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Everything posted by InHeavenThereIsNoBeer

  1. ^ This, if you're expecting Rocco to turn into Oshie or Frattin and take over a game physically and otherwise you're going to be sorely disappointed. He needs other players to feed off of like Drake.
  2. Wouldn't that mean that Blais recruited Kristo when he was about 12?! This doesn't seem right to me but Kristo came here knowing full well that Hakstol was the coach so I think we can give up the Blais recruited players approach 10 years after he's left the program .
  3. I really think that 2nd goal that hit Saunders in the mitt and popped in to the crease was a tough, tough goal to allow. Then the freak goal off Simpson's skate and just to top it off, the absolutely awful goal that was maybe moving a mile an hour that Clarke missed. That's how we lost that game. I'd say Saunders is credited with 3 bad goals in this game. I wanted to see Hrynkiw in the 3rd period to breath some life back into the team because it was clear our goalie's confidence was shot.
  4. Um...Semifinal game against the Gophers in the Final Five 2 years back, but we were down 3-0 and won 6-3. So apparently "Hakstol's style" will let that happen.
  5. Yup, last night sucked as did Saunders and our power play but let's forget it and move on. Of course this thread didn't show up when we were on our 10 game unbeaten streak that everyone has conveniently forgotten. Time to focus on Miami and controlling what we can instead of going on this pathetic Fire Hakstol routine. Let's finish the season strong and win the NCHC playoffs so there's no doubt we make the dance.
  6. The game was terrible as was Saunders tonight, no doubt. But let's not over think it, this team is 10-2-1 in their last 13. That's impressive. Need to get Zane back to make the tourney in my opinion. Did anyone expect to see Hrynkiw in the 3rd period because I did? Clarke looked defeated after the 3rd and I wanted to see a change.
  7. My predictions > Dave Berger's predictions This won't happen often so I'm basking in the glory while I can
  8. I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything because it would have came out my nose reading this. Nothing gives me chills like the potential of a Minnesota/Rutgers tilt on Tuesday night in New Brunswick HA!
  9. My sentiments exactly. Enjoy the 6 team conference where hockey is, at best, the 3rd most important sport for all schools involved. I hope to see UofMtc soon if and when they ever decide to start playing us again because it is absolutely the best rivalry in all of college hockey and the fact that the Big 10 ended it is a travesty.
  10. Omaha has really come along as a program since Blais was hired and have an $87 Million Arena in the works, if you can't see their potential I have nothing for your. Bemidji State made their own little niche and produced some good talent like Matt Read and made a trip to the Frozen Four. Anchorage...do you remember the 2011 WCHA Playoffs? I believe they ended your season at Mariucci so they were never a guaranteed win with how they played. I don't know how that's considered "watered down". What about playing Denver or CC(granted this year is an exception)? What about the Final Five?
  11. Yeah, people who did not want the old WCHA broken up are really short sighted, because that league sucked right? I'm anti BIG10 because it broke up the best conference in college hockey to essentially create a 6-team circle jerk. However, I'm not jealous that Minnesota and Wisconsin joined a conference of 'like-minded' schools where hockey is the 3rd most important sport at every single one of their respective institutions and it shows in attendance. I know every conference will be just fine moving forward but if you don't miss the old WCHA, it makes it look as though this is your inaugural year following college hockey.
  12. And USCHO predicted a sweep, it's pretty much guaranteed now, right?! I take that back, Berger usually guesses Win/Loss and the score correctly so we'll have to wait to see what's in his crystal ball for this weekend.
  13. Well I might as well post my quick breakdown while we're at it. Need some hits on the new blog.
  14. Yeah, I say we let it play out and whichever system we're higher in at the end of the year is the correct one
  15. Thanks Jim, this stuff really interests me and I hope UND doesn't show up as making the tournament in one site's predictions and out in the other or Selection Sunday could be a nail-biter this year! Which day will you put out UND's PWR predictions for this weekend? Made a nice jump while dormant last week, moving to #15.
  16. Denver would be good, it's tough to keep it local I suppose. There would be so much bad blood in that tournament a cage match might break out. I just like how SCSU has been playing lately was why they came to mind for me.
  17. The "make fun of their fans" was said in jest so no that's not the reason. I think every one of the other teams has a stronger rivalry with SCSU than Michigan and there is a ton of history and bad blood. Also, the regional perspective I mentioned that you conveniently ignored is another reason. SCSU is building a better program every year lately whether you'd like to recognize it or not and the Sioux have a good rivalry with them. Also, Michigan has the GLI.
  18. No, you didn't. I was looking more from a regional perspective like the Beanpot(or at least as close as we can get in the midwest). I like what SCSU brings to the table and it's fun to make fun of their fans. Then I thought about it, and we did have this tournament before. It was called the Final Five and it was great.
  19. Imagine if UND, UMN, SCSU, and Wisconsin had a similar yearly tournament. Attendance numbers would put the Beanpot to shame. But it will never happen because it would be awesome...and we can't have that.
  20. That team was playing with house money anyways, short-handed due to injuries it was amazing they made the run they did and won the Broadmoor Cup. Only so much you can do when your team is decimated like that. My only point was that a win against BC is far more overdue than one against the Rodents.
  21. I don't think the Gophers are playing like a team to fear either, but we owe BC a good butt-kicking for the last few times we've played them in the tourney. We've kicked the rodents up and down the ice enough in the last 5-6 years
  22. My pick is BC, we owe our friends from Massachusetts a season ending loss after them ending all of ours in the last 8-10 years.
  23. Starting with a team that hung 8 goals on SCSU, not going to be easy but we can do it!
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