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Everything posted by petey23

  1. Too old now probably and not likely interested but wasn't Cary Eades in the mix for the Manakto job when Hastings was fired.
  2. NhL is somewhere around 110/115 a day on the road. AHl is around 80-85
  3. He is in Toronto organization but he is in the ECHL currently with Newfoundland
  4. Hey a Mike sighting! Have not seen Mike at many events lately...or so it seems.
  5. Just tell them that Berg was the player to be named later in the Tychonick "trade"
  6. I think they pro rate the contract per game since this year counts as his first year of his 3 year deal. The entry level contract is $925,000 per year and he will be with Ottawa for their last 10 games whether he is in lineup or not. So he will make a little more than $11,000 per game times 10 games plus daily per diem.
  7. I thought so too but the langauge says College Eligbility. For collegiate and college-track players, NHL teams hold the rights to drafted prospects for the duration of their NCAA eligibility. In the case of a player who spends his draft-plus-year in an amateur junior A league such as the USHL before starting college, it could be a five-year signing window.
  8. He is a +1 in 14 games with 1 goals and 5 assists.
  9. Had to do a double take because Hockey DB lists him as a forward
  10. And the Big 10 argueably now has 6 programs trending upward and Notre Dame in neutral.
  11. I would be shocked. Mankato has already removed Hastings from website.
  12. All depends on the conversations they have with the coaching staff. Not all decisions to enter the portal are initiated by the player.
  13. In hockey 10-15% of players who enter the portal will not play another game of Division 1 Hockey. Football and Basketball is around 40-45% of the players not finding a new Division 1 team.
  14. As long as we were going with a bird we should have been more specific. Peregrines Fastest bird on the planet. They have had nests at UND and around the area.
  15. We had to settle for his line mate.
  16. I am aware he has visited schools and has offers. I know his famly has close ties with UNI and Creighton and his father played at UND. That is why you make an effort and have a conversation with him and let him know you would love to have him at UND. You never know how things change with coaching changes and the portal options.
  17. I didn't think much of it. I did see Several Gopher staff, like their equipment manager and others thanked and commended the UND staff on their running of the regional.
  18. I am hoping we at least offer his teammate(McAndrew) although after the state tournament he just had he is going to be getting a lot more looks...hell, the Gophers might even notice him. We should at least offer since he is a UND legacy even though I am guessing he will end up at a higher profile school. Tibbits is interesting. He plays a pretty quiet game, takes care of the ball, controls tempo, gets teammates involved and you check the stat sheet at end of game and he has 17-18 points, 6-7 assists, scores pretty efficiently.
  19. Watched a few Century games this year. The first game against Minot he was the best player on the floor. Couple of nice games against Mandan. Century had quite a few blowout wins this season but it seems like in their close games he was their best player in those games.
  20. Didn't have the heart to tell them that Alaska and Michigan Sate would have been next in, then Notre Dame and Northeastern but I saw one guy thought they should expand the field to 20 for us.
  21. As was I. As Barry Melrose said "If UND and Michigan played 10 times, UND would win 9. Unfortunalely for you guys the one was last night."
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