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Everything posted by petey23

  1. That should scare teams into keeping their names. Addidas design team is terrible. It's almost like a threat.
  2. Vaguely. Never been compared to a liberal before. So just a basic question for you. Do you honestly believe that when an alum who graduated in 2011 or earlier when faced with the realization that they are unable to find any Sioux apparel will then when given the choice purchase Nodak or Roughrider or Fighting Hawks apparel versus just buying a cool design that has UND or The University of North Dakota on it? If your answer is yes.......see Marquette, University of
  3. I guess we will see? I do have a vested interest as I am in the business but I am not forecasting any large commission windfalls from whatever the new name is beyond the first 6-12 months and even that won't touch what the Sioux logo did the last 2-3 years in existence. I will still purchase UND apparel and merchandise and keep my season tickets and attend games and travel to Frozen Fours etc. and cheer on UND no matter what the name is but just don't see myself wearing anything with the new name on it. I guess that makes me a bad person.
  4. I believe it goes red river clap clap, red river clap clap
  5. fantasy. I graduated a Sioux from UND. I will continue to buy and wear apparel that reflects one of those 2 things as will most who have graduated from UND....the current and future fans will purchase the new merchandise and that is great. I will continue to support UND but it is very unlikely that I would ever own or wear any apparel that doesn't reflect The Fighting Sioux and/or UND or UND only.....and I am in the large majority on this.
  6. Aside from the fact that 5-10 that were better than any of the remaining were discarded along the way.
  7. That is happening no matter which way this ends up....the bottom line is we don't have a name to choose from that is worthy of the University. If one comes along organically then there will be a movement towards that name....whether that happens or not, Sioux and Fighting Sioux will overshadow things for 20-25 years so everyone should simmer their expectations that a new name that in the end is favored by less than 10% of the shareholders is going to create some groundswell of support.
  8. Dave Kolpack works for the associated press and is Jeff's older brother....By the way, Dave is a UND Grad.
  9. Are you new here? If we knew which name/logo would sell the most merchandise, given the crap for choices remaining this might actually be the best reason to vote for any of them. Most on here who are lobbying for choosing one of these crappy names over the others they consider to be crappier names were in the camp that said we can't be just North Dakota because the University needs the revenue to be gained from the branding and roll out of a new logo and name. I am just pointing out that the merchandise that most alumni who graduated as Fighting Sioux purchase will not be any different than the merchandise they are currently buying. As far as who the target audience would be for the newly branded name and logoed merchandise I am just pointing out that the target audience for those sales will be current and future students and if their overwhelming choice is Fighting Hawks then so be it. If they are as apathetic about the new name as most others are then it really doesn't matter. No matter which name is chosen, The Fighting Sioux ain't going anywhere for quite a while.
  10. Certainly helps! What I am saying is "what will sell". The items that do not have a nickname or logo that can be purchased now and will be available in the future will continue to sell....what I am saying is what kind of additional market do you create with a new name and logo? If you don't come up with a popular name and logo you end up like Marquette and 108 of your 120 top sellers in your bookstore are items that have no reference to your nickname or contain a logo......did they really create additional revenue by choosing a name that their Alumni and students to this day don't care for after 20 years?
  11. Which we already use and it adds no additional revenue stream to UND and actually could take away from it. If you have the interlocking ND, UND, or The University of North Dakota myself and many alumni already buy and would continue to buy those items....if you add in Nodaks=no sale. I don't like any of the names but voted for Hawks as that is the only name with a chance of having UND benefit from branded Apparel and Merchandise sales on an ongoing basis. Alum aren't likely to by any of the 3 remaining names on apparel but will continue to buy UND gear while I think students will buy Hawk apparel but would purchase very little of Nodak or RR apparel.
  12. Want to? No. But with the choices remaining it wins by default.
  13. maybe there is a reason for that? Just saying.
  14. Except me I guess....but just one of a few reasons I don't like it.
  15. Got my email this morning. Will be voting Fighting Hawks again. Not that I am in love with it, but it is the lesser of 3 evils and as I have said before not very likely that this will be a long term name for UND(none of the remaining will be). It is generic but has some good logo and mascot potential and is the only one of the 3 with any potential to garner any long term additional revenue for UND through apparel and merchandise sales which is good for UND and good for me and the company I work for. If Nodaks or Roughriders are chosen you will get a lukewarm at best response from the current students which will feed down to the future students and young people in the area and across the state. I believe alum will continue to buy the same merchandise and apparel available to them now and slapping the new name on an item will not motivate someone who is a Fighting Sioux alumni to purchase an item with a name on it that has no meaning to them. Don't like Roughriders as to me it is a "western" based name and a local high school already has the name and I have never liked the name to start with. That said, I could live with the name but would rather not. Nodaks is terrible unless we are planning on going D3, moving Twamley to East Grand Forks and joining the MIAC.
  16. So they can pronounce the new name as popular as over half the people were in favor of it while ignoring the fact that the new name will actually be endorsed by about 19-20% and to get that high they had to go through 2 or 3 eliminations.
  17. petey23

    FBS games

    spike throw run timeout fg It ain't rocket science. Claeys probably lost a few million for that fiasco.
  18. Hell. he was Walter Palmer before Walter palmer!
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