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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. BTW, I fixed my media player problem...I am so very happy now
  2. Yeah, serious stars played in the W: Joe Sakic, Mike Modano, Dion Phaneuf, Wade Redden, Theo Fleury...
  3. You're kidding about it not being as well known, right? The W is as well known and scouted as the other major junior ranks, and typically, the top end prospects played major junior not NCAA up until one Jonny Toews made people do a double take. The W is excellent hockey that has produced many NHL super stars.
  4. Thanks for reaching out. I am still unable to make it play. I can watch the jump tv preview, but then it just tries to buffer for a while before stopping and saying error on the page on the bottom of the flash player. I've had this happen before, and it is something in my settings. This just kills me. It is so frustrating.
  5. HELP! My computer got a virus and I had to reset it. This is the second time this has happened to me this year. So, now I am unable to stream from fightingsioux.com. I have sent in a ticket to their tech support, but wondering if someone on this board knows what the advanced settings on the internet options need to be? I have loaded the latest flash player. I get the jump tv preview to play, but it won't play anything after that. It has happened before and I figured it out through luck and tech support, but I didnt learn, so I am in the same boat. I am impatiently waiting for tech support to email me and trying to get htis figured out! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  6. Joe just misplayed the puck behind his own net and a big time goal scorer happened to be there to pick up the turnover and bury it. It happens. I agree with fundamentals first hockey against a team like this. Speed kills, but perfect positioning trumps speed. As for Chay, you know you live by the Chay you die by the Chay. He will win us games because of his offensive skill and his excellent skating. He will also cost us odd-man rushes because of it. You have to take the good with the bad. Speaking of skating, Marto, Frattin and Genoway really can flat out skate as well as anyone I've ever seen in a Sioux uniform. Those three are seriously gifted skaters in the Paul Coffey mold. St Cloud opened the door for us last night. We need to come out flying. Establish a physical presence, make good passes, drive the net. Each line wins their first shift. No exceptions. Blow 'em out the zamboni doors. Don't worry about their speed, just play good positional hockey. Help each other out, and back each other up.
  7. I give Marto most improved. I respect and admire the jobs that miller and martens have done as seniors. Chay or Duncs is MVP. Eidsness is ROY. We are going to have a sick team next year too
  8. If Bowling Green hangs em up permanently, does UMD then get to hang a banner by default?
  9. yeah, Fienhage is so green, and I'm not talking his jersey color. Blood looks like a freshman out there (which he is), but considering that he is getting ice over fienhage means CF isn't quite ready for a playoff run. Defense is tough to learn against D1 forwards in playoff hockey. We need to sweep this weekend.
  10. With all the attention going towards 3's injury, hextall and jones are kind of forgotten. Anyone know anything on those two? If Jonesy isn't ready to play next week, we are in serious trouble at the Blueline.
  11. I thought so, I can't imagine playing the WJC team...it is like an all-star team of the best of NCAA hockey and CHL players. Back on topic, I think that teams play better in the second half, you can win a boatload of games in the first month or so with one big line of superstars. I don't think that Hak's systems are that tough to learn (it's hockey after all, not rocket science). I do agree that it takes time for some guys to become comfortable with their roles and to adapt to what is best for the team. I think the biggest factor is psychology. Not that we don't want to win, but that you build on each and every week. You need to win and lose as a team and experience successes and failures as a team.
  12. Are we really playing the WJC team? It has to be the U-18 team isn't it?
  13. Genoway's "interference" penalty was a pure and simple charity call for Jutting. I've seen a lot of hockey played and usually they call that playing the body rather than interference
  14. Guessing it had something to do with Miller, Marto, Finley and Genoway logging about 20 minutes of ice each for the last two periods. Our dmen had to be standing on rubber legs at the end of the third. Fortunately Genoway and Marto are two of the smoothest skaters in the league. I highly doubt any other dman in college hockey could've done what CHay did on that Rush given how much ice he logged and it being the end of a shift...man that was impressive...no wonder he wins the iron man.
  15. My guess is that Darcy gave a little bit of the old Southern Manitoba hog tie off the draw and the response was a vicious slash. Darcy then probably asked how his sister was doing. Just my conjecture.
  16. I just saw the still of Lapoint's leg. Let's hope it isn't as bad as it looks. From the still it looks like tib, fib, and achilles wouldn't stand much of a chance.
  17. The TUC factor right now is no where near as important as RPI for us. RPI weighs heavily on winning %. We are currently losingthe PWR to OSU by .0005(can flip it tonight) and to New Hampshire by .0010 (also flippable) we need to win, not worry about the TUC factor down stream.
  18. With regard to Toews. Is Shattuck not what it was a couple years ago? I mean the team that fielded Crosby, Parise, Toews, Okposo, Brady Murray, Drew Stafford, Jack Johnson etc
  19. ughhhh I really wish we had Jones tonight. I have to wonder how he hurt himself. As for the little Toews, what is his deal? He has put up decent numbers when he is on the ice, but he gets benched a lot. I kinda believe in getting the man some ice time. He is a third round draft pick and all. He had some good chemistry with Kozek. Is he a head case or a loafer in practice or something?
  20. The probability analysis reinforces the fact that this team needs to treat the stretch run like playoff hockey, because it is.
  21. I thought I remember that part of the deal with us going to Chestnut Hill last year was that BC agreed to come to Gf in 2009. I have been wrong before though.
  22. The worst part about that is that it doesn't just count as a zero for the team without enough wins, but it throws the whole category out in the indivdual PWR comparison. Say a team ends up 4-4 against TUCs and is compared to a team that is 11-7 against TUCs, it doesn't even factor in.
  23. I think BC is coming to the Ralph next year... Do you think that the reasoning behind the adjustments was due to the dominance of a handful of teams residing in Hockey East, the WCHA and the CCHA? I could see some idiotic reasoning that it is good for the game to have more teams than the usual suspects having NCAA runs. Imagine UND finishing on a roll, losing the F5 championship game to UMD, being ranked say 7-9 and not making the NCAAs due to a loss the first weekend of October, and two 1 goal losses in a tournament? It would be a travesty.
  24. I do feel that the PWR must be revamped. As I look at Air Force and the EZAC teams with only a handful (or less) games against TUCs. I contend that your TUC record should carry more weight than say COP. I also contend that RPI is not the best measure, as any stat that must be adjjusted to reflect wins against bad teams is ridiculous. Do wins against those same bad teams count in COP? They sure do. Now some of this is sour grapes from this Sioux fan, who if the season ended today would have to pick Vermont or some other team I really don't care about and invest myself in them for April. No one wants to play UND right now, but because of three bad losses: Mass, Mich State, and Michigan Tech we are on the outside looking in. I don't have the time to do this at work today, but I wonder what the PWR would look like if instead of winnning % vs TUCs, you counted wins vs TUCs or a derivative of total wins vs TUCs (say each TUC win is worth .25)...this would favor teams that play a lot of TUCs, and would weigh very heavily towards selection time. Time to stop pontificating and go back to work.
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