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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. how did the stock market do when obama said that waving a magic wand won't bring jobs back to 'merica? 8 years of that crap
  2. you sure about that?
  3. you beat me to it.
  4. once again you need to rephrase your question...how many people have been killed with an asteroid or of an asteroid
  5. the difficulty is still difficult 4 MONTHS later...................
  6. where has the psyop Keikla been....
  7. i'm playing the democrat here...play along.
  8. i'm assuming your jesting....
  9. his and mock's goofy cheesy fake smiles are enough for me to know what they are all about.
  10. i thought we were talking about whether or not the team should be out on the field for the playing of the national anthem and if they are that all of them should stand at attention? and the answers are yes to the first and hell yes to the second.
  11. but isn't his party against passing down wealth from one generation to the next tho? isn't that white supremacy?
  12. what letter are you referring to with bochenski
  13. so a trust fund baby?
  14. why do people keep calling standing for your national anthem a complex issue?
  15. "aww geez if that rapist would've just put his hands behind his back he would be able to walk" bubba (saves a few lives of his current players in the future) "BLM" matt (more than likely just signed off on a death certificate of a few of his players sometime in the future)
  16. me thinks you might have needed some inherent bias training back in the day..haha
  17. ? why wouldn't/didn't you see your "brothers" as equals?
  18. trust me...most people know what BLM means=donation to Biden who authored the 1994 crime bill...maybe Matt should point that out to some of those guys in the video and then maybe have them meet Alice Johnson. just a thought
  19. so condemning a rapist who went back to his victim's house to rob her and kidnap her kid and was reaching back into his van for a knife is a complex issue? maybe it is bc a guy like drew brees had jacob's name on his helmet a month ago? interesting times we live in
  20. But it's not complex when you really think about it... These young men are tools of the media bc they believe everything that CNN tells them. And by the looks of it Matt hasn't figured it out yet either which is a shame considering his age
  21. you do know that just bc your affiliate members of a conference (big 12) wrasslin' doesn't make your a full conference member...when ndac had ksu on their schedule they thought that was a conference game.
  22. bc of the kneeling?
  23. yes i can and yes i did
  24. i keep getting mail from mock/thorson ...almost everyday....so this so thorson guy looks like he's 30....years ago he "buys" a coffee shop and the looks to live at reeves drive in a half a million dollar house (according to webpage and assuming he's the kyle thorson that owns it).... where's the money coming from to buy a coffee shop and own a half million house? just asking?
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