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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Thanks for sharing. Lots of good stuff there.
  2. Schnepf covers all the bad media. Calliou will never again write a negative article about NDSU. And yes, he more than likely shines Bohl's...never mind.
  3. What's your point? These "other" sports weren't any good before we made the transition. Now that they are in the Big Sky it is only going to get harder.
  4. Thats not a conference. Its a football scheduling alliance. NDSU's 'conference' is the Summit.
  5. Honestly, who cares. Its a fluid process, year after year after year-no end in sight to judge the numbers. Next year UND could break even. Yippee!! Enjoy the sports.
  6. Coming to NDSU's defense awfully quick.
  7. I love how the Douple's on Bisonville are now saying that the Summit never invited UND and were never going to. It is basically the exact opposite of that. UND canceled the visit by Douple and took the Big Sky invite instead. That is fact. The visit was a formality and the invite was coming very shortly after that Monday visit.
  8. The part I love is how Douple says they have 8 solid committed members. One of the 8 hasn't even started yet. The only schools that love beingin the Summit are USD and Omaha. The rest all have been mentioned as looking for better.
  9. So that's why he didn't go to NDSU. Thanks for the update.
  10. The result of that game definitely would have added to what is the "Urban Legend".
  11. Meant that Calcaterra would be a major inside presence that could eat minutes, grab rebounds, and play D at the center position, much like Wilmer did. However, he was much more highly recruited than Wilmer and has to be a better overall player. So I would expect more from him than Mitch could give. Nothing against Mitch, he had a decent 4-year career after being a walk-on I believe-worked hard for the program and improved.
  12. He was pretty highly ranked out of HS and had alot of offers also. Their must be something there but he appears to not be progressing. At 6'10", he is probably worth the risk though. He cannot be any worse than Wilmer, who gave 4 years worth of minutes. No reason why this kid cannot do the same thing but with more athletic ability.
  13. Sorry, I guess I assumed people would understand I meant during Dave Hakstol's time at UND, being we are in a Dave Hakstol thread.
  14. OK, so I will ask this: When does UND ever win the National Championship in a year where they "do not have the best team"? I keep hearing it is not the best team that always wins, blah blah. Well, we have all agreed that UND has rarely had the best team on paper in the last 10 years - so why can't it be them if the "best team doesn't usually win it"?
  15. True, but they surrounded him with the best OL in the country, the best RB, a Top 5 WR, and the best defense in the country.
  16. That is exactly what I said. You basically repeated what I wrote and then said I was dead wrong. Huh? Bowden turned them into a national power, won 2 NC's, then over the next 10 years he didn't win a thing and was run out. Did we not just say the exact same thing?
  17. My threads are not calling for Mr. Hakstol's head. I am trying to get into the thought process of this fan base and wonder why they are so complacent with 8th place finishes every other year when they have a Top 3 program. The only answer I have gotten is "who else is better"? Really, thats your answer? Like no other coach in the country could lead UND to an 8th place finish at the NCAA tournament in a division of 60 teams. NOBODY could possibly do that.
  18. Wrong to you. Go to Grand Forks and look around at the amount of snow in yards. Then go to Fargo. Its not even close.
  19. Fargo has way less snow than Grand Forks, like a lot. The snow melted off Dacotah Field naturally. That was not happening in GF.
  20. 1. Florida State became a national power under Bowden and then at their peak won 2 NC's in 6 years. Then, once they were established as a national power, they didn't win a damn thing for 11 years. Guess what happened? Bowden was run out. The Alums were not happy with anything less than a NC. 2. Mack Brown is currently on the hottest seat in all of college football. They have not won a NC in 8 years and the natives are extremely restless. He had to fire his entire staff as a job saving measure. If that does not work, he is gone within a year or two. The Alums are not happy with anything less than a NC. My point is there is little to no restlessness in this fan base. I was always under the assumption that UND was the best program in the country, with arguments coming from Minnesota or BC or Michigan. I may have been wrong. When you lose twice in 4 years to Yale at the national tournament, I would expect people's angst to raise at least a little bit.
  21. The standards have gotten low around here. Top 3 program in the country with the best arena in the land and simply making the NCAA tournament and being a regular season 'powerhouse' is enough these days to satisfy the fan base. Based on the rosters that each team has in the WCHA, it would be damn near impossible for UND to finish outside of the Top 6 every year in the league. They have 14 NHL draft picks. So they are going to get home ice pretty much every year, which they have. When a program is the bigtime, upper echelon program in its division, it usually wins a NC title every so often. Look at every other sport (BB - Duke, UNC, Kentucky....FB - Alabama, Texas, Florida, USC). And when those teams or other programs near their level don't win a national championship over a prolonged period: their coach is fired or run out or changes are made (see UCLA basketball, Florida State football). I guess I don't understand the complacency year after year when it comes to this program. There are multiple people pissed off on this board and want things shook up but there are more that love the way its going and are happy with the results. Losing in the NCAA tourney to teams that are not as good as you, year after year, is a bit of an issue IMO. I will add that I have no idea who a better coach would be. My point is simply from the surface, more pointed to how the fan base is reacting (or not reacting) to the continuous losses in the NCAA tournament.
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