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Everything posted by petey23

  1. Oops. I think petey23 might have just went third person there. Crap I just did it again.
  2. Where was this advice when petey23 was 18-19 years old.
  3. I will say I enjoyed R. Kweit's classes and was amused by his obsession with Edward Banfield. He would certainly debate anyone who had a different opinion than him or even a fact or statistic versus his feelings. But anyone who says that he wasn't incredibly biased is being disingenuous and he absolutely did teach his opinions as fact.
  4. Why would you bring them up out of the blue? I never mentioned any names. I mean, I never even dropped or baited a line.
  5. Depends on what department you were in. I took a few Political Science Courses while in college. As a general rule of thumb, the Professors who used their own books for course material definitely had an agenda. They were teaching things that were at best, an opinion as fact. It was like I wrote this in my book and am now regurgitating it in my lecture so that makes it true.
  6. That is why we have an Athletic Director. He should be scouting now, making a few what-if inquiries, etc. Might be able to find a coach within 75-80 miles of campus?
  7. It's called running a program. Losing a big senior class is not an excuse.
  8. I see quite a few people mentioning Bennett Brien. I think he is a pretty outstanding artist......but is he on record as saying he would like to be involved in the creation of UND's next logo? I don't know but I could see where he might not want anything to do with it after the way the UND administration has had such a secretive backstabbing two faced role in this whole process going back even beyond the forfeited lawsuit. It's not like the University did anything to protect his previous artwork.
  9. Exactly. I don't want to hear well we lost some valuable seniors from last year or other excuses. That is college basketball and you are running a college basketball program and have for 10 years now so year to year excuses ring pretty hollow. It is your job to build depth in the program, it's not like this is your second season at the helm.
  10. So do I. I think anything less than a top 4 league finish and/or top 4 tournament finish and it is time to move on.
  11. Maybe for the time being he will just continue to yell "Here comes the University of North Dakota"
  12. People have pointed out the arguments as to how much Roughriders is or isn't related(I know it's the state name.....I am not one of those) but there are several Hawks that are found in North Dakota. As far as Lady Riders? Wow, I hadn't even thought that out in my mind or read it anywhere until just now and my first thought would be are we going to add a "Brazzers" stamp to the ladies team posters?
  13. Well I like Hawks alone better than Fighting Hawks but would actually prefer Prairie, Bullet, Green, White, or Kelly to either.
  14. Umm. We will have played them 4 games at least before that game.
  15. and with good reason. It was a complete clusterfu&^ from start to finish. A freshmen marketing class at Devry could have put together and implemented a better process. Absolute fail from the leadership.
  16. Somebody told someone else whose cousin's sister's best friend heard that ALL the students believe that will be the logo and that is why they are voting for Fighting Hawks and it has nothing to do that for whatever reason many of the students feel that Fighting Hawks sucks less than the other 2 options or that maybe they don't want to attend a University with the same name as a local high school.
  17. ummm. That ship sailed months ago.
  18. Didn't help that we played about 5-10 seconds of the 5 on 3 with only 3 guys and then another 5 seconds with 4? WTF was that?
  19. This is absolutely true. You see a post of Facebook from UND or someone reposting it and some of the comments coming from out of the area UND alum are amazing. Many of them say they want to remain the Sioux like that is an option. Others have no idea about what went down and how we got to where we are. Many have no idea there was a lawsuit and conflict with the NCAA....
  20. The interwebs are full of Adidas fail. Just google awful adidas uniforms....my browser auto populated at awful adi Have you seen Bubba's sideline jacket?
  21. That should scare teams into keeping their names. Addidas design team is terrible. It's almost like a threat.
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