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xI Hammer Ix

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Everything posted by xI Hammer Ix

  1. How so? Being in the NCAA and losing is no treat, but is still better than not being there at all.
  2. No one, they don't look great, but they haven't played each other this year. Second period will be a different story, after the PK.
  3. Ahh this is just a "feel things out" period. No worried yet.
  4. You take that back right now! NO pity on the Gophers, they get what they deserve! just kidding. I'd rather see them be good, makes the rivalry all the more sweeter when we whoop them!
  5. And the award for this month's longest post (by number of lines) goes to.......gjw007!!! Congratulations, you win the "tl;dr" trophy! This being said jokingly of course. I didn't realize there were so many club teams, but I guess that's not shocking.
  6. Sounds good to me. If other teams don't want 3/4 teams in the F4 to be from the WCHA, here's a plan.... Field a better team and beat us! Until then, quit you're b****ing. If that happens of course
  7. It's stories like that, that make you proud to be a Sioux fan. The team is a grade A class act. I don't even know where to begin with Genoway, amazing athlete and person, he deserves all the success in the world. And I'm sure he'll get it.
  8. Depends on the resolution of the stream, if it's anything like "yyy x 720" resolution or greater it will be. I've never used espn360.com so I'm not sure what they stream at.
  9. That's awesome they actually care. At a lot of places (mainly BWW) if theres MMA on it's on ALL the TVs, no ifs ands or buts about it. At least if you've had enough beer, lacrosse kinda looks like hockey
  10. I for one am excited for the deal. I have it on good word from a Yankees scout who talked to him a few years back, that Mauer's childhood dream was to be the starting catcher for the Yankees. But what kid's dream was any different? It's good to see MIN spending money on a player who has earned and deserves every penny. Oh and thanks for taking Gomez off our roster, you know how much I'll miss him though hopefully JJ can produce for us. The twins should be Central Champs this year. I'm planning on going to Target Field for a few games with some friends this summer, you should come along!
  11. I must be the Sioux Survivor version of SCSU, I was one-and-done on all them this year
  12. OUCH!!! Man, does the truth hurt or what?
  13. Pretty easy goal for Trupp. Play hard till the last whistle.
  14. SHORTY!!!!! THATA BOY JG!!!!
  15. Sorry, missed that, have to read more i guess. Thanks though.
  16. Kind of a boring game thus far. Anyone catch who is the 3rd Alternate Captain this weekend?
  17. Squirt some super glue in there and let's get this going!!!!
  18. Sorry guys, I had to brag a bit My new jerseys for for the playoffs!
  19. I'm trying to make it to Fargo this weekend from Bismarck and am debating all the options. I hear there is at least 4" of water on the road at Oriska, with more coming obviously. I would imagine that the roads south of I94 in that area are not much better. Assuming you take Highway 46 that runs right by Kathryn which is supposed to be at a major flood risk again. It's a crap shoot, if I hear anything I'll let you know. This is 2010, aren't we supposed to have flying cars by now?
  20. I was just thinking that if UND became a semi-regular tournament team, possibly more people would attend the games, and the student support would grow, that's all. If the success is there people will follow. There is room for two sports in town, it's not like Grand Forks is exactly the most "happening" town in the country with tons to do on a given night. I attended UND from 2005-2009, and when I was there all other "major" sports (except hockey) didn't get much press, thus not going to very many other games. I think I went to maybe every other football game, 1 guy's basketball, 1 woman's basketball and 1 volleyball game, while attending every single hockey game except for the fall 2009 semester. So I agree that hockey runs Grand Forks and UND, and most likely always will. Not too many schools are powerhouse in more than one sport. However, a tournament appearance or two would help either team quite a bit. Who knows maybe I all wrong. Either way we're getting a head of ourselves, gotta get into the league first which means sorting out the nickname. One step at a time.
  21. I've flip flopped my views on the topic enough. I see both sides of the argument. Right now, I'm at the point where, whatever happens, happens. I admit I'd watch UND if they were in the basketball tournament, most of the game anyway. However, I don't ever see myself driving 3.5 hours to Grand Forks to watch basketball as I do for hockey, but that's me. I obviously support mainly hockey, and the nickname. I would be upset at losing the nickname and I feel it would not be the same for any of the sports. To me the nickname is tied to the university, and not just one sports team. While it is important to me that the name is kept, I realize that there are more important things to worry about. Emotions make us human, what are we without them? Wouldn't it be nice to have the best of both worlds? Who knows, maybe it will be kept, none of us can see the future.
  22. One of the better, pro-Summit arguments I've seen in a while (i don't pay much attention to this thread). UND will never compete at the same level as Duke or North Carolina, but maybe down the road we could be a semi regular showing in the tournament. Maybe, even steal a game in the tournament every once and a while.
  23. I can't blame him, hell if I was him I would have done the same thing. I doubt the Gophers will be righting the ship anytime soon, get out while you can, make some serious cash doing what you love.
  24. Ha, if I had kids I would probably say the same thing. I'm still curious though I bet we'd all get a good laugh out of it.
  25. I don't know, but we should get him "Mic'ed Up" for Thursday's games, or any rival/postseason game for that matter. I'd LOVE to hear what he says!
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