I have kinda given up on including Montana’s msu Idaho in any of fentons plans but with theses new moves by the Mvc has me wondering if he sells the benefit to some central time zone schools
will be interesting to watch Central Florida...were added to big 12 to fill the florida market and added a school when big 12 was seen as on their deathbed....flash forward and now it seems like big12 mightbe able to add some really nice schools after big10 and sec eat first........so if miami and fsu are still sitting there for the taking does the big 12 say sorry ucf...but we got florida covered with miami and fsu and you are kicked out back to the Sun Belt cusa or AAC....especiially if miami and fsu make it a requirement to join the big 12...
once again....easy maths for me on that call...see ya knights!
bc there hasn't been much conference realignment amongst the bigger conferences in a while....
if the big 10 had to choose between north carolina or nebraska...that's an easy call bc you can't keep/add em all unless the amount of conference members is infinite....
lots more AAU schools will be available shortly...drop dead weight in nebraska and blame them for losing aau and add aau virginia and or north carolina......easy math