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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. While overall I think the Big Ten conference isn't a great idea for hockey there are some positives if it happens. The Big Ten teams will have plenty of non-conference games to play and teams just need to be smart and schedule a trip there and then home next year. Keep in mind we don't see them at home every year the way it is. Also this may open things up for Alabama-Huntsville to get in a conference (though the travel issue may be too much to swallow). Also with conference options open maybe other teams start up. Of course the opposite could happen and teams struggle more financially due to lost money of conference tourneys and fold or drop down.
  2. Sums everything up quite nicely Adventures of the Big 12
  3. ESPN is reporting that Mizzou has announced no formal invite and a Big 12 official said even if only Nebraska left they might've kicked out Mizzou for pushing to Big 10. Also apparently Nebraska was pimping themselves to Big 10 and knocking down Mizzou saying nebraska could deliver KC market and Illinois does St. Louis.
  4. Wasn't the hockey team below APR a few years ago? Wasn't due to grades, but because players left early.
  5. star2city why do you say that Mizzou screwed themselves? Aren't they waiting for an invite or assurance from Big 10? If Big 12 only loses the one team I wonder if they don't just add TCU. Though the threat of Pac 10 jumping to 12 and taking Colorado is still issue. If the Pac 10 jumps to 16 I think it almost forces the other conferences to get squeamish and start adding. If the Big Ten waits at 12 they may miss out on raiding the Big East. I see Big 10 going to 14. Keeping 2 spots alive for the girl they've been chasing forever.
  6. Well they have about another week to give the Big 12 there decision. If they say they aren't making the commitment the Pac 10 is offering the Texas schools (& CU?) and probably next week. How long will that offer stand is the question. And of course, damage has been done even if Big 12 stays together. If I was Nebraska and Missouri I'd be asking the Big 12 to renegotiate that imbalanced revenue. But then Texas might just bolt (however I think Texas is screwed bc they have to stay with all Texas schools).
  7. I wonder if things (rumors, media, conferences leaping each other for Big 12 schools) hasn't gotten so far out of control that the Big 10 will have no choice but to take a few others than just Notre Dame. Especially now that Mizzou and Nebraska have an ultimatum. If Notre Dame is only school moving does Pac 10 really want all six Big 12 schools? Sure Texas is a grab, but I don't think they'll make up enough revenue to offset adding that many schools. Now if they get there own network going and on TVs...different story.
  8. I wonder if things (rumors, media, conferences leaping each other for Big 12 schools) hasn't gotten so far out of control that the Big 10 will have no choice but to take a few others than just Notre Dame. If Notre Dame is only school moving does Pac 10 really want all 6 Big 12 schools? Sure Texas is a grab, but I don't think they'll make up enough revenue to offset adding that many schools. Now if they get there own network going and on TVs...different story.
  9. I heard on one of the radio shows (Cowherd maybe?) today that perennial crappy Kentucky said that football is their big money maker. That shows why Kansas bball is second fiddle. Why am I not not surprised that the Texas legislature is already forcing Baylor on Pac 10. As much as I want Big 10 to get Texas, that's all I want from there. Have fun Pac 10.
  10. Smoggy

    Chris Kuper

    Looks like a nice hefty deal for Chris. Congrats! 6 years $29 million
  11. The NCAA can opt out (i think 3 years are left) and with NCAA looking at 96 team tourney they'll want to re-bid and ESPN would give lots of money and lots of stations to show games. CBS is limited to 2 stations of games.
  12. Smoggy


    Keep in mind that education doesn't produce anyone who ends up with deep pockets (at least from teaching) so there is no benefactor to even name the building after.
  13. I can think of over 200,000 reasons why he would.
  14. Isn't that what the CCHA used to call it? Don't they just do 2 semi's and then championship now? How do they do their playoffs? Does everyone make it? I don't think teams should ever get excluded from conference tourney.
  15. I don't see attendance being as good with the 2 Thursday games. That's an extra day off of work for many.
  16. I'm not surprised. From I heard from a very reliable source this winter is that Woog has Parkinson's. Obviously he wouldn't be physically able to do his job much long.
  17. I believed they ended up losing in the regional last year. I can't come up with anyone that has had to play 3 at final five and then made to frozen four but my mind isn't as good as others on this board.
  18. Gonna pull the downer post. Has any team had to play the Thursday game, won it and then made it to the Frozen Four? It's a lot of games at the end of a long season when people are banged up especially when we had to go 3 this weekend.
  19. Speaking of old timers, in Colorado Springs I ran into Kunz(?) maybe at one of the restaurants and he said he played in the late 60s I believe. Don't have any of my books handy to look it up, but maybe someone remembers.
  20. Why can't they be biased in liking the US? (though I'm thinking you mean Canada if I took one of your posts from a while back correctly). Doc Emerik is awesome and loves college hockey players. He used to do the CSTV Friday Night College Hockey if I'm not mistaken. Wasn't the color guy (Eddie Olzyck?) a US Olympian? The only person I can think that you are so worried about is Pierre Maguire who is Canadian, but he wasn't working for NBC tonight as I'm sure he was on the Canadian broadcast as he also works for TSN.
  21. Not sure I'd be thrilled to be Russia with that seeding. Though obviously the pressure might be bit much for Canada. Who would US potentially play? Guessing we have to wait on Finland/Sweden?
  22. What an unbelievable game!! I really thought Canada was going to smoke us when the first period shots were 18-6. Kudo's to Miller. Canada could really control the offensive zone and we didn't transition so well, but damn did we hustle. Just review that Kessler goal! Parise on ice for quite a few and I thought was best skater for US. Toewes had great game as well. And Drury being the one everyone questioned being on roster had a goal (2nd of olympics) and big shot block towards end.
  23. I see it's also on Hulu's main page.
  24. Once on the link click one of the options on the side of the page and then video choices pop up. That's how I got it to work.
  25. That was a huge sweep with what happened at The Toilet to the south. Sets up a fun one in CC and I'll be there!
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