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Everything posted by runaroundsioux

  1. The grain elevators can't get cars to ship our grain up here as oil has taken priority over grain. We need pipelines. Also,we've been able to light our city water on fire since they dug the wells 100 years ago.No big deal in this part of the state.That video was just another example of anti-fracking,anti-oil, disinformation and hysteria. This may come as a shock to some of you but don't believe everything you see on the internet.
  2. Forgot about the one at NewTown it is CP,they also load a few cars at Donnybrook on CP. The BN mainline runs from Minot to Stanley to Williston. Lots of transloads on that. Big one at Stanley.
  3. Live in western ND. I'd say BNSF ships 90% or more of ND crude as CP rail only goes as far west as Minot. CP enters U.S.at Portal ND. There is a transloading facility near Columbus,ND on a shortline railroad that ties in with the CP at Flaxton.
  4. You take the opinion of an anti pipeline website to back up your opinion?
  5. Of which he is the majority shaeholder. Cite me the last incident of an oil pipeline (not gas) exploding. A railcar holds 600 barrels of oil (25,200 gallons). There are least 10 of them leaking, burning at Casselton. If the Keystone carried 100,000 barrels of Bakken crude a day,that would be 166 fewer rail cars on Mr. Buffets railroad.
  6. Settle down Smokey. Warren Buffet owns BNSF and makes way more money shipping oil than the "evil" Koch brothers ever will building pipelines. Buffet happens to be a big buddy of you know who. Ever think that might have anything to do with no Keystone? Running oil above ground on metal rails at 60 mph in -20 temps is far safer than pipelines,right?
  7. Kings playing Hawks on NBCSN,no Frattin. Hasn't played since the 14th.after coming off injury. Anyone know what's the dealio?
  8. Is it possible to drop below zero on the credibility scale? Like -30?
  9. Sounds like the website of a certain fanbase of a certain team I know of. Hmmmmm....
  10. They've moved on to Phil Robertson.
  11. Nothing to do with a new logo,but was in Bismarck today and saw a Native American gentleman wearing a sweatshirt with a large Fighting Sioux logo on the front and back,had never seen one like that,pretty cool. Saw another NA wearing a Washington Redskins jacket withe a big Redskins logo on the back. Neither seemed too offended to me. Curious that.
  12. Watching replay of Fridays game. Hammer and "Kober" are completely flumoxed by the no goal call on NMU. You can clearly hear Darren Looker say "No goal,defensive player impairing the goalies vision IN THE CREASE." They go on and on how they can't understand why it's not a goal. Also heard "Nick Matson- ND "defendman","Tambelino",
  13. This is what I miss most about Sweeney.His vast knowledge and history of Sioux hockey is irreplaceable.
  14. ....and UND,the AD,the fans,the players,every coach ever,anyone who makes less money than him(which in his mind is everyone),and anything anyone ever brings up. Oh wait, that last one is Smokey.
  15. Dear gfhockey, Don't go away mad,just go away. Signed, Everyone
  16. What's the seating capacity? Sioux and Rodents both make it? Oh my!
  17. You make it sound like he's Al Capone,give it a rest.
  18. Bryn Chyzyk was born Nov.5 1992. That would make him 21 yrs. old. I believe that is the legal drinking age in ND.
  19. Maybe since Chyzyk is Canadian,he payed the cabbie in Loonies and he thought they were quarters.
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