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Everything posted by petey23

  1. Gophs are pretty good and they are actually flying under the radar a bit this year. I will reserve judgement until I see how they match up with UMD this weekend.
  2. To quote Aaron Rodgers,,,"Relax" No one thought this team was going to not miss a beat and just keep rolling with the seniors we lost and the 5 early departures.....if you did, you need to put down the kool aid and take off the Kelly colored glasses. This is still a team capable of making the tournament and this season shapes up as very similar to the Yale or Providence title seasons where matchups and style of play can be huge because there isn't a dominate team. A chip and a chair and chance will likely hold true this season. Even if a team emerges, maybe someone else does the heavy lifting for you....see UMD, 2011.(UMD knocks off the #2(Union) and #1(Yale) regional seeds, #1 seed Miami gets taken out by #4 UNH who loses to #3 Notre Dame, #1 BC gets smoked by CC who loses to Michigan and then Michigan sits on a stack of horseshoes and pulls a 1 in 10 win against UND and UMD wins the title. I believe if UND makes it to regional in Fargo anything can happen. Probably won't be able to avoid UMD and DU but Cam is capable of stealing a game. Extra TV timeouts let Berry shorten bench, get everyone health again and in hockey shape and roll Boeser, Gersich, and Jost. Run Gardner with Poganski, and JJ. Tell the other 2 lines they are not to get scored on. Early in the year, even when struggling we were controlling play 5 on 5. Need Ausmus to step up, T Poolman might have to jump in a little more often and Wolanin as well. I ain't giving up on this team.....not that I ever would. If we falter and don't make it.....it's been a hell of a run for UND fans. We are spoiled and that is O.K. Sweep CC, Sweep Omaha, split the remaining games, win the playoff series and that should about wrap it up for a berth.
  3. Any team with Tufte, Peterson, and Kuhlman on the 3rd line is going to be a handful for any team to handle. Very impressed with UMD in person this weekend.
  4. Went to the game this afternoon. If Baldwin had better handles he probably wouldn't be playing at UND. He is a good solid player for us.
  5. Being uninformed has never stopped you before.
  6. Was flipping between UND game and Maryland/Iowa as I am a Maryland fan(fear the turtle!). Maryland had a big lead, pissed it away and actually was behind and then pulled away again at the end.....and I was shocked to see Iowa coach Fran McCaffrey acted like a complete jackass again at the end of the game.....he caught himself this time and jumped back in the handshake line.
  7. Penn State has a split with St. Lawrence as the high point of their season thus far.
  8. and if anyone actually thought you had any credibility it is now gone.
  9. This would be a huge statement game for UND. It would let them know they are capable of beating anyone in the league and hopefully would propel them on a nice runh to finish the season.
  10. Was on the legion team that lost something like a 16 or 18 game winning streak against Mandan(they were pretty good that year and the years to follow) and I remember in the postgame meeting the coach saying "You won't need your gloves for practice tomorrow, just shorts and cleats, shirts optional" Pretty sure everyone puked by the time we were done. got really good at running bases and hitting the corners of the bags exactly as you were supposed to.......1 guy missed and everyone had to start over
  11. Caught the end of the game in the concourse at The Ralph and glanced at the box score. Montana is a good team but this was a winnable game. The volume wasn't on in the concourse so maybe someone here knows and hopefully it isn't long term but how how bad is Avants injury? We need him going forward so I hope it isn't serious.
  12. 2 tickets in section 106. $50/each...Tickets are in Fargo. Call or text Mike at 701-238-7384
  13. 2 tickets in section 106. $50/each...Tickets are in Fargo. Call or text Mike at 701-238-7384
  14. and still, this morning
  15. Well, probably don't want to play fire wagon hockey with them but Denver swept them and they somehow found a way to lose to Michigan, UConn, and Vermont. But, yeah they are going to be a tough out in the NCAA tournament for sure.
  16. Well. i heard WMU has "Row the Boat" trademarked or copyrighted or whatever.....but with his new salary, maybe PJ can "Christen the Yacht"
  17. Could you imagine if Shank's had Avant's basketball IQ? Might have been a 1 and done somewhere.
  18. I don't think being the 7th to 9th best team in the Big 10 is going to get you any shot at the national title....and at best 6th or 7th is what the gopher program ceiling is.
  19. It is always easier to find a job while you have one.
  20. If you mean it helps the teams who don't fully fund their programs, then sure I agree with you....if a team is only funding 10 scholarships and their competition goes from 45 to 36 that would help them a bit. I do agree that the scholarship cut hurt NDSU and it took them awhile to adjust to it. From what I have been told by guys who know quite a bit about college football and how programs are run, the veer offense was an "expensive" offense to run as far as scholarship money and in order to keep the talent and depth to run the veer while cutting scholarships overall something has to give somewhere else.
  21. Maybe it happens more in football
  22. Not criminal. No charges were filed in the end....character guys you want in your program? Nope.
  23. That may be how it should have went down...but from what I have heard, it didn't. Players protest. Claeys supports them. Team leaders and Claeys are shown the 80 page report. Team leaders and Claeys say "oh, screw those guys, we'll play...sorry for the inconvenience." Incompetence by the A.D. and Prez.
  24. As much as I would like to see USA beat Canada for Gold again on their home soil....Go Sweden! Plus, maybe Jost gets and earlier flight to Omaha!
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