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Everything posted by Godsmack

  1. When has our goaltending and D zone coverage been this bad? Early 90’s perhaps? Seem to recall some pretty bad teams from around ‘92-95.
  2. It seemed like from about the 12 minute mark to the 9 minute mark in the third, we didn’t once get the puck out of our own zone. There were several face offs and we either lost most of them or we lost the 50/50 puck battles.
  3. Top 6 in the nation in shots allowed but dead last in team save percentage. Ouch.
  4. Cooper Moore had a forgettable third period.
  5. After cruising to victory last night, CC looked as if they thought tonight would be a cake walk. Nobody told the Princeton Tigers that and they came out and outplayed CC to a 2-1 overtime victory.
  6. Princeton isn’t very good but I bet @MafiaManwould like their sweaters.
  7. If I’m not mistaken, this was Polin’s second back-to-back hat tricks this season! 12 goals in 4 games, impressive.
  8. My favorite Christmas movie! Good choice!!!
  9. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Festivus or whatever else you might celebrate, to my friends here on siouxsports.com! Always glad to read everyone’s comments about our beloved UND hockey program! Here’s to a great and memorable 2023! Go Sioux!
  10. Yah and given how few NHL games I attend, last night it struck me how long the leagues and team owners want their games to last in contrast to the NCAA. Given the $17 beers they charge at Ball Arena, it started making sense why they have 18 minute intermissions.
  11. So I’m at the Avalanche/Islanders game and when the periods start, most if not all of the players from both teams come shooting out onto the ice for a few quick laps around their respective nets. So my question is why did the NCHC (or perhaps it’s all of NCAA) implement the rule that only the goalie and five guys starting the period for each team are allowed to skate on the ice to start the next period?
  12. Yah, as much as I hate to, we need to be rooting for ASU the rest of the season.
  13. Not sure but just stuff I’ve read waS that given the incoming stud recruits Minnesota had coming in, there wasn’t really a spot for him. Also, it seems St. Cloud has been playing Cruikshank at center whereas last year, Motzko had him on the wing.
  14. I guess my only thing with that is, it wasn’t CC or Coach Mayotte who stole his recruits so maybe he should’ve swallowed his pride and just shook hands. He could’ve even gotten in a dig at Mannino as they crossed paths!) lol. Oh well, no matter. I’m speculating; there could be a million and one reasons why he didn’t shake the players’ hands I guess. Maybe he’s a germaphobe and doesn’t like shaking hands with a bunch of sweaty, nasty mits after having been in those gloves!
  15. Yah, good point. I had totally forgotten about all that. As a CC fan, I don’t 100% trust Mannino given his history. I’m sure his stop at CC is just a stepping stone to something better, at least that’s the impression I have of him. He seems to change teams more frequently than most people change their socks.
  16. So after the CC/Omaha game ended (and in dramatic fashion with CC goalie Mbereko making several grade A saves) the two teams lined up for the handshake line. Curiously, Gabinet made a bee line across the ice to the locker rooms with his assistants close behind. Meanwhile, the CC coaches got in line and shook hands with the Omaha players. Don’t want to jump to conclusions but does that sound odd?
  17. I think Mayotte’s moving the team in the direction of a team like Duluth in terms of getting bigger, heavier bodies. McOwen is a solid, power forward with skill. Getting away from the 5’8”, 160-175 lb smaller forwards that Haviland seemed to go after.
  18. https://twitter.com/CCTigerHKY/status/1601598986002972672/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1601598986002972672&currentTweetUser=CCTigerHKY McKown’s goal was #3 on ESPN’s top ten plays last night.
  19. Drake Caggiula on the intermission interview with Hennessy.
  20. I swear, this team figures out more ways to create self-inflicted wounds. It is so maddening.
  21. You ice the puck with 4 seconds to play and then lose the faceoff clean.
  22. On his Has-beens podcast, Ausmus tells the funny story of how one year, an unsuspecting Keaton Thompson couldn’t figure out why the Lawson Lunatics were all over him during warmups. He’s like, “what the hell did I do to these people to piss them off so badly?”
  23. It started back when #44 Torey Krug played at Michigan State back in the CCHA days. The fans have ever since carried over the tradition of hazing the sh*t out of whichever opposing player happens to wear #4.
  24. Feel bad for #4. Hopefully Cooper Moore is aware of what goes down with the Lawson Lunatics.
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