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Everything posted by Godsmack

  1. I was pretty young but man, Phil Sykes, after what he accomplished, wasn’t highly sought after?? He’s a legend!
  2. Eric Middendorf left CC and went back to the USHL (Chicago Steel) to play for his former coach at the USDP. Might there be some potential interest in him depending on his development this season?
  3. How could I forget those too! Ken Landau who covers CC hockey reverts to the well too many times with his glib comments, “Top shelf, where grandma keeps the peanut butter!”, and the “Little 6 plus 1 Conference.” They were kinda funny and clever 5 years ago but beaten like a dead horse today.
  4. “Yo ding dong, ding dong yo!” ”Filthy mits!” ”Bar down!” ”Holy Schneikies!” I know I’m missing some other overused cliches.
  5. Are the DU announcers really worse than the Duluth guys???
  6. Is this public yet? I googled it but couldn’t find anything.
  7. Yah, a swing and a miss on this one....and they’ve had some clever ones in the past.
  8. Let the trash talking begin... https://letsgodu.com/2019/11/11/fan-recognition-event-backfires-on-north-dakota-officials/#more-69532
  9. No, they stopped doing that a few years ago. There was a work around for UND fans to avoid having to buy tickets to other DU sporting events. I think the almighty dollar out weighed other considerations. I’ve observed that the 50/50 raffle is usually 2 or 3x’s higher when UND comes to town than when other teams, even CC visits Magness Arena. I’m sure beer sales are significantly higher as well.
  10. To your point, I spoke with a couple of buddies who are DU fans who attended last year’s quarterfinal series and they both acknowledged that UND controlled the play for large stretches of both games. The difference was that DU cashed in on their opportunities while UND didn’t. This year’s UND team appears to be improved offensively over last year’s team. DU is, well DU....they rarely beat themselves so they’ll pose a challenge but I like our chances with this year’s squad over last year’s.
  11. DU got humbled tonight. Maybe that will erase some of the allure about them. Don’t get me wrong, DU is an excellent hockey team but at least this shows that if you work hard and play the right way, they can be beaten.
  12. We get to wear sports jerseys on Fridays at work. I can’t wait to rock the Schmaltz sweater!
  13. I’m so pumped for next weekend! Let’s take a game-or two-from DU!
  14. Denver sounds like they fell apart in the 3rd tonight. We know they’re really good but at least this shows they’re human.
  15. What radio station is the hockey game broadcast on? I wanna catch Berry’s post game comments.
  16. Will Thome get a whiff of ice time this season? My guess is not.
  17. Man, it hurt when DU played our song after beating us last March to end our season. I hope we get some payback this year!
  18. That was a really nice period. Good job, fellas.
  19. I’m not sure I’d put Western in this category yet but I see your point. I just think we aren’t quite at the elite level of DU to where we will sweep home series against all of these teams.
  20. Well, there are several factors that I believe give coach Haviland a long leash: 1) He’s still in the early stages of a long term contract and from what I’ve heard, he’s one of the highest if not THE highest paid coach in the conference. Unfortunately, given that CC is a private school, they are not required to release the details of his contract and so they chose not to. He was good buddies with the now former AD, Ken Ralph, the very guy who fired Scott Owens over the telephone and then hand picked Haviland as Owens’ replacement. Ralph “rewarded” Haviland two years ago with a long term deal following a 15-17 2017-2018 season. CC’s season ended that year with a valiant effort in a 3-game series at DU. We as fans were proud of how they damn near beat the Pios, taking game 1, barely losing game 2, before having nothing in the tank and ultimately getting blown out in game 3 but putting up a great effort, thanks in very large part to goalie Alex Leclerc. That said, I think many in the CC community had high hopes for 2018-2019 and rightfully so with the group of returning players. Last year was the best squad Haviland has had and they had many accomplishments-winning the Gold Pan back from DU after a 6 year drought, winning the Pikes Peak trophy from Air Force for the first time, and advancing past the first round of the NCHC playoffs and getting to the Frozen Faceoff for the very first time. I think last season started to establish some credibility in Haviland and his staff and that probably earned Haviland more time and trust with the brand new athletic director, Lesley Irvine. Because she has no previous ties to Haviland, hopefully she will take a much more impartial, unprejudiced approach and evaluation of him than her predecessor. 2) Expectations among Tigers fans isn’t anywhere near as close as what you see with UND and their fanbase, and that’s a big part of the problem. Can UND fans sometimes have unreasonable expectations? -Perhaps but they set the bar very high and that contributes to the winning culture at North Dakota. My impression of most CC fans is, they’re just happy being able to steal a game or two from DU. Winning the Gold Pan was awesome and a big accomplishment but the way the team and fans celebrated, you would’ve thought they won the national championship. My point is, the bar is typically set too low (see my first point with Haviland getting rewarded with a big new contract after a sub-500 season). Until fans, alumni, and the school start expecting-and demanding-more, Haviland will get by with mediocrity, we’ll settle for the occasional upset or two, but we will never host a first round playoff series and we’ll likely never make the national tournament. Expectations of every team and fanbase should be to win the national championship, otherwise, why even bother playing??? 3) Because of the term of Haviland’s contract, I doubt the school wants to fire him and then have to pay two coaches’ salaries. This, despite the fact that CC has one of the biggest endowments in the conference. Given the premier conference that CC’s in and this new arena, I think the program has a lot to offer and would attract a LOT of talented coaches, certainly much better quality than what we currently have. 4) Robson Arena. Haviland has his fingerprints all over the design and construction of the new on-campus arena. It will be a big part of Haviland’s legacy so I highly doubt he’s going to voluntarily leave the program anytime soon. At least not until after the team’s inaugural season. Sorry for the long reply but it was born out of the frustration of a guy who’s been a CC fan dating back to 1991. As much as I personally don’t care for Don Lucia, I give him all the credit in the world for saving a dying hockey program and bringing them to national prominence that lasted well over 15 years. I want to see us become a league and national contender again.
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