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Everything posted by petey23

  1. As was I. As Barry Melrose said "If UND and Michigan played 10 times, UND would win 9. Unfortunalely for you guys the one was last night."
  2. Looks like my over under of 11.5 for Big 10 goals in the Regional Finals is looking to hit the under.
  3. Qunnipiac was on power play.
  4. true but I think their huddle was to decide if they wanted to call penalties and make it 4 on 3. What did he embelish? Answer--the late cross check after the whistle. Love tap or not.
  5. So now the NCHC officials use common sense and discretion in making a call.
  6. It might be cyclical as the coaching jobs at the USNDT have become a revolving door to the next coaching job. I know Michigan and Michigan State have pretty close proximity to the program and have several connections so it seems like quite a few kids seem to end up at those schools. Boston U seems to get quite a few as well. Many of the kids playing there are from Michigan, New York, and Massachusetts. A few years back it seemed like many of the kids were going the Major Junior route. Also, many of these kids are not from hockey hotbeds as numerous Minnesota kids have turned down the invite to play there and instead opting to finish their high school careers. The old saying is even more true today with internet, streaming and digital options available....if you are good, they will find you.
  7. There have been several articles written about it. One of them referenced info from Minnesota Athletic Department.
  8. Not when the player on the other team commits a penalty with intent to in injure. And it was a 5 minute so you pretty much roll all your lines anyway.
  9. Kleven, Caulfield, and Frisch ran camps last summer and Kleven was the Rink Live athlete for UND this year. The camps can be a nice chunk of change but by the time they pay their teammates for helping out and renting ice time they are not getting rich.
  10. NIL for hockey even in the Big 10 is minimal at this point. A couple teams have collectives but they don't really generate much. Across the board in college sports you have about 4-5% of Athletes raking in the vast majority of NIL money. At Minnesota, Men's and Women's Hockey and Baseball combined make up less than 5% if NIL money that their athletes take in.
  11. Good catch, but they actually thought they were in a do or die situation to get into tournament that game.
  12. I had a couple Gopher fan friends reach out to me to see if I knew where they could maybe find some tickets. I told them I would look for them because I did not want them to see that Facebook page because of the Embarrassment by Association....Thankfully I did discover over the last couple days that Minnesota has a facebook page as well with a similar cringe factor.
  13. Depends on the penalty is my philosophy. Tripping or Hooking penalty, give some 4th liners some power play time. Slashing or roughing penalty or guys taking runs at our players and I am rolling top units out there.
  14. True......However UMD won the National title in 2017-18 with 1 sophomore and 5 freshmen playing D and a Sophomore Goalie they found in the NAHL who had played in 2 games as a freshman(1 start) and gave up 2,1,1,and 1 in the NCAA tournament after UND beat them for the NCHC title.
  15. Hopefully our coaches are plugged in with the family advisor/agent type guys who may know of additional players hitting the portal that are on teams still currently playing.
  16. Might be a bit. Ottawa for the last 3 weeks has yo-yo'd between being in the playoff hunt to being on the fringe of the playoff hunt. yesterday they were on the fringe and after tonight they are back in the mix.
  17. I remember having a couple Buzz Aldrin's at the Antique back in the day. Tang and Vodka with a splash of grenadine.
  18. Scary thing is he might be a 4 year college player at 5-9 and a buck 48
  19. Ottawa has 11 game remaining. They have bounced around the last 2-3 weeks of being on the cusp of making a playoff push and dropping to the edge of contention. a couple weeks ago they were 5 points out of playoffs with 4 games in hand and then the Islanders went on a little run. As of today they are 7 points behind the Penguins for the last playoff spot but also need to jump Washington(1 point with 1 game in hand) and Florida(6 points). They play 8 teams ahead of them and 3 behind them down the stretch which will make it pretty tough for them to make the playoffs but might make it easier to get Tyler in the lineup down the stretch.
  20. You can try but it is tough to make chicken out of chicken soup.
  21. Elections have consequences. With the population of Minnesota being heavily based in the Metro and most of the elected officials in those districts not having to worry about being voted out of office the lunatic left is running the show in Minnesota. It is not a good thing when your legislature is trending on Twitter every other day during your legislative sessions....North Dakota has the same problem on the other end of the scale although the Republican party in ND has a little more of a breakup within the party between the right wing kooks, the moderate republicans and the socilaist wing of the Republican party which has dwindled bit since the oil boom.
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