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xI Hammer Ix

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Everything posted by xI Hammer Ix

  1. How do you now bringing Blais back would change ANYTHING? You can postulate and say this and that all you want, but you can't say with ANY certainty we'd be at a different position this point in the season. That being said I can't say that we wouldn't be. Teams have off years, we'll get over it, the road is tough but not impossible.
  2. I thought the same thing, but BMT might be a nice way for the guys to vent. I'm not at the rink everyday so I don't know. Example, How many of us have been frustrated trying to... oh let's say... fix the lawn mower. You get to the point where you're ready to burn the thing to the ground. Step away get you're mind off of it and come back later and you are able to get the thing running again. Counter Point: They shoot the show on what? Wednesday or Thursday? Maybe that isn't the best time, the closer you get to the games the more important it is to have good practices. So thinking about the show instead of game plans and SCHOOL (don't these guys have enough on their plates?) would be a distraction. If you keep the show, shoot it early in the week or Sunday. No one can deny they're playing hard every night, what's not to say they're trying "too hard." Getting outside of themselves and their game thus getting frustrated and not performing as they should. Stay within yourself and do your job on the ice and maybe that will help. Counter Point: They're record shows that they're not playing much better since Christmas break.
  3. If you call a game like this "Motivation" well then we have all the motivation in the world. Where is the motivation for right now? We're basically out of home ice as it is. It is going to be a long hard bumpy dirty road here on out. We keep talking about the post season likes it's a given. Brads PWR predictor puts us at 16 or 17 now after this weekend.
  4. That's not a goal you let in, baaaad play.
  5. You could see that goal coming a MILE away. Pretty play, passing was great, tape to tape.
  6. I can't say with 100% certainty but I can't see why you would need to have an official captain on the roster. Good for Lamoureux though, he's had a good game tonight, you can tell it put a jump in his step.
  7. Probably, Genoway is still the leader of that team, I don't think any of the guys would want to wear it given the situation.
  8. Lets get a kill here then a quick goal. Lets get that Sioux Swagger back.
  9. Okay, BYE! Don't let the door hit you on the way out
  10. Man, I wish I knew how this all worked better, looks crazy confusing. Thanks for doing this I look forward to seeing the probablistic outcomes!
  11. These might have already been posted somewhere, 2009-2010 UAF Nanook entrance video. The phrase, so bad it's good applies here perfectly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8THGqrjUDGI There are a bunch out there, worth a check and a laugh.
  12. 2 won't do it.
  13. Toews for Saturday.
  14. If that graph is right, which it is, things need to turn around tonight, no excuses, no more messing around, no more well "if/and/but this and that", must win situation. Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.
  15. I didn't follow the boards as close last year, but I don't remember so much BE bashing. Maybe I'm wrong? Things will turn around and if they don't this year, then they don't. Teams/players have off years. The often used "Sophomore Slump" term applies nicely here with BE. I agree he's let in some soft goals, but what goalie doesn't? Winning solves all problems.
  16. I'm with you. Blowing someone off is one of the, if not THE, most rude things you can do. If you think you're too good to at least call someone back, or answer the phone and say "I'm sorry, I can't comment on that right now." then you need to get over yourself. I understand people being busy but how long does it take to make a phone call and say that, or at least send an email, come on! You could do that walking out of the building on your lunch break.
  17. You are right on the contrast ratio, I could go on how that's a load for hours. Within companies the testing, albeit skewed, is done "consistently" but comparing contrast ratio between a LG and a Samsung will get you no where fast. The Mono Price site I listed has HDMI for less than $10, I got 2 3' cables and it was like $13 total (shipping included). I've even read articles on refresh rates greater than 120hz isn't very appreciable, but it can't hurt. All it is is an interpolation done by the TV since all signals sent to the TV are at max 60hz, but it works quite well. Like I said mine is "only" 120hz and the puck slides just as nice as if you were in the REA.
  18. 82" TV would be monster, where are you putting it? In your garage?
  19. I have a Samsung 46" and love it. Some things I would recommend (your link didn't work for me) - 120 Hz - Resolution see this article: http://hd.engadget.com/2006/12/09/1080p-ch...to-screen-size/ - www.monoprice.com for cables (don't make the "Monster" mistake) - HDMI will vastly improve image quality and sound over an HD signal on a coaxial cable - Do not buy into the whole "contrast ratio" debate, it is a pure marketing ploy (TONS of articles on this on the web) - Make sure you actually go look at the TV in the store (im sure you have already) - Avoid plasma - DO buy an extended warranty I wish I could add a bit more but this is all I can think of off hand. If you have any specific questions leave a reply here or a PM. I'll go a head and try my other computer to see if the link works and edit this post, with any specifics. I don't want to come across as a "know it all" because I don't, but I recently bought one myself and helped my parents buy one so I did quite a bit of research. EDIT: Looks like a steal to me, my Samsung is comparable and cost me a shade over $1300.
  20. Friday: Toews Saturday: Kristo
  21. Where are you going with all this? What does it matter how much he gets paid and how much he gets paid in respect to other coaches in the league?
  22. Hmm, while that is better than nothing, an actual coach would probably work a lot better. Unless these video coachs have been working with BE/Dell for a while i.e. before coming to UND.
  23. I agree with what you said fully. Just adding my two cents in.. If a player cannot motivate himself for a series/game like that, I don't want him on my team. All it should take for those guys to get up for the game is one word, Gophers. Now I'm not saying that was the problem this weekend by any means. Yes a coach is supposed to motivate a team, but he can only do so much it's up to the players to step up and get things rolling. And as for that for sale sign in Hak's front lawn, 0% class, probably some drunk know it all who thinks he/she is the funniest thing since Steve Martin.
  24. All home games are on FCS.
  25. It hasn't been great tonight, but didnt they show a graphic saying it was 2nd in the WCHA?
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