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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I'm sure I'll upset people, but seriously a lot of students choose communications because it's an easier major. So this surprised me:
  2. At first I thought you could make an argument about trying to limit WCHA participationl, but CC and Minnesota lost in the first round. It's hard to argue they would've done any better against anyone else.
  3. I should've done this last night, but Jim always does some scouring for articles.
  4. Bochenski got his first goal with the Blackhawks. Looks like it was his 7th overall. Doesn't appear that he is getting a ton of shifts. About 4 a period. Not sure what line he is on.
  5. I know there is a thread for quotes, but I'm sure articles will start coming as this week gets going. Share what you find for all of us. This article is from NHL.com
  6. When you find out, let me know. I've wanted videos of the intros since they moved into the arena. The "gopher definition" and "we're not in kansas" were the best clips. Best team intro was from the first year set to a Godsmack song IIRC.
  7. Doesn't UW do the same cheer? Might be a good weekend for the band not to play the "hey song."
  8. Didn't Parise also have a goal not count at the end of a period because time ran out? Or did they review that goal again and give it to him?
  9. For the afternoon game it may be possible to move near the section if you already have tickets elsewhere. I don't think the afternoon game will be a sell out (as far as butts in the seats), so you should be able to find empty seats.
  10. Green throwback that Pawlenty wore. I have the white Bennett, but I think luck has run out on that one. I also have the white throwback, but it's been bad luck this year.
  11. Hopefully not true as my mom was told that we probably wouldn't make it because we don't donate enough. Even though My mom and grandma have shelled out the money to do this each time they've sent the charter. I'm just praying that we can get tickets at least.
  12. I saw a lone Gopher jersey in the stands at the UW game last night. That poor guy had to have lost a bet.
  13. I think the biggest difference with Toews is that he isn't even 18 yet, though he is a very mature young man.
  14. MafiaMan, I have the Saturday night pregame song on my computer at home, but I won't be home until later this week. It's been on a lot of movie trailers, and if I remember correctly it can be found from some obscure movie, I just can't remember what movie. Check some of the movie trailer song sites and you might come across it.
  15. Four guys in their defensive zone for Cornell. I UW player. The UW player gets the puck and throws it to Skille as he was finally coming into the zone. None of the other Cornell players hardly flinched. To play for that long and have the big of defensive breakdown is unbelievable. I'm rooting for Maine. Their fans always cheer for us and certainly will be when we play BC. I don't want to play UW in a home/neutral rink. If we lose, then I'll probably cheer for UW. Not Earl though.
  16. To where? Pepsi Center and Xcel? Real neutral.
  17. The great thing about this regional was that all the games were full. I don't like the one ticket on Friday thing. When we played at the Minnesota for a regional, Sioux fans had a difficult time getting tickets. There might have been a couple thousand people that showed up for the game. Sure the Gopher game was filled, but people wanted tickets for the afternoon game and couldn't get them do to the one pass system. The NCAA had to like what they saw with the regional. Maybe with different teams in the future not as many would show up for the "other" game, but I think they would.
  18. I think all us fans were really hoping for a congratulations announcement or something towards Holy Cross after the game. I really wanted to cheer for them.
  19. Last night I was with some friends at the East Side Applebee's. A couple of Holy Cross players came in, so our table bought their drinks. As the bar was closing they came up and thanked us. We thanked them for their hard work and for beating the Gophers. They only had one request. "Next time you guy's play Minnesota, chant HOLY CROSS!" I will forever be a Holy Cross fan. Unless they are playing the Sioux. I couldn't even bring myself to sieve their goalie and I actually clapped for them during warm-ups. What kind of fan am I becoming!?!
  20. That was the Michigan Tech band.
  21. Anyone know how the agreement between Fighting Sioux Sports Network and ESPNU during the regular season works. Since they always use our feed, it'd be nice if FSSN could use the ESPNU feed for this game.
  22. The one spot that has me nervous with our team is our break out. During the Final Five I couldn't believe how good we looked at it. Last night Michigan was keeping all three forechecker practically at the face off dots with a D still at the blue line. This did cause problems for our D. We coughed up the puck a few times and Michigan got very good scoring opportunities to score. Something to work on as I'm sure other teams will do this.
  23. Holy Cross did an excellent job at killing penalties. They blocked a lot of shots and coverred the back door. In the third, it looks like UM even changed their PP.
  24. Did I hear the HB clip correctly last night? Is Carle Denver's first HB finalist? Now that I'm typing this, maybe it was for the Omaha guy.
  25. Actually, FSN got permission from the Wild to tape delay their game IF the Gophers won. They also had to get the T-wolves permission to show yesterday's game instead of the T-wolves. I think they are showing a Spurs game later in the year instead of yesterday's.
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