guy to drive it the middle? Just a total breakdown and his recovery effort was trash as well. And I'm sorry...Gleason broke his stick. But you basically should strangle Condon instead of letting him skate by you. And Kristo's effort there was sketchy as well knowing The last man was stickless. Just my 2 cents. 2 real darn good teams.
  10. I've paid $20 a pop x 5 per game for about 7 years now (getting old I lost count). Ticket cost is the least of my expenses at NDSU games. Travel, hotels, kids manslaughtering the concessions, etc. I'd be fine with a bump.
  11. Digger was freaking awesome.
  12. Man you are stretching. NDSU comments in a UND thread and gets ripped for it. Now they don't comment and get ripped for it. Keep the tires spinning.
  13. Yeah I agree those guys over reacted. 10 fans going nuts on a messageboard don't equate to an entire fanbase. Let's just say Travis is no Dom Izzo then.
  14. I can't defend that. Kid can do whatever he wants IMHO. Not much help for you there. Want my personal opinion? From my perspective what good is going to a MAC school? NDSU just had 6 extra home games plus 2 NC title games in front of a jammed house every week and good fan following on the road. Why go to a lower level FBS conference when the best you are gonna get is 6 weeks off between games and your rear handed to you (NIU) or a trip to Detroit for a bowl game with a bunch of crickets. Once again, my opinion. Kid can choose to do what he wants. No use ripping him or ripping the MAC either.
  15. Here was the problem from my perspective. Travis posted a whole day earlier stating he will have "something" for Bison fans the next day. So after the LeBron like pat on the back to himself, he posts that a kid is considering opening up his recruitment. Talk about breaking news. While I agree that posters are acting like he shot someone, the way he went about it was a little "me, me, me" as well. Goes with today's message board world I guess. Everyone wants to break some news and everyone is a tough guy.
  16. Fact. The most NDSU gave up all season was 21 to Northern Iowa (and that game was in the books early enough) and 20 to GSU. The defense was sick, and that's without 2 extremely good players for the playoffs. The biggest key is no one could get on top of them, and for the most part NDSU was content to grind out the clock as best they could. Even the loss, the Bison were driving and essentially in field goal range until Jensen through his 3rd INT. I've said it on this forum before, UND needs to get back to that punishing defense and running game that gave them success in the 90s and before the transition.
  17. I'll be honest, I was nervous as heck watching ODU dismantle GSU the first part of that game until GSU stormed back.
  18. Serious? I visited with his parents about a year ago and he said his entire focus was basically to get a D1 football scholarship....lives and breaths football and the weight room. But who knows a lot can change. He is a stud.
  19. Grimaldi won Gold by himself. Lucia's kid or Gopher Reilly or Potulny had nothing to do with it. NDSU are criminals and to top it off Holy Cross is in town. One day. Awesome.
  20. Williams is a terrible tackler. Grest ball skills, average cover. Any NFL fan base would roast him.
  21. Crazy criminals. Today I witnessed kids who busted their tails another year for a chance to repeat. Derek Lang was literally in tears for a solid 15 minutes at the celebration just soaking it in. Ryan Smith and Andre Grothmann were dishing out hugs and autographs to kids...no words. So awesome to see.
  22. No please don't stop! We all know they are dangerous members of society.
  23. Right because they sure have had a tough time dealing with adversity the past 3 years.
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