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xI Hammer Ix

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Everything posted by xI Hammer Ix

  1. What's the big deal? I get it isn't classy, but what do you want from it? An apology? If it was true, highly doubt Hextall/Frattin are distraught today over it. It's all hearsay until video is posted.
  2. I'll be so happy when the Sioux beat these guys tonight. Then we won't have to hear about these hair dying - jersey popping - candy ass - little baby whining -pretty boys for nearly 7 months.
  3. Get real dude! You're just trying to stir the pot aren't you?
  4. Man, this game is crazy, the crowd is so loud! I wish I was there instead of stuck in Bismarck Huge PK, big momentum swing.
  5. Why don't you pick up the radio feed from FightingSioux.com ?
  6. The dumbest thing ever is what they played right after "Hey Hey what do you say let's get drunk" woooowww.....
  7. Am I the only one to notice a little bit of JPL showmanship tonight in BE?
  8. I will not dispute anything you just said. What is happening to the other 3 teams after this season? I know the CHA is being disbanded.
  9. Niagara winning doesn't bother me at all. That's the whole point of having the auto-bid for conference champions. There's always a way for any team to make the NCAA. The season is long enough and most bubble teams had enough chances to make their push higher in the rankings.
  10. Not enough $$
  11. Thanks a bunch. That "white out" is weak sauce. Go to target and buy a 3 pack of plain white t'shirts for $12 and split it with your buddies. Not hard.... There should be two colors in the stands tonight, white and a light peppering of maroon....
  12. Moderately random question: Who was the rotating alternating captain last week versus MTU? I was out of town and missed the games.
  13. :: hums Sports Center theme :: nice goal!
  14. Retro jersey on, frosty one in hand, pizza on way, here we go!
  15. Something to do with Pheasants would be cool. Maybe draw up logo with an angry snarling pheasant Similar to the "Fighting Swans" above but a little more stylized. That way we could keep green and black in our logo as the head is a greenish color and you can put black in anything. Maybe I'll whip something up in Photoshop this weekend between games. As we all know Pheasants are a "common" bird in ND, and those spurs are nasty.
  16. $25-$50 for a steak? Who are they kidding? Maybe just once I would go there to try. Otherwise, Speedway steaks work just fine for me and they're a fraction the cost. Hypothetical dinner for two: 2 steaks at $25 a piece = $50 (going cheap side) 2 sides per guest = $32 1 beer per guest = $16 ($8.00 a beer, wild guess but judging by the other prices it's plausible) Total: $98 + 10% gratuity + 6% tax (what is it these days anyway) = roughly $115 With a potential of a $170+ That much for two basic steak dinners? Sorry, pass.
  17. Is that the Whiteout T-Shirt? VERY funny!!!
  18. All the snow mobile jackets in the stands should have been your first clue!
  19. Best tasting dead bird ever huh? That's one situation where it would taste pretty sweet!
  20. Were are all the doubters now? Hopefully trying to scrape the crow out of there mouths! I still love ya'll!
  21. I'd like to see that photoshoped! Hmm maybe a project for tomorrow.
  22. Well it's nice to see such consistency in the WCHA. The admins/refs are doing a great job. Is the sarcasim thick enough yet?
  23. No punches thrown? So a there will be a lot of one game suspensions??
  24. I liked his mustache!
  25. VLC can do it if it's a WMV ASF or MMS link. Just google it, you'll find thousands of hits. There is a free version of FRAPS that puts a watermark on the video. Should this be in Men's Hockey?
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