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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. now if UND can just get ugly alternating colored seating like the above pic and i think Holt Arena we might be on to something!
  2. Interesting that Walowack will be the GM? bc Matt owns the Ground Round i think....
  3. what are the odds the the mcfc updates that old ass crappy logo and we will have to change those out in the next couple of years....that is one hideous logo...everthing else is good..can't believe we have a logo at midfield...somewhere in las vegas kris mecgreery is fuming.
  4. this is what i love about people like duker...they took a nap for 8 years (heck 16) and then wake up and literally get "woke" and think nothing bad/nefarious has happened at the federal level for the last two decades. lol
  5. tom miller wants numbers!! how about this....what if all 400 student athletes at und were tested and all 400 came back as postive for the chinese flu...wouldn't that be "outing" them?
  6. so cuomo says the covid got into the nursing homes from visitors most likely...NOT from Covid positive old people that WERE symptomatic that were forced into nursing homes...interesting take mr cuomo
  7. imagine having to tell someone that they have level 10 TDS..."how long do i have doc?"...doc: "four more years buddy."
  8. assuming that miller and schloss already don't like armacost and maybe chaves bc they aren't getting accurate covid number from UND so they can sprint fear porn on their webpage to get them clicks? *edit...thought that ndac's #'s were football only hence the FB thread...13 for all athletes i guess.
  9. yeah that started strong but nothing for quite a while now
  10. i use a lot of bad words you might not like...i might change my name to 2livecrewfan bc words are just words even the "bad" ones that might be deemed offensive to some.
  11. so a child has no "opportunity" when he/she grows in Mexico...dare you to yell that in downtown mexico city or better yet juarez and shouldn't illegal border crossings be difficult by definition?
  12. did it occur to you that people crossing illegally decided to bring "family members" with to keep the feds from arresting them? libtards don't think before they post
  13. don't use big words or latin abbreviations..it confuses libtards
  14. anyone wondering if those beefy roof trusses on Gershman's new building are meant for a rooftop deck? they are much beefier than the roof they took down.
  15. u should write for the heraldo...good click bait headline..."outbreak"...omg click on article to find out.....1 player! (ad revenue flows in!)
  16. black votes can/normally decides elections...that's why they are scared of blexit and people like candance owens....AND nothing will get the black vote out like the good ole 1994 crime bill authoer joe joe biden...black people will be waiting for hours to vote for that fraud...yeah right.
  17. don't know if they can really really find out because there are lots and lots of bots out there that are like whack-a-moles....twitter deletes them one day and ten more show up the next day.
  18. exactly! if everyone thought that twitter represented the current affairs in 'Merica they would think is pure chaos and destruction...take the 10 blueest of the blue counties...not even cities...just counties and ignore them and don't visit/live there and 'Merica is quite nice...just go for a walk and you'll see.
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