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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Never heard that passionate speech last spring from many people, if anybody. Is the athletic department supposed to keep running a D2, regional model, losing millions, just so 75+ students can get their "experience"?
  2. If that was the only factor used then, yep. If not then it was a waste of our time.
  3. I think people need familiarity. 2 at most. When they hear the song, they know its third down.
  4. Unbelievable isn't it? Went from nothing to brand new screens and people need to question the size of them. The place seats 3,000 people, they are plenty big.
  5. No there isn't. Go listen to it instead of spouting off about what other people wrote. Faison was talking that currently, as he is speaking to them (because they asked about right now).
  6. The emphasis was..." right now, FOR THIS INSTITUTION, we are committed to having football.......blah blah......that means your football program needs to be in a conference...." Go listen to it.
  7. Are you going off the interview today? Because he said NOTHING along those lines and you completely twisted the words around. Good lord.
  8. That Dakota Legacy Collection is right next to it just begging to be bought. Might want to dust those shirts down as well.
  9. Yet you guys are the only one's that seem to get worked up about it.
  10. That shirt is Madison Ave. level sh*t. A Mandan Braves logo with NDAK in block lettering. Hopefully, they produced enough or there is going to be riots.
  11. What the hell is a NDAK? I assume some sort of Native American...
  12. T&F are safe. Any Big Sky core sports are safe until UND finds it's way into the Summit/MVFC. Like previously said, Women's Hockey, Softball, & S/D are up for debate.
  13. I don't dislike any sports, in general. But for the 2 million dollar price tag, I dislike Women's hockey at UND.
  14. It's a BV lameass thing. Him showing for the 38th time that he is a Bizun fan.
  15. Not bad. Probably 75-80 people milling around in and out of Bookstore and outside stuff. Outside is pretty quiet right now, maybe 15-20 people moving around. Bought 3 shirts and 3 cups with new logo.
  16. Why would they be waiting in line for a free all day event?
  17. So once again they lied about the real reason.
  18. Oh, so its Port's fault that DB lied to everyone? Everything he wrote was 100% backed up by evidence. Something that Tiny Tony demands at his site. Shoot The Messenger.
  19. Are you serious, that's all you took from the article? Nothing about DB lying to everyone on purpose...see that part? DB basically called you and every NDSU fan "beneath him" and not worthy of a response. Starting to think those sheep out on 19th are symbolic.
  20. Doesn't look good there either. To small. Too busy. Looks good on jersey
  21. Way too busy for small helmet decal. They had a small logo on the jersey for years. Kind of busy for that too.
  22. UND1983

    2016 Season

    No, they stream all their home games for free.
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