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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. And both are abundant. The potential prophylactic use of Plaq has me thinking they should hand it out like candy at a parade right now. Bonus- no malaria either
  2. Are you hitting them with Chloroquine and Zpack?
  3. And yes, I know that quinine and chloroquine are not the same thing, but again...can’t hurt
  4. I bought some tonic water...it isn’t a therapeutic dose of quinine, but it can’t hurt...especially with some gin!
  5. Full lockdown in CA...my family has been essentially quarantined for a week and a half, so not a ton changes, but it’s pretty surreal. I’m getting sick of the doom porn out there. I don’t think anyone doubts the seriousness of this, but let’s talk about wins. Gavin saying 22million Californians are going to get sick just insights fear.
  6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTi-g18ftNZUMRAj2SwRPodtscFio7bJ7GdNgbJAGbdfF67WuRJB3ZsidgpidB2eocFHAVjIL-7deJ7/pub
  7. I’m curious why the success of Chloroquine isn’t being more broadly shared...especially by the media
  8. I don’t disagree that it would be incredibly useful for data analysis. The practical application of testing the universe to learn things that I believe we all know intuitively i.e it’s a highly contagious bug that is probably going to get everyone sick at some point in their lives however is moot in my opinion. Unless you are talking full blown Marshall law containment.
  9. No- that’s all good. Be careful not to accidentally kill them though. Like GI’s giving food to concentration camp victims. Good intentions sometimes kill.
  10. Curious what you/they are doing to help out their neighbors? current line of thinking would be leaving them alone and staying around your own house
  11. It is sad how you spell truly. Should I believe that death is unnatural or that viruses are unnatural? Is your position that nobody should ever die from a virus?
  12. Game theory in full effect. There is no “win” there are only degrees of loss.
  13. No, it’s called nature. Sad, but natural.
  14. Be interesting if there was an immunity test to see if you’ve got the antibodies.
  15. There are many variables and partial pieces of information out there. The entertainment media is not providing news. The lethality as a whole is in question based on locations and demographics of those dying. I was reacting to a particular chart comparing H1N1. It behooves us to question the narratives and to seek multiple sources of information and data in order to fully comprehend the situation. Your response is that of someone who is most certain they have all the answers. I can assure you that in this case you do not and That you would do well to seek more info before passionately holding a position. Data and responses to this are extremely fluid. With 100 cases nationwide (fatal cases) and a disproportionate share impacting nursing homes, there is a lot to be discovered. The lethality numbers look different, because the outset of the H1N1 was not centered around an assisted living facility in Kirkland, WA nor cruise ships.
  16. If you go full tinfoil hat, there are corners of the internet that believe this is a bio weapon that leaked. That it and other dangerous bio agents were stolen from a Canadian lab in Winnipeg and brought to a Wuhan lab.
  17. Perunovich would be crazy to come back. Never lost an NCAA playoff game!
  18. Yes- thank you. Frontline docs, nurses, and other care givers are so deserving of that thank you.
  19. Next we will surpass auto-erotic asphyxiation
  20. We just surpassed annual bee sting deaths with Covid19.
  21. Good info- so case growth is similar, but death rate is very different. Coronavirus deaths tracking same slope as infections where H1N1 was a very different slope on death. This chart would indicate a lethality far greater than the overall % being described broadly.
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