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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Jackson Keane implicated in this Instagram scandal with Brendan Leipsic
  2. I think the big thing is I don’t trust any of the information out there. I’ve learned throughout my life and career to question the answers being fed me.
  3. You don’t think that the government and the tech oligarchs have the ability to destroy a person’s standing online in a blink? then use subjective criteria (Granted- to which they are entitled) to stem the message. thats what I fear...this is unprecedented, therefore I am skeptical. and the Bakersfield docs aren’t motivated by their financial interests anymore than Anyone else in the medical community. Albeit I did t agree with some of their extrapolation.
  4. There goes another $50k in taxes for me
  5. So...there’s some seriously disconcerting videos out there...man this is a strange world...free speech is being suppressed, people with legit credentials are being discredited by power brokers... I’m a highly educated professional and I don’t know what is truth and what is a lie.
  6. I live in a suburb of the 2nd largest city in the United States... the NYC metroplex is the anomaly, not the norm.
  7. I feel it’s use is applicable to current. Thanks for the internet search....I saw the NPR write-up on its original usage too. I’m going to have Japanese A5 Waygu tonight, because My worldview has made me wealthy, healthy, and free...
  8. Not sure what the Chicago Mayor is doing. I’m working.
  9. “those who would sacrifice liberty for safety, deserve neither” - Benjamin Franklin Do the “Trump is a Nazi” crowd that support enforced total quarantine understand how totalitarian and fascist a government mandated Total quarantine is?
  10. Yep...I’d die for my children’s future. and my quick google search cane in at 405k
  11. Do as I command or hundreds of thousands will die...framed that way it sounds like a threat...
  12. 405k in WW2...and none of that was fought on our home soil
  13. It’s about true likelihood, if they are sick or have a strong reason to believe they are infected and shedding. for the record, my worldview is NOT that this is all worth it if we save even one life from covid. That’s a child’s lens and a political statement. sometimes you have to sacrifice a battalion to win a battle.
  14. They need to use good judgment. The coordinators of these vulnerable people’s care must have a contingency if the care giver gets sick
  15. If you have reason to believe that you have a high probability of shedding the virus, you should stay home. That’s just common sense. quarantine the sick and the probably sick/exposed. Use common sense. Open up the country to the well.
  16. One size definitely does not fit all in virtually any aspect of the USA. The perspective and world view differs so dramatically based on where you live, where you were educated, where you grew up, your family dynamic, your income and wealth...I can go on and on... The idea used to be that the resultant diversity made us great...well it appears what makes us great is also wrought with division, anger, and frustration. imposing of one’s world view on others is inherently unamerican but unfortunately seems to be the order of the day. It is fueled by ratings driven media.... now we can’t even agree on a pandemic based on interests influencing the spin and presentation of facts on both sides... really sad state of affairs
  17. Oh great...next thing you’re going to tell me is that there are giant hornets that can kill a small child out there too.
  18. Hahaha! All the world views in one place...magnified by anonymity and lack of accountability
  19. Hospital admissions in CA are way down as a whole, slightly up for Covid this week
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